176 - 200 of 487
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176 Wen, Ming; Van Duker, Heather; Olson, Lenora MarySocial contexts of regular smoking in adolescence: towards a multidimensional ecological modelUsing data from the Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), this study investigates factors at the individual, family, peer, school, neighborhood, and state levels that are important for subsequent adolescent cigarette regular smoking after controlling for the baseline smoking behavio...Adolescent smoking; Social capital; Family; Neighborhood; School; Teenagers; Teenage smoking2006-09-19
177 Yu, ZhouLeaving gateway metropolitan areas in the United States: immigrants and the housing marketImmigration is no longer a phenomenon that is simply affecting gateway metropolitan areas in the United States. This analysis demonstrates that large numbers of immigrants are moving to other metropolitan areas and analyzes the housing outcomes of households who currently live in the fourteen larges...Homeownership; Migrants; Households2008-05-01
178 McCullough, John M.Evidence for assortative mating and selection in surnames: a case from Yucatan, MexicoSurnames are often used as metaphors for genetic material on the assumption of neutrality and general immunity from systematic pressures. The Yucatec Maya use surnames of both Maya and Spanish origin. We find evidence of positive assortative mating by ethnic origin of surname and a slight bias away ...Surnames; Assortative mating; Maya1985
179 Diamond, LisaIntimate same-sex relationshps of sexual minoritiesThis chapter provides an overview of current research on same-sex intimate relationships, emphasizing the most central and well-researched domains: relationship initiation, maintenance, satisfaction, and dissolution, gender-related dynamics, sexuality and sexual exclusivity, and violence and ab...Same-sex relationships; Partnering; Sexual minorities; Domestic relationships2006
180 Bilginsoy, CihanThe hazards of training: attrition and retention in construction industry apprenticeship programsApprenticeship programs in the United States, which provide workers with the broad-based skills required for practicing a trade via on-the-job training, are sponsored either unilaterally by employers or jointly by employers and trade unions. A comparison of the attrition and retention rates in these...2003
181 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Refutation of the general single locus model for the etiology of schizophreniaAll published studies on the familial incidence of schizophrenia appropriate for testing the applicability of the general single-locus two-allele model are examined under the assumption of a unitary etiology for all schizophrenia. We show that the single major locus model is inadequate to predict th...Genetics; Diseases in Twins; Chromosome Mapping1982
182 Berg, Cynthia A.Intellectual development in adulthoodAs for writing, I still write - at age 72. My experience is that I have to strive harder, tire sooner and come apart at the seams more completely than was the case when I was younger. The aging mind has a bagful of nasty tricks, one of which is to tuck names and words away in crannies where they arc...Intellectual development2000
183 Malloy, Thomas E.Logic of logic and the logic of dreams.For Bateson explanation is the mapping of description onto tautology. "An explanation has to provide something more than a description provides, and in the end, an explanation appeals to a tautology, which as I have defined it, is a body of propositions so linked together that the links between the ...Science; Psychology; Dreams2006-02
184 Nichols, Karren E.What you see is what you get... Observed impacts of visual education on recycling at the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of UtahThis poster looks at a three year timeline of educational exhibits, visual cues, and reminders, focusing on changing behaviors, encouraging people to recycle and reduce consumption, and observed impacts on the quantities of paper, aluminum, and plastics #1 and #2 being collected in the library.Recycling; Sustainability; Water bottles; Paper recycling; Duplex printing; Visual education; Green; Exhibits; Trash; Waste reduction; Print alternatives2014
185 Fogel, Alan DaleA dynamic systems approach to infant facial actionWhat does it mean when a baby smiles? Is it an expression of enjoyment, a signal to a partner that rewards effective caretaking, or simply a muscular contraction? Do physically different types of smiles indicate different things? Should the social context in which an infant smiles inform our unders...1997
186 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.On territoriality in hunter-gatherersCashdan's intention of using an evolutionary framework to examine cross-cultural variations in territorial defense is admirable, but her argument about the applicability of available models, her own model, and the data used to support it (CA 24:47-66) are all severely flawed. Specifically, Cashdan ...Defense; Organisms; Behavior1983
187 Fogel, Alan DaleHikikomori in Japanese youth: some possible pathways for alleviating this problem from the perspective of dynamic systems theoryIn this paper, we will discuss the problem of hikikomori, in which an individual remains at home, typically isolated in the bedroom, with limited contact to the outside world. Hikikomori has been discussed primarily from a psychological perspective in Japan. In this paper, we take dynamic systems pe...Social withdrawal; Dynamic systems theory2006
188 Broughton, JohnCathedral cave fishesTable XLI provides the numbers of identified fish specimens by element from Stratum II at Cathedral Cave. The criteria used to arrive at those identifications are provided in chapter nine. A total of 547 identified fish specimens are represented in this deposit; all of those are sculpin. The mottled...Homestead Cave; Ichthyofauna; Lake Bonneville2000
189 Fogel, Alan DaleA relational perspective on the development of self and emotionBegin with two premises. First, psychological experience always implies a connection, a relationship: with another person, with cultural tools or language, or with the natural environment. Life is a network of relationships. Second, psychological experience is always dynamic and changing. The sim...2001
190 Hawkes, KristenAssignment of relationship terms in BinumarienKinship systems have a perennial fascination. From Morgan's day to the present, a long succession of authors have produced their diagrams and algebraic explanations . . . Kinship terminology and its diagramatic arrangements provide, ready made, a delightful series of mathematical abstractions and it...Binumarien; Binumariens1977
191 Rogers, Alan R.Is migration kin structured?We estimate the strength of kin-structured migration in six human populations (five from New Guinea and one from Finland) and in one population of nonhuman primates. We also test the hypothesis that migration is not kin structured by generating a sampling distribution of the estimator under the null...1994
192 Fogel, Alan DaleExpressing affection and love to young childrenFew people would seriously contest the proposition that children need love. The belief that children thrive on love is not universal, but in our western culture it has become the foundation for the work of educators and parents (Kagan, 1978). Yet, for all of our certainty about the principle, the p...Expressing affection1980
193 Wiessner, Pauline W.Wealth transmission and inequality among hunter-gatherersWe report quantitative estimates of intergenerational transmission and population-wide inequality for wealth measures in a set of hunter-gatherer populations. Wealth is defined broadly as factors that contribute to individual or household well-being, ranging from embodied forms, such as weight and h...2010-02
194 Smith, Ken R.Biased estimation in policy research: an illustrative example of ridge regression in a health system modelThe paper develops an argument for the necessity of examining individual coefficients in policy models. As a result of this need, it is posited that something other than OLS estimators should be used since they are inflated and have extremely large variances when multicollinearity is present. Furthe...Policy models; Health systems; Ridge regression1980
195 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartWage policy in an open economy kalecki-kaldor model: a simulation studyThis paper discusses a Post?Keynesian model of income, production, and trade. The one?country, one?sector model features Kaleckian investment demand, Kaldorian productivity and a labor market module based on a wage?price spiral. The model is first presented for a closed economy with exogenous real w...2010
196 McDaniel, SusanWomen inventors in Canada: research and interventionWhat is an inventor or an invention? In this essay, we use the definition of the Canadian Patent Act, which considers a patentable invention to be a new or improved product or process or a new application of an existing product or process. An invention must be technically feasible - it must -"work" ...Patent; Inventions; Creativity1989
197 Maloney, Thomas N.Degrees of inequality: the advance of black male workers in the northern meat packing and steel industries before World War IIRecent major works on long-term racial inequality in the labor market revolve around competing hypotheses concerning the importance of human capital factors (Smith and Welch 1989) and government policy (Donohue and Heckman 1991) in promoting black advance. There is however, another line or thinking ...Labor markets; Northern employers; Racial inequality1995
198 McDaniel, SusanChallenges to health promotion among older working womenThe work site, has, been a place of successful health promotion among; certain groups, most notably men in management. The potential of work site health promotion among women, particularly among' older working women, remains unexplored.. Given women's greater longevity and women's likelihood of spen...Workers; Longevity; Aging1988
199 Jameson, Kenneth P.Castle or the tipi: rationalization or irrationality in the American economyDuring a 1957 Notre Dame conference entitled "What America stands for", Karl De Schweinitz, Jr. examined the "contemporary problems of the American economy'.American economy; Power; Economic imperatives1972-10
200 Zimmer, ZacharyActive life expectancy and functional limitations among older Cambodians: results from a 2004 surveyThis study's aims are to: 1) determine the prevalence of functional limitations among older adults in Cambodia using activities of daily living (ADLs); 2) compare limitation prevalence with other countries in the region; 3) estimate active life expectancy; 4) examine standard correlates of function...Active life expectancy; Functional limitations2005
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