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Show 360 The SPARTAN D A M E. Fearlefs, and free, we'll interchange our Souls, Both of the paft, and what w e may expect From what's to come. Zen What is there to expecl ? Lyf Or what can come ? Crit. •« T h e Reign of Tyranny already is begun. Enry. M Oppreffion, Bonds, and Blood will follow foo Let not the Carriage of Cleombrotus Lull us in a f upine Security, Sooth our Credulity to the fond Thought, That he can pardon us. W e are not fafe, Till he be fatisfied his Pow'r is fo: And that can't be, but by the Fall of thofe W h o have appeal'd his Enemief. Crit. And h ow W e ftand in his Opinion is well known. Zen. " 'Tis certain, Pow'r ufurp'd muft be maintain' *• By the fame Fotce that rais'd it. Lyf. " H o w thst Force «• M a y be employ'd, on w h o m ? Crit. " O n you, and m e , " And all of us, if not in time prevented. Eur). W c are not Boys, nor is Cleombrotus, Whofe quick Sufpicion, as it will awake His Fears of us:fo let our Reafon too Provide againft the Danger of thofe Fears, Which always end in Blood. For m y o w n Part, I vakie Life, but juft as Life deferves: " But as the Servani of Leonidas, " And follower of his fall'n Fortunes. Zen. " All, w e all are {o. Lyf. " In Life, and Death his Servants. Eury. " Then cherifh Life to a more hsppy Hcur, " That m a y require us nobly. Times may mend, " The giddy Temper of the People's love u M a y change again Lyf. " And w e again m a y hope; Eury. " For TJfurpation never governs long. Crites. " I'm thinking what this Reformation «« (The canting N a m e of all Rebellions) comes to: « Take it in pieces, and examine what * - . . _ _ * _ - - - - - i The SPARTAN DAME. 36l gtoniini to Publick Good, whenDifcontent Pride, Avarice, Ambition, Intereft Revenge, and Faaion, have allfeiVd their Ends Zf• 1 1 " AR e f*r m e r s «*• *nd will be ftiW The Fathers of their Country. ' lyf « The People think 'em fuch. Crit." O, the wife People! The Pillars, and Supports of Common-wealths' m. "What are they, but a Politick-herdcd Fool? Their Counfels as tumultuous as their Crowd 11 Crit.1' Ever in Bufinefs, always in the Wrono-m "Merit they have heard of, but they k n o w not h o w To find, or value it, but as retaiTd "otaow, By the next Stander-by- Oiit, " They ad, and think, The fclf-fame way, juft nothing of themfelves. ty. " Judging upon Appearances, and know' Things only in their Names j no matter what Their Natures are, what mean, or what intend. Crit. " Becaufe a Reformation, in plain Senfe, ' Promifes fair, 'ho' wicked Men pervert The honeft-meaning Word, and change the Courfe y Current of Affairs, from good to bad, From Lawful Monarchy to Tyranny, Or headlong Anarchy} the People ftill, Adoring a things fainted by thst Name, Are pleas'd, and call it Reformation ftill. % " At leaft it has the Charm of Novelty. . " And that ftill makes a Holyday for Fool? •'. A fudden Thought, but hudkd, and confus'd, gud yet, mfpirw m e with high Hopes, chour united Counfels m a y digeft, "urity of Growth and Strength, the Reftoration of the King. Let m e but live to fee that happy DavJ Fate take all behind. J 7 An Age of Years 'd cheaply purchafe it. > This Place, m y Fiiends « d , and fo publick, does not fuit Hi, II; n> Our ou |