Institutions and development: what a difference geography and time make

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Social & Behavioral Science
Department Economics
Creator Jameson, Kenneth P.
Title Institutions and development: what a difference geography and time make
Date 2011
Description Ha-Joon Chang, in his article ?Institutions and Economic Development: Theory, Policy, and History?, provides a description and critique of the mainstream view of institutions and development. It applies well to Latin America in the 1980s and 1990s. However, the effort to introduce these Anglo-American institutional structures (Global Standard Institutions; GSIs) in the 1980s and 1990s resulted in uneven and unstable economic performance, not development. As a result, the relationship among institutions, development and economic policy in Latin America today has generally moved far beyond this ?mainstream?. The institutions to insure macro stability have generally been preserved, and some countries do follow GSI prescriptions. However in most countries, especially in South America, the effort to find the right mix of institutions for development has moved far beyond this mainstream. The result has been innovative initiatives to address more fundamental development issues such as inequality, property rights and international economic institutions. This process is likely to continue, facilitated by the currently robust democratic political systems that grew out of the earlier turmoil.
Type Text
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Volume 7
Issue 4
First Page 535
Last Page 541
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Jameson, K. P. (2011). Institutions and development: what a difference geography and time make!. Journal of Institutional Economics, 7(4), 535-41.
Rights Management © Cambridge University Press; Reprinted from Jameson, K. P. (2011). Institutions and development: what a difference geography and time make. Journal of Institutional Economics, 7(4), 535-41. Permission granted by Cambridge University Press for non-commercial, personal use only.
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 59,566 bytes
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