Fall speed measurement and high-resolution multi-angle photography of hydrometeors in free fall

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Publication Type pre-print
School or College College of Mines and Earth Sciences
Department Atmospheric Sciences
Creator Garrett, Timothy J.
Other Author Fallgatter, C.; Shkurko, K.; Howlett, D.
Title Fall speed measurement and high-resolution multi-angle photography of hydrometeors in free fall
Date 2012-01-01
Description We describe here a new instrument for imaging hydrometeors in free fall. The Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera (MASC) captures high-resolution photographs of hydrometeors from three angles while simultaneously measuring their fall speed. Based on the stereoscopic photographs captured over the two months of continuous measurements obtained at a high altitude location within the Wasatch Front in Utah, we derive statistics for fall speed, hydrometeor size, shape, orientation and aspect ratio. From a selection of the photographed hydrometeors, an illustration is provided for how the instrument might be used for making improved microwave scattering calculations. Complex, aggregated snowflake shapes appear to be more strongly forward scattering, at the expense of reduced back-scatter, than heavily rimed graupel particles of similar size.
Type Text
Publisher European Geosciences Union
Volume 5
Issue 11
First Page 2625
Last Page 2633
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Garrett, T. J., Fallgatter, C., Shkurko, K., & Howlett, D. (2012). Fall speed measurement and high-resolution multi-angle photography of hydrometeors in free fall. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5(11), 2625-33.
Rights Management (c)European Geosciences Union
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 10,171,954 bytes
Identifier uspace,18314
ARK ark:/87278/s65m6qkv
Setname ir_uspace
ID 709249
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s65m6qkv