201 - 225 of 1,126
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201 Francis, LeslieRecent developments in genetic diagnosis: some ethical and legal implicationsThis essay outlines some of the ethical complexities genetic technology poses in two areas of decision-making: when to perform genetic testing and what to do with the information gained from genetic testing.Genetic Technology; Genetic Testing; Ethics1986
202 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.Influence of the stacking potential of the base 3' of tandem shift codons on -1 ribosomal frameshifting used for gene expressionTranslating ribosomes can shift reading frame at specific sites with high efficiency for gene expression purposes. The most common type of shift to the 1 frame involves a tandem realignment of two anticodons from pairing with mRNA sequence of the form X XXY YYZ to XXX YYY Z where the spaces indicate...1 frameshifting; 39 context effect; Codon anticodon interaction; Escherichia coli ; Recoding; tRNALys; XXXY YYZ frameshift motifs2002
203 Couldwell, William T.Radiographic features of tumefactive giant cavernous angiomasGiant cavernous angiomas (GCAs) are very rare, and imaging features of GCAs can be very different from those of typical cavernous angiomas (CAs), making them a diagnostic challenge. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the radiographic features of GCAs, with an emphasis on the differentiating fe...Cavernous angiomas; Cavernous malformations; Tumefactive2008
204 Couldwell, William T.Clinical and radiographic response in a minority of patients with recurrent malignant gliomas treated with high-dose tamoxifenPREVIOUS WORK HAS demonstrated the importance of the Protein Kinase C (PKC) signal transduction system in regulating the growth rate of malignant gliomas in vitro. Tamoxifen inhibits PKC in a minority of malignant gliomas within the micromolar concentration range in vitro, a property distinct from...Tamoxifen; Protein kinase C; Glioma; Brain neoplasm; Chemotherapy; Glioma1993
205 Dailey, Andrew T.Guidelines for the performance of fusion procedures for degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. Part 5: correlation between radiographic and functional outcomeStandards. There is insufficient evidence to recommend a treatment standard. Guidelines. There is insufficient evidence to recommend a treatment guideline. Options. It is recommended that when performing lumbar arthrodesis for degenerative lumbar disease, strategies to achieve successful radiogr...Lumbar fusion; Lumbar spine; Degenerative disease; Practice guidelines; Functional outcome; Radiographic outcome2005
206 Gesteland, Raymond F.Processing of adenovirus 2-induced proteinsAnalysis of (35)S-methionine-labeled extracts of adenovirus 2-infected KB cells revealed 22 virus-induced polypeptide components. Most proteins of the virion were easily detected in extracts of whole cells labeled for short periods between 15 and 30 h after infection; however, several virion compone...Adenoviridae; Viral Proteins; Protein Precursors; Methionine; Mouth Neoplasms1973
207 Kestle, John R. W.Late rapid deterioration after endoscopic third ventriculostomy: additional cases and review of the literatureObject. Late rapid deterioration after endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) is a rare complication. The authors previously reported three deaths from three centers. Three other deaths and a patient who experienced rapid deterioration have also been reported. Following the death at the University ...Endoscopic third ventriculostomy; ETV; Pediatric neurosurgery; Adverse outcome2006
208 Nguyen, Tuyet Le Thanh; Gowen, Sean Michael; Hughen, Ronald; Light, Alan R.RNA amplification of dorsal root ganglion neurons retrogradely labeled with Di-I signaling chronic pain and fatigueIn muscles, there are neurons of groups III and IV that correspond to two kinds of afferents or nerves. In previous studies regarding the responses of these afferents in skeletal muscle, singe mechanical stimuli evoked responses. Chemical stimuli are equally important, as they are responsible for ...RNA amplification; DRG neurons; Di-I; Chronic fatigue; Trapeze Interactive poster2010-03-15
209 Baehr, WolfgangCloning and sequence analysis of the major outer membrane protein genes of two Chlamydia psittaci strainsWe cloned and sequenced the gene encoding the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of two Chlamydia psittaci strains, guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis (GPIC) strain 1, and meningopneumonitis (Mn) strain Cal-10. Intraspecies alignment of the two C. psittaci MOMP genes revealed 80.6% similarity, and...Base Sequence; Cloning, Molecular; Amino Acid Sequence1989
210 Kestle, John R. W.Potentially useful outcome measures for clinical research in pediatric neurosurgeryThe choice of outcome (or outcomes) and their measurement are critical for a sound clinical trial. Surgeons have traditionally measured simple outcomes such as death, duration of survival, or tumor recurrence but have recently developed more sophisticated measures of the effect of an intervention. M...Pediatric neurosurgery2005
211 Capecchi, Mario R.Fundamental cellular processes do not require vertebrate-specific sequences within the TATA-binding protein.The 180-amino acid core of the TATA-binding protein (TBPcore) is conserved from Archae bacteria to man. Vertebrate TBPs contain, in addition, a large and highly conserved N-terminal region that is not found in other phyla. We have generated a line of mice in which the tbp allele is replaced with a v...Mice, Knockout; Cells, Cultured; Fibroblasts; Embryo2003-02-21
212 Lopansri, Bert; Stoddard, Gregory J.; Hobbs, Maurine R.; Granger, Donald LeeElevated plasma phenylalanine in severe malaria and implications for pathophysiology of neurological complications.Cerebral malaria is associated with decreased production of nitric oxide and decreased levels of its precursor, l-arginine. Abnormal amino acid metabolism may thus be an important factor in malaria pathogenesis. We sought to determine if other amino acid abnormalities are associated with disease sev...Dystonia; Phenylalanine Hydroxylase; Tyrosine2006-06-01
213 Capecchi, Mario R.Hox group 3 paralogous genes act synergistically in the formation of somitic and neural crest-derived structures.Hox genes encode transcription factors that are used to regionalize the mammalian embryo. Analysis of mice carrying targeted mutations in individual and multiple Hox genes is beginning to reveal a complex network of interactions among these closely related genes which is responsible for directing th...Abnormalities, Multiple; Gene Targeting; Glossopharyngeal Nerve; Mice, Knockout; Morphogenesis1997-12-15
214 Schmidt, Meic H.Lumbosacral ependymomas: a review of the management of intradural and extradural tumorsObject. The goal of this study was to review the management of intra- and extradural ependymomas. Spinal ependymomas most commonly occur as intramedullary tumors throughout the spinal axis. In the lumbosacral region, ependymomas are most commonly associated with the conus medullaris and cauda equina...Intradural ependymoma; Extradural ependymoma; Lumbosacral lesion2003
215 Dailey, Andrew T.Guidelines for the performance of fusion procedures for degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. Part 3: assessment of economic outcomeStandards. There is insufficient evidence to recommend a standard for assessment of economic outcome following lumbar fusion for degenerative disease. Guidelines. There is insufficient evidence to recommend a guideline for assessment of economic outcome following lumbar fusion for degenerative dis...Lumbar fusion; Lumbar spine; Degenerative disease; Practice guidelines; Treatment outcome; Economic outcome2005
216 Kestle, John R. W.Multicenter prospective cohort study of the Strata valve for the management of hydrocephalus in pediatric patientsObject. Previous reports suggest that adjustable valves may improve the survival of cerebrospinal fluid shunts or relieve shunt-related symptoms. To evaluate these claims, the authors conducted a prospective multicenter cohort study of children who underwent placement of Strata valves. Methods. Pat...Ventriculoperitoneal shunt; Strata valve; Adjustable valves; Pediatric neurosurgery2005
217 Couldwell, William T.Porous polyethylene implant for cranioplasty and skull base reconstructionObject. Cranial reconstruction after skull base surgery is important for restoration of function and cosmesis. The authors describe their experience with the Medpor porous polyethylene implant for cosmetic cranioplasty and reconstruction after skull base surgery. Methods. Medpor, a biocompatible i...2004
218 Capecchi, Mario R.Hox genes and mammalian developmentWe have examined the interactions of Hox genes in forming a cervical vertebrae, hindbrain, and limbs. In each case, it is apparent that individual Hox genes are performing individual functions but that more profound roles are apparent when they act in combination with others Hox genes. The observed ...Drosophila; Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental; Homozygote1997
219 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Baranov, Pavel V.; Atkins, John F.; Hammer, Andrew W.Transcriptional slippage in bacteria: distribution in sequenced genomes and utilization in IS element gene expressionABSTRACT: Background: Transcription slippage occurs on certain patterns of repeat mononucleotides, resulting in synthesis of a heterogeneous population of mRNAs. Individual mRNA molecules within this population differ in the number of nucleotides they contain that are not specified by the templat...Transcription slippage; Bacterial genomes; IS element genes2005
220 Digre, Kathleen B.Significance of CT and MR findings in sphenoid sinus disease.Disorders of the paranasal sinuses, particularly the sphenoid sinus, can be associated with significant disorders of the optic and other cranial nerves. We examined 100 consecutive routine CT scans, 100 posterior fossa CT scans, and 100 MR scans to look for evidence of sinus disease, especially of t...Sphenoid Sinus; Vision Disorders; Paranasal Sinus Diseases; Magnetic Resonance Imaging1989-05
221 Frederick, Jeanne M.; Baehr, WolfgangReceptor for advanced glycation end products and age-related macular degeneration.Advanced glycation end products (AGE) exacerbate disease progression through two general mechanisms: modifying molecules and forming nondegradable aggregates, thus impairing normal cellular/tissue functions, and altering cellular function directly through receptor-mediated activation. In the present...Optic Atrophies, Hereditary; Apoptosis; Pigment Epithelium of Eye2004
222 Angelucci, Alessandra; Lund, Jennifer S.Circuits for local and global signal integration in primary visual cortexContrast-dependent changes in spatial summation and contextual modulation of primary visual cortex (V1) neuron responses to stimulation of their receptive field reveal long-distance integration of visual signals within V1, well beyond the classical receptive field (cRF) of single neurons. To identif...Primary Visual Cortex; Extrastriate Cortex; Feed-back Connections; Lateral Connections; SUrround Modulation; Macaque2002-10-01
223 Couldwell, William T.Rathke cleft cyst intracystic nodule: a characteristic magnetic resonance imaging findingObject. The fluid content of Rathke cleft cysts (RCCs) displays variable appearances on magnetic resonance (MR) images and can appear indistinguishable from other intrasellar or suprasellar cystic lesions. Intracystic nodules associated with individual RCCs have been noted, but to date their signifi...2005
224 Couldwell, William T.Transsphenoidal microsurgical treatment of Cushing disease: postoperative assessment of surgical efficacy by application of an overnight low-dose dexamethasone suppression testObject. Transsphenoidal adenomectomy with resection of a defined pituitary adenoma has been the treatment of choice for CD for the last 30 years. Surgical resection, however, may not always result in long-term remission of CD. This is particularly important in light of the high risk of morbidity and...2003-01-01
225 Normann, Richard A.; Campbell, Patrick K.; Jones, Kelly E.; Huber, Robert J.; Horch, Kenneth W.Silicon-based, three-dimensional neural interface: manufacturing processes for an intracortical electrode arrayA method has been developed for the manufacture of a "three-dimensional" electrode array geometry for chronic intracortical stimulation. This silicon based array consists of a 4.2 x 4.2 x 0.12 mm thick monocrystalline substrate, from which project 100 conductive, silicon needles sharpened to facilit...Electric Stimulation; Electrodes, Implanted; Sensory Cortex; Intracortical Electrode Array1991
201 - 225 of 1,126