176 - 200 of 1,959
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176 Liu, FengQuantum size effect on adatom surface diffusionUsing scanning tunneling microscopy, we demonstrate that the nucleation density of Fe islands on the surface of nanoscale Pb films oscillates with the film thickness, providing a direct manifestation of the quantum size effect on surface diffusion. The Fe adatom diffusion barriers were derived to be...Quantum size effect; QSE; Adatoms; Surface diffusion; Fe islands; Nanoscale metallic structures; Epitaxial growth; Pb films2006-12
177 Henderson, Thomas C.Multisensor knowledge systems: interpreting 3-D structureWe describe an approach which facilitates and makes explicit the organization of the knowledge necessary to map multisensor system requirements onto an appropriate assembly of algorithms, processors, sensors, and actuators. We have previously introduced the Multisensor Kernel System and Logical Sens...Multisensors; Knowledge systems; 3-D structure; Logical Sensors1987
178 Akella, VenkateshhopCP: language definition, semantics and examplesWe describe a formalism for high level modeling of hardware based on flow graphs and nonatomic actions called hopCP. A module is the description of a hardware system in hopCP, which contains a flow graph to model the behavioral aspects and ports which represent the communication links. Operations ar...hopCP1990
179 Liu, FengSelf-consistent tight-binding methodA self-consistent tight-binding formalism is described. The self-consistency is achieved by the introduction of a chemical hardness matrix and a generalization of the Huckel model to make the tight-binding Hamiltonian an implicit functional of the charge density. Studies of the band structures of d...Tight-binding method; Self-consistency; Huckel model1995-10
180 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshEfficient symbolic simulation based verification using the parametric form of boolean expressions (rev.)We present several new techniques to make symbolic simulation based verification efficient. These techniques hinge on the use of the parametric form of a boolean expression (e.g. the parametric form for the boolean expression XQ V -<xi is the equivalent expression 3a b . (XQ = a V 6) A (xi = b), whe...Symbolic simulation; Verification1991
181 Cohen, ElaineMinimum distance queries for polygonal and parametric modelsCalculation of the minimum distance to a geometric object or the minimum separation between objects is a fundamental problem that has application in a variety of arenas. Minimum separation queries for sculptured surfaces are believed particularly difficult, yet are increasingly important as modeli...Minimum separation; Minimum distance; Virtual prototyping1997
182 Harrison, Reid R.Integrating sensorimotor systems in a robot model of cricket behaviorThe mechanisms by which animals manage sensorimotor integration and coordination of different behaviors can be investigated in robot models. In previous work the first author has built a robot that localizes sound based on close modeling of the auditory and neural system in the cricket. It is known ...2000
183 Organick, Elliott I.Characteristics of a functional programming languageA programming language kernel is presented where an algorithm is a function defined through a functional expression. The only data structure introduced is an object that may be an atom or a sequence of objects. A number of functional forms are defined, with a notation close to ordinary mathematical ...1980
184 Parker, Steven G.; Hansen, Charles D.Distributed interactive ray tracing for large volume visualizationWe have constructed a distributed parallel ray tracing system that interactively produces isosurface renderings from large data sets on a cluster of commodity PCs. The program was derived from the SCI Institute's interactive ray tracer (*-Ray), which utilizes small to large shared memory platforms, ...Ray tracing; Volume rendering; Large data; Cluster computing; Distributed shared memory2003
185 Furse, Cynthia M.3D ray-tracing for intra-vehicle environmentsIn order to develop a wireless communication system that could be used for all types of aircraft sensor networks, the severe multipath channel found inside aircrafts must be well defined. This multipath channel is much more complex than usual outdoor/indoor channels and thus far, research has been l...2009
186 Regehr, John; Eide, Eric NormanMemory safety and untrusted extensions for TinyOSSensor network applications should be reliable. However, TinyOS, the dominant sensor net OS, lacks basic building blocks for reliable software systems: memory protection, isolation, and safe termination. These features are typically found in general-purpose operating systems but are believed to b...TinyOS2006-06-30
187 Hansen, Charles D.; Whitaker, Ross T.Interactive deformation and visualization of level set surfaces using graphics hardwareDeformable isosurfaces, implemented with level-set methods, have demonstrated a great potential in visualization for applications such as segmentation, surface processing, and surface reconstruction. Their usefulness has been limited, however, by their high computational cost and and reliance on sig...Deformation; Level sets; Deformable models; Image segmentation; Volume visualization; GPU; Streaming computation; Isosurfaces2003
188 Mathews, V. JohnFixed-point error analysis of stochastic gradient adaptive lattice filtersAbstract-This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the stochastic gradient adaptive lattice filter used as a linear, one-step predictor, when the effects of finite precision arithmetic are taken into account. Only the fixed-point implementation is considered here. Both the unnormalized and norma...1990
189 Horch, Kenneth W.; Lawrence, Steve M.; Dhillon, Gurpreet S.Acute peripheral nerve recording characteristics of polymer-based longitudinal intrafascicular electrodesWe examined the recording characteristics of two different types of polymer-based longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes (LIFEs) in peripheral nerve: single-stranded (s-polyLIFEs) and multistranded (m-polyLIFEs). Recordings were also made from Pt-Ir wire-based electrodes (PtIrLIFEs) as a control. T...Sciatic Nerve; Intrafascicular Electrodes, Peripheral Nerve Recording2004
190 Johnson, Robert R.Patterns of patternsPurpose of this Poster is to demonstrate that it takes the patterns of values in all the many dimensions to place each patient in the final patterns shown in each of the 5 charts. The final patterns determine the ability of each technology to identify or distinguish patients in each class. It is p...Gene patterns; Colon cancer; Trapeze Interactive poster2010-03-15
191 Furse, Cynthia M.Invisible fray: a critical analysis of the use of reflectometry for fray locationSignificant international research and development efforts have been devoted to methods and equipment for locating wiring faults, particularly those on aging aircraft. Several reflectometry methods that send high frequency signals down the line and analyze the returned reflections have risen to the...Reflectometry; Fray location; Invisible fray; Fault location; Aging wiring; Spread spectrum reflectometry2006-06
192 Harrison, Reid R.CMOS imager with on-chip temporal filtering for motion pre-processingRobust motion detection algorithms such as the motion energy model require temporal filtering at the pixel level. We have designed and tested a CMOS imager with integrated, pixel-level temporal filtering necessary for motion detection. This temporal filtering enhances transients and provides a ...2002-01-01
193 Bedrov, Dmitro; Smith, Grant D.Thermodynamic, transport and viscoelastic properties of PBX-9501 binder: a molecular dynamics simulation studyAtomistic molecular dynamics simulations were performed on a low molecular weight nitroplasticized Estane® mixture representative of the binder used in PBX-9501. Pressurevolume-temperature (PVT) behavior over a wide range of pressure and temperatures above the order-disorder temperature (ODT) of Es...PBX-9501 binder; Estane; Viscosity; Shear stress relaxation modulus2008-04-04
194 Myers, Chris J.Timed state space exploration using POSETsAbstract-This paper presents a new timing analysis algorithm for efficient state space exploration during the synthesis of timed circuits or the verification of timed systems. The source of the computational complexity in the synthesis or verification of a timed system is in finding the reachable ti...2000
195 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive lattice bilinear filtersAbstract-This paper presents two fast least squares lattice algorithms for adaptive nonlinear filters equipped with bilinear system models. Bilinear models are attractive for adaptive filtering applications because they can approximate a large class of nonlinear systems adequately, and usually with...1993
196 Liu, FengSimple generic method for predicting the effect of strain on surface diffusionWe show, by first-principles calculations, that the effect of external strain on surface diffusion is inherently correlated with the intrinsic surface stress induced by the adatom along its diffusion pathways. We demonstrate a simple generic method for a priori predicting quantitatively how an ext...Surface diffusion; First-principles calculations; Adatoms2001-11
197 Stringfellow, Gerald B.; Shurtleff, James KevinHeterostructures in GaInP grown using a change in Te dopingIn organometallic vapor phase epitaxy, changes in growth conditions can be used to modulate the extent of CuPt ordering and, hence, the band gap energy of GaInP. One method is to add Te during growth. An increase in the band gap energy of 0.1 eV due to a decrease in ordering has been obtained by ...Heterostructures; Alloys2000
198 Subrahmanyam, P.A.FUNLOG = functions + logic: a computational model integrating logic programming and functional programming (Rev. May 1983)Funlog, a computational model which attempts to integrate functional programming and logic programming is described. The model supports computations with infinite data structures without the introduction of complex control issues at the user-level. Control characteristics are improved as compared wi...FUNLOG; Functional programming; Logic programming1983
199 Starkey, MikeSwitchbox routing by pattern matchingMany good algorithms have been designed that provide good solutions to the wire routing problem in VLSI. Unfortunately, many of these algorithms only consider a small subset of different parameters such as number of layers, routability of layers and technology. We believe that these algorithms can b...Switchbox routing; pattern matching; wire routing problem; VLSI1991
200 Tiwari, AshutoshZn0.9Co0.1O-based diluted magnetic semiconducting thin filmsHere we report a systematic study of structural, optical, and magnetic measurements on epitaxial Zn0.9Co0.1O films grown on c-plane sapphire single crystal, at various temperatures (500-650°C), using pulsed-laser deposition. The main emphasis in this work has been on the correlation of microstructu...ZnO; Cobalt2004
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