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Show ( 20 ( an > l‘ ‘4‘ charged with giving Orders and Infiruétions " THE {editions Sport of C-1 5 0W3 its " Birth to the Faflions of this Houfe. Gentle" men are carelefs of the Confequences of what " .4172 "they fay, provided it anfwers the immediate " Remittances to this Country. "Purpofe of Oppofition. We were told we " trod on tender Ground, we were bade to ex- " pefi Difobedience: What was this but tell" ing the Am 725 to {land up againfl: the "Law? To encourage them with Expe&a« "tions of Support from hence: Let us only " hold out a little, they would fay, our Friends " will foon be in Power, ~ " UNGRATEFU L People of flmcrim .' Bounv "ties have been extended to them, when I "had the Honour to ferve the Cr-n, while " you yourfelves were loaded with enormous " Debts: You have given Bounties on their " Lumber, their Iron, their Hemp ; many 'Ar- " to prevent their Spam/b Trade, and thereby " [topping the Channels, by which aloneN a ufed to be fupplied with Cafh for Idefy any "‘ Gentleman to produce fueh Orders or Infiruc- " tions : I difcouraged no Trade but what was -" illicit, what was prohibited by A61 of Parlia- " ment, Idefired a Wg/i-Indz'a Merchant, -Mr. 9‘ L-ég, a Gentleman of Character, and well " known in this City, may be examined, he " will tell you, I offer every thing in my " Power to advance the Trade of America. I fi‘ was above anfwering anonymous Calumnies, " but now it becomes me to wipe offAfper," fions." , 'HereMr. Gr-mj-lle ceafed, feveral Members rofe up to {peak ; Mr. P- feeming to rife, the Houfe was fo clamorous for him that the " ticles you have relaxed in their Favour; the " Aét of Navigation, that Przlladzilm of Briti/b " Commerce: And yet I have been abufed in " all the Publick Prints, as an Enemy to the " Trade of America. I have been particularly _" charged Speaker called it to Order. MR. P--- then began by prefacing, that he did not mean to have gone farther on the Sub- ‘ C jet't |