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1 R3C4 Calcific Retinal EmboliCalcific retinal emboli. This fundus shows two calcific emboli in the retinal arteriole tree. The embolus at the end of the disc has caused a retinal infarction and the embolus above the optic disc has also caused a retinal infarction. Note that these white emboli stick in the retinal vessel in mids...Image
2 R3C5 Calcific Retinal EmboliCalcific retinal emboli. There is a round gray embolus occluding the superior temporal branch of the retinal artery. Note that the blood column is absent in the superior temporal retinal artery for a short distance off of the disc margin. Note that two collateral branches now fill the distal tempora...Image
3 R3C8 Calcific Retinal EmboliHistologic preparation of the optic nerve and papilla showing two red staining calcific emboli in the lumen of the central retinal artery. Calcific retinal emboli. Ocular pathology slide showing calcium embolus in the central retinal artery. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Calcific aortic stenosis. Dise...Image
4 R3C9 Nettleship Collaterals: a Result of Calcific Embolization of the Central Retinal ArteryResult of calcific embolization of the central retinal artery. The embolus itself can not be seen within the tissue of the optic disc. Numerous chorio-retino collaterals are filling the branches of a central retinal artery. Such an eye is always blind. These collaterals indicate that the patient pro...Image
5 R3C6 Calcific Retinal EmboliCalcific retinal emboli. There is a large calcium embolus totally occluding the superior branches of the central retinal artery. Note: calcium emboli of this type usually derive from the aortic valve. Close view of R3_C7. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Calcific aortic stenosis. Disease/ Diagnosis: Calc...Image
6 R3C7 Calcific Retinal EmboliCalcific retinal emboli. This woman had aortic stenosis and a heart murmur. There is a large calcium embolus totally occluding the superior branches of the central retinal artery. Note: calcium emboli of this type usually derive from the aortic valve disease. Note superior retinal infarction. Far v...Image
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