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Show AFRC90 Paper 31 NO Emissions Control for Utility Coal, Oil and Gas Fired Boilers x / 5f~fZ J . L. Marion, R.C. LaFlesh and D. P. Towle ABB-Combustion Engineering Systems of Combustion Engineering Inc . (ABB C-E ) Kreisinger Development Laboratory Windsor, Connecticut, USA A. Benanti , R. Tarli, and G. DeMichele Ente Nazionale Energia Elettrica (ENEL) (Italian Power Authority ) Rome , Italy G. Galli, A. Piantanida and G. Mainini F.T.C. Legnano s.r.l. Milano, Italy ABSTRACT ENEL has initiated a comprehensive program to comply with air quality standards for thermal power stations in Italy. This program addresses both NO and S02 control in existing as well as new tangential and wall-fi~ed boilers. Combustion modification technologies are being focused on in this program as a means of providing substantial NO emissions reductions . This paper describes work performed at ABBxC-E's Kreisinger Development Laboratory (KDL) at a 15 MWt scale to develop low NO firing systems to be used in Italy in coal, oil, and gas tangentially fi~ed boilers. Also briefly described is the progress to date on a 160 MW multi-fuel fired boiler demonstration of the low NO firing system x developed . INTRODUCTION ENEL's plans in the area of environmental protection have developed in the last several years in response to National and European health and environmental preservation interests. In this regard, ENEL has to comply with three international protocols on emissions reductions signed by the Italian government: the Helsinki protocol of 1985 , the ECE-ONU protocol and declaration signed in Sophia October 1988, and the European Community Directive for large combustion plants. These protocols mandate S02 and NO emissions reductions from existing plants and set stringent limlts for ne~ units. To meet the requirements concerning NO emissions , ENEL's priority is to reduce emissions thr~Y1h the applic~tion of state-of-the-art combustion systems ,and then, if necessary, apply other abatement systems as secondary control measures. This paper discusses joint ABB C-E, ENEL, and F.T.C. efforts to develop and apply advanced low NO tangential firing systems for coal, oil and gas fuels. ABB C-E has deve13ped a new low NO coal firing system called the Concentric Clustered Tangential Firing Sys£em (CCTFS), patent pending. This system was initially tested at pilot scale (15 MWt, 50 MBtu/hr ) at KDL and recently installed at ENEL's 160 MW Fusina unit #2 near Venice, Italy. 1 |