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Show 27th CosGu:ss, 2.d Session. ,', "'""' " ' '~ ." .,. ])oc. No. 49. He. o.r lh.:u. E:uwtive . AMEHICAN CITIZENS CAPTURED NEAR SANTA FE. PRESW:ENT 01!' THE UNITEO STATES, The inforuw/ion required by the resolutiou of the House of Represenla* l ives of the 14th instant, in re/alioll to Amr-rican citizens captured near Sat1la Fe, "i·c. - JANUARY 20, 1842. Heferred to the C~mmittee on Foreign Affaus. To the !-louse of Representatives of the United Stales : I transmit to tiLe House of Representatives, in answer to the1r resolution of the 14th instant, a report from the Secretary of State, and the papers hy wbich it was accompanied. \V .A SHINGTo:•, January 1 ~, 1842. JOliN TYLER. DJ.:PAR'I'M.:NT 0}' STATE, IVasllington, January 11, 1842. The Secretary of State, to whom was referred the resolution of the House of Representatives of the l41h instant, requesting the President to communicate to that House all the information in his possession, which \ may not be incompatible with the public interest, touching the American citizens captured near Santa Fe, in i\Iexico, and what steps, if any, have been taken relative thereto by this Government; and also any information he may have, and not incompatible with the public interest, concerning Ame rican citizens now British prisoners in Van Dieman's land, has the honor to lay before the President the papers specified in the accompanying list, and to state that the despatch from Mr. Ellis, numbered 49, which probably contains information upon the subject of the first part of the res· olution referred, has not yet reached this Department. ' No further information iu regard to the subject of the second part of the re.\<oolution has been received since the report from this Department of the I |