Light quark spectrum with improved gauge and fermion actions

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Publication Type Manuscript
School or College College of Science
Department Physics
Creator DeTar, Carleton
Other Author Bernard, C.; DeGrand, T.; Gottlieb, Steven; Heller, Urs M.; Hetrick, J.; McNeile, C.; Rummukainen, K., Sugar, R.; Toussaint, D.; Wingate, M.
Title Light quark spectrum with improved gauge and fermion actions
Date 1998-04
Description We report on a study of the light quark spectrum using an improved gauge action and both Kogut-Susskind and Naik quark actions. We have studied six different lattice spacings, corresponding to plaquette couplings ranging from 6.8 to 7.9, with five to six quark masses per coupling. We compare the two quark actions in terms of the spectrum and restoration of flavor symmetry. We also compare these results with those from the conventional action.
Type Text
Publisher Elsevier
Journal Title Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
Volume 63
Issue 03-Jan
First Page 182
Last Page 184
DOI 10.1016/S0920-5632(97)00715-9
citatation_issn 9205632
Subject Quark spectrum; Kogut-Susskind quarks; Naik quarks
Subject LCSH Quarks; Particles (Nuclear physics); Quantum chromodynamics; Lattice gauge theories
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Bernard, C., DeGrand, T., DeTar, C., Gottlieb, S., Heller, U. M., Hetrick, J., McNeile, C., Rummukainen, K., Sugar, R., Toussaint, D., & Wingate, M. (1998). Light quark spectrum with improved gauge and fermion actions. Nuclear Physics B, 63(1-3), 1-4.
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