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Show due to a combination of several of tonso facto re» Liability of the Ufitcd States:- If the domagoa VJOTG sustained by the looscon aa alleged, cr in other r-ords, If it ir shsaa^ either that the V-atar supply rfas inadequate during rormal cr aver ego _yaers for the proper irrigation of tho land under eultivati en,, er that tho ___s.ua gem cut of the project a'a^ negligent,,. Indifferent or eurolena or inefficient. then the United 3-ja.tes may be morally and perhaps legally re sponsible for crop failure* On tho other band,, if it ia aborsrthat the water supplyVP.: duriag nerm-H yoaror tes suf flei eat for the number of acre a under cultivation, and that the ma_a.ugc___._int of the Project v;ea roa^nably officiant, then the United Statoc la neither morally nor legally roiaponsibla, otaaopt in so far as it may bo liable for the ocoaaicaaal, dereliction of one of its employee a <.. Pho adequacy c,^» inadequacy- of the water supply en the Uintah-Pro 3 cab is cm ally determined by comparing- the records, ef tho normal or ayorago -lor of tho streams forming the scare$ of supply,. u*ith the area of the lend ^hieh tho Govern-r. ont contemplated irrigating. and "v: it a tho area actual'iy under cultivation* f he determination of ths competency of rrinagc^ons ia socowhat "Jiacb difficult, as. It po-quirou- a eonjAderatiozi of Pro conditieaa under "ahich the Project uas initiated and, operated in their relation to th'o facto rr which usually jovem the •.,"::• Ox |