201 - 225 of 244
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
201 Zur Feinstruktur der Melanocyten in der Menschlichen Iris (Annotations)Study of the structure of melanocytes in the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
202 Der Hund ohne Grosshirn (Annotations)Reduced rage threshold in dog; motor and autonomic functions in a dog without forebrain.Card Catalog Index Cards
203 Zur Beurteilung der Iriskrypten Beim Menschen und bei Anderen Primaten (Annotations)Study of iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
204 Zur Physiologie der Stirnlappen (Annotations)Found little effect of frontal lobectomy.Card Catalog Index Cards
205 A Record of Experiments upon the Functions of the Cerebral Cortex (Illustrations and Annotations)Study involving experiments on the functions of the cerebral cortex, including pupil dilation with eye opening and head turning to opposite side upon stimulation of the frontal eye field of motor area.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
206 Apparent Shape and Size of the Pupil Viewed Obliquely (Illustrations and Annotations)Case study of the response of the peripheral retina, apparent shape and size of the pupil for large angles of view. By photographing the pupil at various angles in the horizontal meridian from 20 degrees nasal to 105 degrees temporal the mean results were obtained for a group of 13 subjects.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
207 Ascending Spinal Pathways of the Pupillo-dilator Fibres (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of afferent pathways in the spinal cord of pupillo-dilator fibres.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
208 Conditions Determining Adrenaline Secretion (Illustrations and Annotations)Various stimuli applied to completely denervated pupil will cause dilation of the pupil. Similar stimuli cause little or no dilation of the completely denervated pupil after the adrenals are removed. The completely denervated pupil, therefore, can be used to indicate increased epinephrine discharge.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
209 Ein Binoculares Pupillometer (Illustrations and Annotations)Description of creation of a pupillometer that enables pictures of both pupils to be close to each other, to be accurately measured by a system of tangents under varying conditions. A system of mirrors is also used for getting light reflexes, and could be used to obtain the hemianopic pupillary resp...Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
210 Die Pupillenweite beim Uebergang ins Hochgebirge (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of pupil width, investigations using a photographic method.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
211 Eine Neue Methode zur Stetigan Registrierung der Konsensuellen Pupillenreaktion (Illustrations and Annotations)A new method for steady registrations of the consensual pupil reaction. (trans.)Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
212 Experimentalstudien am Nervensystem; Ueber die Beziehung des Pupillenreflexbogens zum Vorderen Vierhugel (Illustrations and Annotations)Experimental studies on the nervous system and the relationship of the pupillary reflex arc to the front quadrangle.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
213 Experimentelle Untersuchungen uber die zentralen Wege der Pupillenfasern des Sympathicus (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of unilateral section in medulla.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
214 Influence du Systeme Nerveux sur la Dilation de la Pupille (Illustrations and Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon brain stimulation.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
215 Segmental Distribution of Certain Visceral Afferent Neurones on the Pupillo-dilator Reflex in the Cat (Annotations)Study of the segmental distribution of certain visceral afferent neurones of the pupillo-dilator reflex.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
216 The Hypoglycemia of Asphyxia and the Part Played Therein by the Suprarenals (Illustrations and Annotations)"Investigation of the dependence of the pupillary paradox and hyperglycemia, as produced by asphyxia, on the integrity of the splanchnic nerves and the suprarenal glands." Used sensitized iris dilator as index of reactivity.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
217 The Functions of the Brain (Illustrations and Annotations)Animals deprived of cortex respond to painful stimulation by groans and cries, instinctive emotional expression; true conscious feeling; 'the dilation of the pupils, which is readily induced by irritation of the corp.qu. is probably [...] an expression of sensory irritation'; painful stimulation of ...Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
218 The Development of the Third Nerve Nucleus and its Bearing on the Argyll-Robertson Pupil (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of the development of the third nerve nucleus and its bearing on the Argyll-Robertson pupil.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
219 Details of a Scheme for the Subjective Measurement of the Pupil (Illustrations and Annotations)Study demonstrates pupil size is variable factor in angle of field of vision, 'apparent pupil is larger than real pupil.'Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
220 Des Fibres Pupillaires de la Bandelette Optique by Darkchevitch (Illustrations and Annotations)Case study demonstrating complete pupillary immobility to light.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
221 Pupillary and Other Responses from Stimulation of the Frontal Cortex and Basal Telencephalon of the Cat (Illustrations and Annotations)"This study of the pupillary responses to excitations of the cat's cortex was undertaken because [...] work on the relationship of the cortex to pupillary activity was performed before the important role of the oculomotor nucleus in pupillary dilatation was recognized."Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
222 Pupillenreactions-prufer (Illustrations and Annotations)Examination of pupillary reactions.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
223 The Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit. Including the Central Connections, Development, and Comparative Anatomy of the Visual Apparatus (Illustrations and Annotations)Book containing description of the eye, its appendages, most of the nervous structures concerned in vision, and their anatomical relations. Two chapters are devoted to the development of the eye and comparative anatomy.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
224 Studies on the Changes of Intraocular Pressure Induced by Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus (Illustrations and Annotations)Study using electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus to measure changes in intraocular pressure, pupillary dilation.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
225 The Luminous Efficiency of Rays Entering the Eye Pupil at Different Points (Illustrations and Annotations)The assumption that the apparent brightness of an object is proportional to the pupil area is shown to be invalid, and measurements are described which give the relative luminous efficiencies of rays entering the pupil at different points. From these data the total efficiencies of eye pupils at diff...Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
201 - 225 of 244