201 - 225 of 7,233
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201 Mattis, Daniel C.Theory of paramagnetic impurities in semiconductorsIn this paper, a model of a paramagnetic impurity in a semiconductor (or of an F' center in an alkali halide) is proposed. It is an exactly soluble form of the quantum-mechanical 3-body problem. Specifically, we deal with 2 interacting particles in any number of dimensions in an attractive external ...Paramagnetic impurities; Eigenstates1966
202 Warner, Homer R.Time-Sharing in Biomedical ResearchBiomedical Informatics1966
203 Miller, Joel StevenUsing fissionAtoms are just like people, both are lazy. Energy is a measure of work, i.e., more work implies more energy. Atoms do not like to work, hence they try to reduce the energy in their atomic system. For different elements the energy reduction occurs by reaction, e.g., an energetic sodium atom reacts w...Uranium-235; Uranium-2381966
204 Flynn, John J.Constitutional difficulties of Utah's executive branch and the need for reformUtah's constitution of 1896 has been aptly described as a "horse and buggy" constitution. Like most of her sister states, Utah adopted a constitution designed to accommodate a society accustomed to the nineteenth century pace of a horse and buggy at the very time that the industrial revolution was l...Utah, Constitution; Executive branch1966
205 Flynn, John J.Federalism and viable state government: the history of Utah's ConstitutionThe decade of the 1960's has witnessed, thus far, a sharp upswing of interest in the state of the states. Financial crisis, political paralysis, reapportionment, and the continued trend of federal intervention in heretofore "local" affairs have forced believers in the federal idea to reexamine the s...Constitution, Law; History1966
206 Capecchi, Mario R.N-formylmethionyl-sRNA as the initiator of protein synthesis.A bizarre fast about Nterminal groups of bacterial proteins. Instead of a random mixture, that the great majority of N-terminal groups were either methionine or alanine. This finding suggested that methionine and alanine constituted start signals for the initiation of polypeptide chains. Alternative...Electrophoresis; Formates; In Vitro; Methionine1966-01-01
207 Mattis, Daniel C.Soluble extension of the Ising modelIn this note we wish to relate a somewhat trivial, but surprising, soluble extension of the multidimensional Ising model. Our extension was motivated by recent experiments on a real material, dysprosium aluminum garnet (DyAlG), which closely resembles an ideal three-dimensional Ising model,1 except ...Dysprosium aluminum garnet; Ising spin1966-05
208 Capecchi, Mario R.Initiation of E. coli proteins.Recent experiments and theoretical arguments suggest that formylmethionyl sRNA is employed as an initiator of protein synthesis. Studies also indicated that other phage proteins synthesized in the in vitro system were initiated with formylmethionine. These observations provided a basis for believin...Alanine; Chromatography, Paper; Dipeptides1966-06
209 Mattis, Daniel C.Anomaly in spin-wave spectrum of magnetic metalsIt is pointed out that in the band theory of magnetism the magnons have frequencies comparable to the Fermi energy. Therefore, in the calculation of the magnon spectrum of iron, nickel, cobalt, etc., it is the time- or frequency-dependent response function of the electrons which is used, and this ...Magnetic metals1966-11
210 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: November 1966Semiannual progress report for period ending 30 November, 1966.1966-11
211 Warner, Homer R.A Technique for the Quantitative Study of Carotid Sinus BehaviorBiomedical Informatics1967
212 Warner, Homer R.A Steady-State Transfer Function Analysis of Portions of the Circulatory System Using Indicator Dilution TechniquesBiomedical Informatics1967
213 Warner, Homer R.Regulation of Cardiac Output During Transition From Rest to ExerciseBiomedical Informatics1967
214 Warner, Homer R.The Control of Cardiac Output During ExerciseBiomedical Informatics1967
215 Miller, Jan D.Selective flotation of iron oxideThe response of pure goethite and two natural iron ores to flotation with potassium octyl hydroxamate is presented. The ores contained 12.5% and 39.7% iron; concentrates containing 69.5% and 61.5% iron, respectively, were obtained with additions of 0.4 lb/ton hydroxamate.Goethite; Iron; Flotation; Iron Oxide1967
216 Miller, Jan D.Role of the hydrocarbon chain in anionic flotation of calciteThe response of calcite to flotation with saturated fatty acids and alkyl sulfonates of various chain lengths is presented. The amount of collector required for flotation is shown to decrease systematically with increasing carbon content from 8 to 12-carbon atoms per molecule. This systematic flot...Hydrocarbon chain; Calcite; pH (Chemistry); Carbon1967
217 Warner, Homer R.Dynamic Aortic Diameter Measurements in vivoBiomedical Informatics1967
218 Warner, Homer R.Evolving a Computer FacilityBiomedical Informatics1967
219 Flynn, John J.Criminal sanctions under state and federal antitrust lawsPerhaps the most violently debated issue in the law of antitrust remedies is whether criminal sanctions should be imposed. Some have made impassioned pleas for a crusade against criminal sanctions as abettors of "communism";1 others have complained that private business interests in the United Sta...Antimonopoly; Antisocial; Interests1967
220 Firmage, Edwin B.International law and the response of the United States to "Internal WarWith the spectre of nuclear weapons acting as a restraint upon the nations in terms of the levels and types of violence they will employ to achieve national goals, warfare since 1945 has undergone radical change. There has been no massive, overt aggression by one major power against another, altho...Warfare; International relations; Politics1967
221 Flynn, John J.Survey of injunctive relief under state and federal antitrust lawsRelatively little has been written about equitable relief under state and federal antitrust laws.1 Equity power in antitrust enforcement means much more than the mere power to restrain a defendant from doing an act for which the plaintiff has no "remedy at law," to order a defendant to remove a nuis...Statute; Directive1967
222 Firmage, Edwin B.Inner-outer speaks outDuring 1965 and 1966, I worked as an assistant to Vice President Hubert Humphrey and, in addition, participated in a program that permitted 15 young men to enjoy informal suppers and extended off-the-record chats with the President in the White House, attend frequent sessions with the Vice Preside...White House Fellows; Hubert Humphrey; Vietnam1967
223 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: May 1967Semiannual technical report for period ending 15 May, 1967.1967-05
224 Gussin, Gary N.; Capecchi, Mario R.Protein synthesis directed by DNA phage messengers.Even through the amino acids corresponding to most of the 64 nucleotide triplets are now known, several important aspects of the genetic code are not yet fully understood. In particular we need more knowledge about the "punctuation marks" of the code-for example, the signals necessary for the initia...Carbon Isotopes; Escherichia coli; Genetic Code; Methionine1967-09-01
225 Capecchi, Mario R.Polypeptide chain termination in vitro: isolation of a release factor.The growing polypeptide chain remains bound to the ribosome-messenger RNA complex through the sRNA carrying the last amino acid incorporated into the polypeptide chain.' On completion of the polypeptide chain a mechanism must exist for releasing it from the protein-synthesizing machinery. To date, m...Carbon Isotopes; Phenylalanine; Proteins1967-09-01
201 - 225 of 7,233