A Sego Lily with a seagull, beehive, mountains and a star with American flag inside

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Title A Sego Lily with a seagull, beehive, mountains and a star with American flag inside
Design Feature Sego Lily; California Seagull; Beehive; Mountains; Star; Red, white and blue; Stripes; American Flag; 1896
Publisher Utah Department of Cultural & Community Engagement
Date 2002-01-24
Spatial Coverage Utah, United States https://www.geonames.org/5549030/utah.html
Subject Flags; Utah; Vexillography
Description I chose this because the sego lily is our state flower Also the things in the corners represent ou state
Collection Number and Name Salt Lake Tribune Flag Contest
Type Image
Genre flags
Format image/jpeg
Rights Management Creator of flag design submitted and authorized Salt Lake Tribune along with Utah Department of Cultural to use their design and/or information related to their design in publications, advertising, including social media platforms. Consent was freely given as a public service without expectation of payment.
Scanning Technician Utah Correctional Industries
ARK ark:/87278/s696smbk
Setname dha_mtaf
ID 2289802
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s696smbk