201 - 225 of 912
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201 Davis, AlAn introduction to asynchronous circuit designThe purpose of this monograph is to provide both an introduction to field of asynchronous digital circuit design and an overview of the practical state of the art in 1997. In the early days of digital circuit design, little distinction was made between synchronous and asynchronous circuits. However,...Asynchronous circuit design1997
202 Breaderson, Dean J.The I3Stick: an inexpensive, immersive, interaction deviceVirtual environments require interaction devices that are intuitive and ergonomic, yet capable of many input parameters. Many devices satisfying these requirements can be expensive, difficult to manipulate, and often require the integration of large software libraries with existing applications. We ...Virtual environments; I3Stick; Interaction devices1999
203 Mathew, Binu K.; Davis, Al; Fang, ZhenA Gaussian probability accelerator for SPHINX 3Accurate real-time speech recognition is not currently possible in the mobile embedded space where the need for natural voice interfaces is clearly important. The continuous nature of speech recognition coupled with an inherently large working set creates significant cache interference with other...Speech recognition; SPHINX 3; Speech recognizers2003-07-22
204 Hansen, Charles D.Reconstruction and visualization of planetary nebulaeAbstract-From our terrestrially confined viewpoint, the actual three-dimensional shape of distant astronomical objects is, in general, very challenging to determine. For one class of astronomical objects, however, spatial structure can be recovered from conventional 2D images alone. So-called planet...2005-09
205 Hansen, Charles D.Proxy chain method and its application to scientific visualizationWe present a method for combining multiple point-based constraints in haptic programming environments. Instead of using a single proxy point for haptic feedback, the method maintains a separate proxy for each constraint. The reaction force is computed by linking the proxies in a chain. Constraints a...2006
206 Pickett, Forrest B.Simulation of CellsA self-timed cell set and library for the design of integrated circuits is presented. The cell set and library are two different cellular methods of designing integrated circuits. These have been incorporated to form a hybrid system which exploits the advantages provided by each. The cell set an...Self-timed; Cell set1984
207 Bhanu, BirSegmentation of complex outdoor scenesA new simpler approach to image segmentation via recursive region splitting and merging is presented. Unlike other techniques the kernel of splitting is based on a generalization of a two class gradient relaxation method and merging uses a statistical analysis of variance.Image segmentation; Outdoor scenes; Recursive region splitting; Segmentation algorithm1985
208 Keller, Robert M.Rediflow architecture prospectusRediflow is intended as a multi-function (symbolic and numeric) multiprocessor, demonstrating techniques for achieving speedup for Lisp-coded problems through the use of advanced programming concepts, high-speed communication, and dynamic load-distribution, in a manner suitable for scaling to upward...Rediflow; Multi-function multiprocessors; Lisp-coded problems1985
209 Hansen, Charles D.Illustrative interactive stipple renderingAbstract-Simulating hand-drawn illustration can succinctly express information in a manner that is communicative and informative. We present a framework for an interactive direct stipple rendering of volume and surface-based objects. By combining the principles of artistic and scientific illustratio...2003-04
210 Yang, Yue; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Lindstrom, Gary E.Formalizing the Java Memory Model for multithreaded program correctness and optimizationStandardized language level support for threads is one of the most important features of Java. However, defining and understanding the Java Memory Model (JMM) has turned out to be a big challenge. Several models produced to date are not as easily comparable as first thought. Given the growing inte...Java Memory Model; JMM; Multithreaded program2002-04-02
211 Hansen, Charles D.; Tasdizen, TolgaStatistically quantitative volume visualizationVisualization users are increasingly in need of techniques for assessing quantitative uncertainty and error in the images produced. Statistical segmentation algorithms compute these quantitative results, yet volume rendering tools typically produce only qualitative imagery via transfer function-base...Volume visualization; Uncertainty; Classification; Risk analysis2005
212 Henderson, Thomas C.; Bhanu, BirCAGD based 3-D visual recognitionA coherent automated manufacturing system needs to include CAD/CAM, computer vision, and object manipulation. Currently, most systems which support CAD/CAM do not provide for vision or manipulation and similarly, vision and manipulation systems incorporate no explicit relation to CAD/CAM models. CAD...Object manipulation; CAGD1985
213 Hibler, Michael J.Separating presentation from interface in RPC and IDLsIn RPC-based communication, we term the interface the set of remote procedures and the types of their arguments; the presentation is the way these procedures and types are mapped to the target language environment in a particular client or server, including semantic requirements. For example, pres...RPC-based communication; IDL; Presentation; Interface1995
214 Elens, Robert N.Sequencing computational events in heterogeneous distributed systemsDistributed systems are growing in number, size, and complexity. Some technological advances have been made to program these systems, most notably the remote procedure call. However, the nature of heterogeneous distributed systems allows for much more complex interactions and new programming techno...Sequencing; Computational events; Heterogeneous distributed systems1990
215 Zhu, XiaohongAutomatic compensating cleanup operationToday's part geometries are becoming ever more complex and require more accurate tool path to manufacture. Machining process efficiency is also a major consideration for designers as well as manufacturing engineers. Although the current advanced CAD/CAM systems have greatly improved the efficiency ...Part geometries1989
216 Balasubramonian, RajeevNon-uniform power access in large caches with low-swing wiresModern processors dedicate more than half their chip area to large L2 and L3 caches and these caches contribute significantly to the total processor power. A large cache is typically split into multiple banks and these banks are either connected through a bus (uniform cache access - UCA) or an on-c...Large caches; Low-swing wires; Non Uniform Cache Access; NUCA2009
217 Parker, Steven G.; Hansen, Charles D.Interactive volume rendering of large datasets using the silicon graphics Onyx4 visualization systemMany recent approaches to interactive volume rendering have focused on leveraging the power of commodity graphics hardware. Though currently limited to relatively small datasets, these approaches have been overwhelmingly successful. As the size of volumetric datasets continues to grow at a rapid pa...Volume visualization; Onyx4; Interactive volume rendering; Parallel volume rendering; Large datasets; Visualization systems2005
218 Sudan, KshitijUnderstanding the behavior of Pthread applications on non-uniform cache architecturesWhy is it important? As number of cores in a processor scale up, caches would become banked Keeps individual look-up time small. Allows parallel accesses by different cores. Present shared programming model assumes a flat memory. Unaware application can have sub-optimal performance Conclusion ...Computer architecture, compiler analysis, NUCA caches2011-10-08
219 Henderson, Thomas C.Instrumented sensor system architectureSensor systems are becoming ubiquitous throughout society, yet their design, construction and operation is still more of an art than a science. In this paper, we define, develop, and apply a formal semantics for sensor systems that provides a theoretical framework for an integrated software architec...Instrumented sensor system; Instrumented Logical Sensor Systems; ILSS1997
220 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshStatic analysis techniques for the synthesis of efficient asynchronous circuitsIn the context of deriving asynchronous circuits from high-level descriptions, determining whether two actions are potentially concurrent (overlapped execution) or serial (non-overlapped execution) has several advantages. This knowledge can be utilized to efficiently implement shared variables, sup...Static analysis; Synthesis1991
221 Allen, Edgar S.Sensory information processing (1 July 1976 - 31 March 1977)The student of human visual perception is often overwhelmed by the vast amount of data that has been accumulated from experiments performed within the last century or so. It is often difficult to understand why a certain experiment has been performed.Results from similar experiments sometimes seem t...Sensory information processing1977
222 Akella, VenkateshTesting two-phase transition signaling based self-timed circuits in a synthesis environmentThe problem of testing self-timed circuits generated by an automatic synthesis system is studied. Two-phase transition signalling is assumed and the circuits are targetted for an asynchronous macromodule based implementation as in [?, ?, ?, ?]. The partitioning of the circuits into control blocks, ...Testing; two-phase; transition signaling; self-timed circuits1993
223 McDonald, Lee EdwinImage recognition using generalized correlationThis paper investigates the use of generalized cross-correlation in pattern matching when the objects may be of one or two dimensions. Generalized correlation can be used to determine the amount of dilatation and rotation between a given template and an object, in addition to determining the relativ...Image recognition; Generalized correlation1977
224 Henderson, Thomas C.Arc and path consistency revisitedMackworth and Freuder have analyzed the time complexity of several constraint satisfaction algorithms [4]. We present here new algorithms for arc and path consistency and show that the arc consistency algorithm is optimal in time complexity and of the same order space complexity as the earlier algor...Arc consistency; Path consistency; Constraint satisfaction algorithms1985
225 Balasubramonian, RajeevLeveraging wire properties at the microarchitecture levelIn future microprocessors, communication will emerge as a major bottleneck. The authors advocate composing future interconnects of some wires that minimize latency, some that maximize bandwidth, and some that minimize power. A microarchitecture aware of these wire characteristics can steer on-chip ...Microarchitecture; Interconnects; Cache coherence2006-11
201 - 225 of 912