Air-induced fluorescence bursts from single semiconductor nanocrystals

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Science
Department Physics
Creator Lupton, John Mark
Other Author Müller, J.; Rogach, A. L.; Feldmann, J.; Talapin, D. V.; Weller, H.
Title Air-induced fluorescence bursts from single semiconductor nanocrystals
Date 2004
Description We observe a dramatic enhancement of the fluorescence intensity from single core/shell CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals upon sudden exposure to air from an evacuated surrounding. Both the number of particles contributing to emission increases as well as the average emission intensity from a single particle, leading to an overall fluorescence rise by a factor of 60. A common power-law distribution of both on- and off times of single nanocrystals is observed independent of shell thickness and environment. We propose that electron transfer to oxygen, which is facilitated by the presence of water, leads to a neutralization of charged, nonemissive nanocrystals.
Type Text
Publisher American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Journal Title Applied Physics Letters
Volume 85
Issue 3
First Page 381
DOI 10.1063/1.1769585
citatation_issn 36951
Subject CdSe; ZnS; Air-induced; Fluorescence bursts
Subject LCSH Semiconductor nanocrystals -- Optical properties; Quantum dots
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Müller, J., Lupton, J. M., Rogach, A. L., Feldmann, J., Talapin, D. V., & Weller, H. (2004). Air-induced fluorescence bursts from single semiconductor nanocrystals. Applied Physics Letters, 5, 1435.
Rights Management (c)American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Müller, J., Lupton, J. M., Rogach, A. L., Feldmann, J., Talapin, D. V., & Weller, H., Applied Physics Letters, 5, 2004 and may be found at
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Identifier ir-main,11873
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ID 705887
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