An analog light scattering experiment of hexagonal icelike particles. part II: experimental and theoretical results

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Science
Department Physics
Creator Sokolsky, Pierre
Other Author Barkey, Brian; Liou, K. N.; Takano, Yoshihide, Gellerman, Werner
Title An analog light scattering experiment of hexagonal icelike particles. part II: experimental and theoretical results
Date 1999
Description The scattering properties of hexagonal icelike crystals as measured in the analog manner by the experimental apparatus described in Part I are presented. The crystals are made out of sodium fluoride (NaF), which has an index of refraction similar to that of water ice. The experimentally determined light intensities scattered from fixed and integrated random orientations of a NaF hexagonal crystal, oriented to produce a two-dimensional scattering profile, compares favorably to the expectations derived from geometric ray tracing methods. Also, the three-dimensional scattering properties of a simulated NaF Parry column, a NaF crystal aggregate, and a NaF plate with a rough surface are compared to results computed from the geometric ray tracing approach. From these comparisons the Author's conclude that within the experimental measurement uncertainties and to the degree in which the NaF crystal models approach the geometric and optical ideal, the geometric ray tracing approach is an excellent method to determine the single-scattering properties of hexagonal ice crystals of various shapes in the geometric optics domain.
Type Text
Publisher American Meteorological Society
Volume 56
Issue 4
First Page 613
Last Page 625
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Barkey, B., Liou, K.N., Takano, Y., Gellerman, W., & Sokolsky, P. (1999). An analog light scattering experiment of hexagonal icelike particles. part II: experimental and theoretical results. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 56(4), 613-25.
Rights Management ©American Meteorological Society
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 246,933 bytes
Identifier ir-main,10531
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ID 702246
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