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Show ~2 The C O N F E D E R A C Y. ftand upon the Defenfive, as perhaps 1 may, I have done fhe Rafcal Service enough to lull m y Confcience upon't I'm fure : But 'tis time enough for that. Let mt ree Firft H i go to Flippanta, and put a flop to this Family way of Matchmaking, then fell our Neck-lace for what ready Money'twill P ^ J L . ^ lhlJ time to-morrow I hope w t fhall be in poffefTion o f ^ t'other Jewel here; a precious; Jewel, as fhe s fet u, Gold • I believe for the Stone it feU w e may part With't again 'to a Friend - for a Teller. [Exiu ACT V. SCENE, GripeV Houfe. Enter Brafs and Flippanta. Brafs. \ X 7 E L L you agree I'm in the right, don't V V you? t . L flip. I don't know, if your Mafter has the Eftate he talks of, w h y not do't all above-board ? Well, tho a m not much of his mind, I'm much in his Intereft, and will therefore endeavour to ferve him in his o w n way. Brafs. That's kindly faid, m y Child, and I believe I fhall reward thee one of thefe Days, with as pretty a Fellow to thy Husband for't, as. flip. Hold your prating, Jackadandy, and leave mt to m y Bufinefs. m . _ . Brafs. I obey adieu. [Kifs her.] [***** flip. Rafcal! Enter Corinna. Cor. Ah, flippanta, I'm ready to fink down, flf Legs tremble under m e , m y dear flippy. flip. And what's the Affair ? , Cor. M y Father's there within, with m y Mothe Araminta; I never faw him in fo good a Humour* my Life. ^ C O N F E D E R A C Y , 75 Flip. And is that it that frightens you fo? Cor. Ah, flippanta, they are juft going to fpeak to him, about m y marrying the Colonel. r ™ flip. Are they fo ? fo much the worfe ; they're too Cor. O no, not a bit, I flipt out on purpofe, yoti mulMcnow, to give 'em an opportunity : wou'd 'tweies done already. ^ flip. I tell you no ; get you in again immediately' and prevent it. " Cor. M y Dear, Dear, I a m not able; I never was iri fuch a way before. flip. Never in a way to be marry'd before, ha ? is nOC that it ? Cor. Ah, Lord, if I'm thus before I come to't, Flip* Pant a, what fhall I be upon the very fpot ? D o but feel with what a thdmpaty thump it goes. [Putting her Hand to her Heart, fhp. Nay, it does make a filthy buftie, that's the truth on't, Child. But I believe 1 fhall make it leap another way, when I tell you, I'm cruelly afraid youx Father won't confent, after all. Cor. W h y , he won't be the Death o'me, will he ? " flip. I don't know, old Folks are cruel ^ but We'll have a Trick for him, Brafs and I have been confultin* upon the Matter, and agreed upon a furer way of doing it in fpite of his Teeth. Cor. Ay, marry, Sir, that were fomething. flip. But then he muft not k n o w a word of an* thing towards it. ' Cor. N o , no. flip. So, get you in immediately. Cor. One, two, three and away. [Running of* Flip. And prevent your Mother's fpeaking on't. Cor. But 'tis t'other way fure, Flippanta / Flip. Fear nothing, 'twill only depend upon youv Cor. Nay t h e f t - O ho, ho, ho, h o w pure that & Vol. H. [Exit Corinna. 3D m*. |