Kinetic study of stabilizing effect of oxygen on thermal degradation of poly(methyl methacrylate)
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Publication Type abstract
School or College College of Science
Department Chemistry
Creator Wight, Charles Albert
Other Author Peterson, Jeffery D.; Vyazovkin, Sergey
Title Kinetic study of stabilizing effect of oxygen on thermal degradation of poly(methyl methacrylate)
Date 1999
Description The thermal degradation of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) has been studied in both pure nitrogen and oxygen-containing atmospheres. The presence of oxygen increases the initial decomposition temperature by 70 °C. The stabilizing effect of oxygen may be explained by forming thermally stable radical species that suppress unzipping of the polymer. This assumption is supported by the experimental fact that introduction of NO into gaseous atmosphere increases the initial decomposition temperature by more than 100 °C. The model-free isoconversional method has been used to determine the dependence of the effective activation energy on the extent of degradation. The initial stages of the process show a dramatic difference in the activation energies that were found to be 60 and 220 kJ mol-1 for respective degradations in nitrogen and air.
Type Text
Publisher American Chemical Society
Volume 103
Issue 38
First Page 8087
Last Page 8092
Subject Poly(methyl methacrylate); PMMA; Thermal degradation; Isoconversional method
Subject LCSH Chemical kinetics; Decomposition (Chemistry); Oxygen; Nitrogen; Thermogravimetry
Dissertation Institution University of Utah
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Petersen, J. D., Vyazovkin, S., & Wight, C. A. (1999). Kinetic study of stabilizing effect of oxygen on thermal degradation of poly(methyl methacrylate). Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 103(38), 8087-92.
Rights Management (c)American Chemical Society
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Format Extent 67,335 bytes
Identifier ir-main,7094
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