176 - 200 of 856
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176 Paraneoplastic RetinopathyCancer associated retinopathy syndrome with extreme retino-arteriolar narrowing. CAR Syndrome. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Oat cell carcinoma of the lung with paraneoplastic retinopathy. Disease/Diagnosis: Cancer associated retinopathy. Clinical: Progressive visual loss, progressive night blindness,...Image
177 R3C9 Nettleship Collaterals: a Result of Calcific Embolization of the Central Retinal ArteryResult of calcific embolization of the central retinal artery. The embolus itself can not be seen within the tissue of the optic disc. Numerous chorio-retino collaterals are filling the branches of a central retinal artery. Such an eye is always blind. These collaterals indicate that the patient pro...Image
178 Retinal (Macular) Involvement in Subacute Sclerosing Pan EncephalopathyRetinal (macular) involvement in Subacute Sclerosing Pan Encephalopathy (SSPE). Note interesting microvascular changes associated with the retinal disease. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Cerebral and retinal degeneration. Disease/Diagnosis: Subacute Sclerosing Pan Encephalopathy (SSPE). Clinical: Progr...Image
179 Retinal Signs of Atheromatous EmbolizationRetinal signs of atheromatous embolization. Note the way the cholesterol emboli stick at arteriole bifurcation. Note second plaque hidden at the juncture below. Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Intraluminal cholesterol crystals. Disease/Diagnosis: Carotid atheromatous vascular disease. Clinical: No visua...Image
180 Retinocerebral Arteriovenous Malformation (Wyburn Mason Syndrome)Retinocerebral arteriovenous malformation showing one major arteriovenous loop. (Cross reference with V12-28 this section). Cross reference with V12-28 this section, Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Wyburn Mason Syndrome. Clinical: Single arteriovenous l...Image
181 Segmental Atrophy - AltitudinalSegmental optic atrophy - superior altitudinal. 55 year old man.1970. The cupping and the normal superior arteries are evidence against AION. Post ischemic, acquired. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic hemiatrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Segmental atrophy - altitudinal. Clinical: Inferior visual fiel...Image
182 Segmental Atrophy - AltitudinalSegmental Optic Atrophy Superiorly - Altitudinal. Cause unknown. There is a cup. 1973. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic hemiatrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Segmental atrophy - altitudinal. Clinical: Inferior visual field defect.Image
183 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy from right optic tract injury. Red free filter. Left eye. Has temporal hemianopia with band atrophy. Note loss of nasal nerve fiber layer. Old right optic tract injury. 1972. Pair with IIA2C_9a. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Right optic tract injury. Disease/Diagno...Image
184 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy with horizontal cupping. Pituitary adenoma. Magnification of 14a. Pair with IIA2C_14a. 1975. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chiasmal compression from pituitary adenoma in a cupped disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Band atrophy and cupping. Clinical: Temporal hemianopia.Image
185 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy with horizontal cupping. Transverse cup. Pair with IIA2C_14b. 1975. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chiasmal compression from pituitary adenoma in a cupped disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Band atrophy and cupping. Clinical: Temporal hemianopia.Image
186 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy from right optic tract injury. Red free filter. Left eye. Has temporal hemianopia with band atrophy. Note loss of nasal nerve fiber layer. Old right optic tract injury. 1972. Pair with IIA2C_9b. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Right optic tract injury. Disease/Diagno...Image
187 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy from right optic tract injury. This eye has a nasal hemianopia. Its disc shows temporal pallor with an intact nasal nerve fiber layer. Old right optic tract injury. 1986. Pair with IIA2C_8b. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Right optic tract injury. Disease/Diagnosis:...Image
188 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy from right optic tract injury. Left eye. Has temporal hemianopia with band atrophy. Note loss of nasal nerve fiber layer. Old right optic tract injury. 1986. Pair with IIA2C_8a. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Right optic tract injury. Disease/Diagnosis: Homonymous h...Image
189 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy with papilledema. 1975. Patient had a right optic tract glioma. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Glioma of the right optic tract. Disease/Diagnosis: Twin peaks papilledema. Clinical: Left homonymous hemianopia.Image
190 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Magnification of IIA2C_02a. Band atrophy in an eye with temporal hemianopia. Wyburn-Mason Syndrome extending to the chiasm. Left eye. 1975. Right eye in patient was blind. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Right sided chiasmal AVM. Disease/Diagnosis: Band atrophy due to chiasmal A...Image
191 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (band) atrophy - Bilateral horizontal band atrophy secondary to old chiasmal trauma. Note the presence of arcuate nerve fibers and the absence of temporal and nasal nerve fibers. Note the sharp edged pallor of the nasal disc margin. Right eye. Pair with IIA2C_1b. 1985....Image
192 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (band) atrophy - Bilateral horizontal band atrophy secondary to old chiasmal trauma. Note the presence of arcuate nerve fibers and the absence of temporal and nasal nerve fibers. Note the sharp edged pallor of the nasal disc margin. Right eye. Pair with IIA2C_1a. 1985....Image
193 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy. Shows band atrophy in left disc with preserved upper and lower arcuate nerve fiber bundles. Right disc has thinning of both upper and lower arcuate nerve fiber bundles, temporal pallor, and an intact nasal nerve fiber layer. 1972. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Rig...Image
194 Segmental Atrophy - Temporal - Due to Thallium (Rat) PoisoningSegmental Atrophy - Temporal - due to thallium (rat) poisoning. Large bilateral central scotomas. 1972. Right eye. Pair with IIA1_01b. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from thallium. Clinical: Decreased vision.Image
195 Segmental Atrophy - Temporal - Due to Thallium (Rat) PoisoningSegmental Atrophy - Temporal - due to thallium (rat) poisoning. Large bilateral central scotomas. 1972. Left eye. Pair with IIA1_01a. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from thallium. Clinical: Decreased vision.Image
196 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Mild disc blurring. Obese woman complaining of headaches. Asymmetric papilledema. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Asymmetric papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Headache, obese woman.Image
197 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Woman. Anomalous optic disc elevation in right eye only. This woman's case mimics unilateral papilledema from pseudotumor cerebri. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Anomalous disc elevation. Disease/Diagnosis: Pseudo papilledema. Clinincal: Mimic of papilledema; symptoms: headache; signs: a...Image
198 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Has no optic cup. Woman. Left optic disc is flat and cupless. This woman's case mimics unilateral papilledema from pseudotumor cerebri. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Anomalous disc elevation. Disease/Diagnosis: Pseudo papilledema. Clinical: Mimic of papilledema; symptoms: headache; signs...Image
199 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Low grade papilledema. Obese woman complaining of headaches. Asymmetric papilledema. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Asymmetric papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Headache, obese woman.Image
200 Unilateral PapilledemaLeft eye. Has papilledema. Patient has Pseudotumor cerebri. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, pseudotumor cerebri. Clinical: Woman, headache, transient visual obscuration.Image
176 - 200 of 856