Impulse: building a smarter memory controller

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Engineering
Department Computing, School of
Creator Brunvand, Erik L.; Carter, John
Other Author Hsieh, Wilson; Stoller, Leigh; Swanson, Mark; Zhang, Lixin; Davis, Al; Kuo, Chen-Chi; Kuramkote, Ravindra; Parker, Michael; Schaelicke, Lambert; Tateyama, Terry
Title Impulse: building a smarter memory controller
Date 1999
Description Impulse is a new memory system architecture that adds two important features to a traditional memory controller. First, Impulse supports application-specific optimizations through configurable physical address remapping. By remapping physical addresses, applications control how their data is accessed and cached, improving their cache and bus utilization. Second, Impulse supports prefetching at the memory controller, which can hide much of the latency of DRAM accesses. In this paper we describe the design of the Impulse architecture, and show how an Impulse memory system can be used to improve the performance of memory-bound programs. For the NAS conjugate gradient benchmark, Impulse improves performance by 67%. Because it requires no modification to processor, cache, or bus designs, Impulse can be adopted in conventional systems. In addition to scientific applications, we expect that Impulse will benefit regularly strided, memory-bound applications of commercial importance, such as database and multimedia programs.
Type Text
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Carter, J., Hsieh, W., Stoller, L., Swanson, M., Zhang, L., Brunvand, E. L., Davis, A., Kuo, C.-C., Kuramkote, R., Parker, M., Schaelicke, L., & Tateyama, T. (1999). Impulse: building a smarter memory controller. The Proceedings of the Fifth Internationl Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture. Jan.
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Format Extent 122,343 bytes
Identifier ir-main,15741
ARK ark:/87278/s66t14wb
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ID 703352
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