Phonon spectroscopy in π-conjugated polymers; the role of the excited electronic states

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Science
Department Physics
Creator Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.
Title Phonon spectroscopy in π-conjugated polymers; the role of the excited electronic states
Date 1997
Description The Raman active vibrational modes in 7r-conjugated polymers are known to have different frequencies in different types of experiments. The best known examples are the resonant Raman scattering (RRS) and doping or photoinduced absorption infrared active vibrations (IRAV) measurements, in which the same modes appear at different energies. Other examples are the phonon side bands, accompanying the polarons, bipolarons, and solitons absorption bands, in which the same modes give rise to different side band energies. In this work we discuss RRS and IRAV measurements and correlate their experimentally observed frequencies with the relevant electronic state that is active in this type of experiment. We show that the IRAV frequencies are lower than those of RRS since the relevant energy levels of charged solitons and/or polarons are closer to the ground state than the optically allowed 1BU state of the neutral polymer. Thus a new insight into the meaning of the "pinning" potential, which is associated with the lowest frequency IRAV mode is obtained.
Type Text
Publisher International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
Volume 3145
First Page 324
Last Page 332
DOI 10.1117/12.295532
citatation_issn 0277786X
Subject pi-conjugated polymers; Phonon spectroscopy; Resonant Raman scattering; ir-active phonons
Subject LCSH Phonons; Raman effect; Conjugated polymers -- Optical properties
Language eng
Conference Title Optical Probes of Conjugated Polymers; Monday 28 July 1997; San Diego, CA, USA
Bibliographic Citation Ehrenfreund, E. A., & Vardeny, Z. V. (1997). Phonon spectroscopy in π-conjugated polymers; the role of the excited electronic states. SPIE 3145, 324-32.
Rights Management (c)Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic electronic or print reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.
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