201 - 225 of 10,887
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201 Sikorski, KrisA note on optimal algorithms for fixed pointsWe present a constructive lemma that we believe will make possible the design of nearly optimal 0(dlog | ) cost algorithms for computing eresidual approximations to the fixed points of d-dimensional nonexpansive mappings with respect to the infinity norm. This lemma is a generalization of a two-...Fixed points; Constructive lemma2009
202 Lyche, TomA note on the Oslo algorithmThe Oslo algorithm is a recursive method for updating the B-spline representation of a curve or tensor product surface when extra knots are added. In the present note the derivation of this method is simplified.Oslo algorithm; B-spline; Curve product surface; Tensor product surface1987
203 Simpson, Jamesina J.A novel ELF radar for major oil depositsThis letter proposes a novel extremely low frequency (ELF) radar for major oil deposits. Using our recently developed whole-Earth electromagnetic wave propagation model based upon the finite-difference time-domain method, we have determined that detection of the radial (vertical) component of the sc...2006-01-01
204 Dale, ColinA novel human-infection-derived bacterium provides insights into the evolutionary origins of mutualistic insect-bacterial symbiosesDespite extensive study, little is known about the origins of the mutualistic bacterial endosymbionts that inhabit approximately 10% of the world's insects. In this study, we characterized a novel opportunistic human pathogen, designated ‘‘strain HS,'' and found that it is a close relative of th...2012-01-01
205 Sloan, Peter-PikeA painterly approach to human skinRendering convincing human figures is one of the unsolved goals of computer graphics. Previous work has concentrated on modeling physics of human skin. We have taken a different approach. We are exploring techniques used by artists, specifically artists who paint air-brushed portraits. Our goal is t...Human skin1999
206 Morse, Michael DavidA pair potentials study of matrix-isolated atomic zinc. II. Intersystem crossing in rare-gas clusters and matricesThe mechanism of 4p 1P1?4p 3PJ intersystem crossing (ISC) following excitation of the 4p 1P1 level of matrix-isolated atomic zinc is investigated using a pair potentials approach. This is achieved by extending earlier ISC calculations on the Zn?RG2 and Zn?RG3 complexes to the square planar Zn?RG4 ...1998
207 Parke, Frederic IraA parametric model for human facesThis report presents a computer model for the representation of human faces. This three-dimensional, parametric model produces shaded facial images. The face, constructed of polygonal surfaces, is manipulated through the use of parameters which control interpolation, translation, rotation and scalin...Parametric model; Human face1975
208 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshA partial order reduction algorithm without the ProvisoThis paper presents a partial order reduction algorithm, called Two phase, that preserves stutter free LTL properties. Two phase dramatically reduces the number of states visited compared to previous partial order reduction algorithms on most practical protocols. The reason can be traced to a step o...Order reduction algorithm; Proviso step1998
209 Brunvand, Erik L.A partial scan methodology for testing self-timed circuitsThis paper presents a partial scan method for testing control sections of macromodule based self-timed circuits for stuck-at faults. In comparison with other proposed test methods for self-timed circuits, this technique offers better fault coverage than methods using self-checking techniques, and ...1995
210 Brunvand, Erik L.A partial scan methodology for testing self-timed circuitsThis paper presents a partial scan method for testing control sections of macromodule based self-timed circuits for stuck-at faults. In comparison with other proposed test methods for self-timed circuits, this technique offers better fault coverage than methods using self-checking techniques, and re...Self-timed circuits; Testing1995
211 McDirmid, Sean; Hsieh, Wilson C.A path-precise analysis for property synthesisRecent systems such as SLAM, Metal, and ESP help programmers by automating reasoning about the correctness of temporal program properties. This paper presents a technique called property synthesis, which can be viewed as the inverse of property checking. We show that the code for some program pro...Property synthesis; Property codes2003-12-01
212 Thompson, Cynthia A.A personalized system for conversational recommendationsIncreased computing power and theWeb have made information widely accessible. In turn, this has encouraged the development of recommendation systems that help users find items of interest, such as books or restaurants. Such systems are more useful when they personalize themselves to each user?s p...Adaptive Place Advisor; Recommendation systems2002-06-26
213 Mathews, V. JohnA phase likelihood-based algorithm for blind identification of PSK signalsThis paper presents a phase likelihood-based method for automatically identifying different phase-shift keying (PSK) modulations. This method identifies the PSK signals as the hypothesis for which the likelihood function of phase difference between nearby samples of the received signal is the maximu...2014-01-01
214 Suchy, YanaA picture is worth a thousand words: effects of emotional distracters on executive task performance2011-04-20
215 Smith, Ken R.A population-based study of childhood cancer survivors body mass indexPopulation-based studies are needed to estimate the prevalence of underweight or overweight/obese childhood cancer survivors. Procedure. Adult survivors (diagnosed ≤20 years) were identified from the linked Utah Cancer Registry and Utah Population Database. We included survivors currently aged ≥...2014-01-01
216 Regehr, JohnA practical logic framework for verifying safety properties of executablesWe present a novel program logic, Lf , which is designed on top of a Hoare logic, but is simpler, more flexible and more scalable. Based on Lf , we develop a framework for automatically verifying safety properties of executables. It utilizes a whole-program interprocedural abstract interpretation to...2011-01-01
217 Hansen, Charles D.A practical workflow for making anatomical atlases for biological researchAn anatomical atlas provides a detailed map for medical and biological studies of anatomy. These atlases are important for understanding normal anatomy and the development and function of structures, and for determining the etiology of congenital abnormalities. Unfortunately, for biologists, generat...2012-01-01
218 Rees, Don M.A preliminary list of the ants of UtahThe following list of the ants of Utah was prepared from specimens and data now in the Biology Department of the University of Utah. This list is by no means complete, yet it is representative of practically all parts of the state. A few specimens in the collection date back to 1902, and all of thes...1940-11-05
219 Gerig, GuidoA preliminary study on the effect of motion correction on HARDI reconstructionPost-acquisition motion correction is widely performed in diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) to guarantee voxel-wise correspondence between DWIs. Whereas this is primarily motivated to save as many scans as possible if corrupted by motion, users do not fully understand the consequences of different ty...2014-01-01
220 Kraus, Peter L.A primer on grant writing for foundation support for first-time grant writers in academic libraries: challenges and opportunitiesIn a majority of academic disciplines, grant writing is a skill that is often self-taught or acquired informally by trial and error. Few academic discip lines have grant writing as standard part of their curriculum at the graduate level. In the past, grant writing has received little or no emphasis...2015-09-01
221 Gouraud, HenriA programmer's guide to PDP-10 eulerThis manual describes the EULER language as implemented on the DEC PDP-10 computer. EULER is a block-structured language, similar to Algol-60 but simplified by omitting type declarations and by altering the way procedures are defined and called. PDP-10 EULER includes features for list-and array-mani...EULER language1970
222 Whitty, Kevin J.A pulse-width modulation controlled wire-mesh heater apparatus for investigation of solid fuel pyrolysisA novel wire mesh heater apparatus has been developed to study the devolatilization of solid fuels under pressurized conditions at well-controlled heating rates on the order of 1000 K/s. The apparatus combines direct current and pulse-width modulation with a fast-acting and high current-capacity re...2012-01-01
223 Moffett, James W.A quantitative study of the bottom fauna in some Utah Streams Variously Affected by ErosionFloods and cloudbursts in the Intermountain region of western United States cause considerable damage to watersheds and streams. Because of steep gradients these torrential waters remove vast quantities of debris, stones, gravel and soil from the stream beds. It follows that, with the removal of mat...1936-06
224 Watkins, Gary ScottA real time visible surface algorithmWith the increasing use of computer graphics, a need is growing for a processor capable of displaying solid objects. Environmental simulation and architectural modeling are only two areas that would benefit from such a diplay processor. This dissertation describes an algorithm designed for such a ...Surface algorithm1970
225 Hawkes, KristenA reappraisal of grandmothering and natural selectionKachel et al. [1] conclude from simulations of their agent-based model that fitness benefits from helpful grandmothers do not select for increased longevity. We studied their assumptions and model, ran further simulations and found flaws that are fatal to their test. Here, we explain four problems a...2011-01-01
201 - 225 of 10,887