Regenerative Biologic Therapy to Improve Erectile Disfunction

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Title Regenerative Biologic Therapy to Improve Erectile Disfunction
Creator Angela M. Miller
Subject IIEF-5 Score; platelet-rich plasma; amnion tissue; DNP
Description Regenerative biologic treatments for erectile dysfunction in older men have recently been investigated. The regenerative biologic product central to the current study includes amnion tissue and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has shown significant results in treating wound care, particularly repairing/restoring nerve or tissue damage. The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of amnion tissue and PRP as a single treatment in improving erectile function in men. This one-group pretest-posttest, a type of quasi-experimental design, comprised 20 men aged 40-70 years. The research subjects were identified and recruited through social media channels like Instagram and Facebook, or were current clients or new referrals at the newly-opened Amplified Health and Aesthetics clinic in Utah. For the (N=20) men enrolled, (n=19) were included in the statistical analysis; the mean age was 54.89±9.055 years. Using a paired/dependent t-test showed a statistically significant improvement in the IIEF-5 scores from the pre-IIEF scores (M=38.84; SD=12.781) and post-IIEF scores (M=47.26; SD=12.201); [t (18) = -5.632, p =0.000<0.05]. The null hypothesis that the regenerative biologic treatment (PRP + amnion tissue) cannot improve participants' IIEF score was rejected. The findings were compatible with the existing andrology literature on the regenerative effect of PRP and amnion tissue in nerve repair.
Publisher Westminster University
Date 2023-08
Type Text; Image
Language eng
Rights Digital copyright 2023, Westminster University. All rights reserved.
ARK ark:/87278/s632fr20
Setname wc_ir
ID 2402154
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