Influence of quantum size effects on Pb island growth and diffusion barrier oscillations

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Engineering
Department Materials Science & Engineering
Creator Liu, Feng
Other Author Li, Shao-Chun; Ma, Xucun; Jia, Jin-Feng; Zhang, Yan-Feng; Niu, Qian; Chen, Dongmin; Weiss, Paul S.; Xue, Qi-Kun
Title Influence of quantum size effects on Pb island growth and diffusion barrier oscillations
Date 2006-08
Description Quantum size effects are successfully exploited in manipulating the growth of (111) oriented Pb islands on Si(111) substrate with a scanning tunneling microscope. The growth dynamics and morphology displayed can be well controlled through the quantum size effects defined by the island thicknesses and the interplay with the classical forces. The transition of growth modes from quantum to classical regime and the quantum beating in morphological dynamics are directly identified in real space and quantitatively analyzed. Atomic diffusion barriers, an important parameter in the thin film growth process, are also demonstrated to be modified by quantum size effects, and oscillate with a two-monolayer periodicity.
Type Text
Publisher American Physical Society
Journal Title Physical Review B
Volume 74
Issue 7
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.075410
citatation_issn 1098-0121
Subject Quantum size effects; QSE; Pb island; Diffusion barrier oscillations
Subject LCSH Scanning tunneling microscopy; Epitaxy; Molecular beam epitaxy
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Li, S., Ma, X., Jia, J. F., Zhang, Y. F., Niu, Q., Liu, F., Chen, D., Weiss, P. S., & Xue, Q. K. (2006). Influence of quantum size effects on Pb island growth and diffusion barrier oscillations. Physical Review B, 74(7), 075410.
Rights Management (c) American Physical Society
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 867,826 bytes
Identifier ir-main,12141
ARK ark:/87278/s62v306k
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ID 702239
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