176 - 200 of 255
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
176 Stimulation and Destruction of the Prelemniscal Radiation or its Adjacent Area in Various Extrapyrimidal Disorders (Annotations)Stimulation and lesions in the area of the pre-lemniscal radiation.Card Catalog Index Cards
177 Stimulation of the Hypothalamus with the Horsley-Clarke Stereotaxic Instrument (Annotations)Autonomic effects and snarling expression with hypothalmic stimuli in cat.Card Catalog Index Cards
178 Studies on the Changes of Intraocular Pressure Induced by Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus (Illustrations and Annotations)Study using electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus to measure changes in intraocular pressure, pupillary dilation.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
179 Studies on the Conditions of Activity in Endocrine Glands. XV. Pseudoaffective Medulladrenal Secretion (Annotations)Studies on the conditions of activity in endocrine glands; "sham rage."Card Catalog Index Cards
180 Syndrome Paratrigeminal de Raeder (Annotations)Study of Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
181 The Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit. Including the Central Connections, Development, and Comparative Anatomy of the Visual Apparatus (Illustrations and Annotations)Book containing description of the eye, its appendages, most of the nervous structures concerned in vision, and their anatomical relations. Two chapters are devoted to the development of the eye and comparative anatomy.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
182 The Clinical Link Between Migraine and Cluster Headaches (Annotations)Study of the link between migraines and cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
183 The Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study of the cluster headache.Card Catalog Index Cards
184 The Croonian Lectures on Cerebral Localisation (Lecture I)Ocular and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilation).Print References
185 The Croonian Lectures on Cerebral Localisation (Lecture II)Ocular and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilation).Print References
186 The Croonian Lectures on Cerebral Localisation (Lecture III)Ocular and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilation).Print References
187 The Development of the Third Nerve Nucleus and its Bearing on the Argyll-Robertson Pupil (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of the development of the third nerve nucleus and its bearing on the Argyll-Robertson pupil.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
188 The Functions of the Brain (Chapter V)Study of the functions of the optic lobes or corpora quadrigemina.Print References
189 The Functions of the Brain (Chapter VIII)Study of the functions of the optic lobes or corpora quadrigemina.Print References
190 The Functions of the Brain (Illustrations and Annotations)Animals deprived of cortex respond to painful stimulation by groans and cries, instinctive emotional expression; true conscious feeling; 'the dilation of the pupils, which is readily induced by irritation of the corp.qu. is probably [...] an expression of sensory irritation'; painful stimulation of ...Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
191 The Functions of the Frontal LobesPupillary and mental-emotional effects of stimulation and ablation.Print References
192 The Functions of the Frontal Lobes (Annotations)Pupillary and mental-emotional effects of stimulation and ablation.Card Catalog Index Cards
193 The Homogenous Structure of Blood Vessels in the Vascular Tree of Macaca Mulatta Iris (Annotations)A systematic analysis of the iris vasculature in monkeys.Card Catalog Index Cards
194 The Innervation of the PupilPupillary dilation upon cortical stimulation.Print References
195 The Luminous Efficiency of Rays Entering the Eye Pupil at Different Points (Illustrations and Annotations)The assumption that the apparent brightness of an object is proportional to the pupil area is shown to be invalid, and measurements are described which give the relative luminous efficiencies of rays entering the pupil at different points. From these data the total efficiencies of eye pupils at diff...Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
196 The Paratrigeminal Syndrome of Raeder. Regeneration of the Third Nerve. Subdural Hematoma (Annotations)Study of Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome, regeneration of the third nerve, subdural hematoma.Card Catalog Index Cards
197 The Pupil: Anatomy, Physiology, and Clinical Applications - Volume II (Bibliography and Index)The Pupil: Anatomy, Physiology, and Clinical Applications - Volume II, Bibliography and Index
198 The Relations of Pupil Size to Accommodation and Convergence (Illustrations and Annotations)Study demonstrates pupil never contracts to accommodation without convergence.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
199 The Role of the Sphenopalatine (or Meckel's) Ganglion in Nasal Headaches (Annotations)Study of the role of the sphenopalatine ganglion in nasal headaches, included in table but removed from published index.Card Catalog Index Cards
200 The Structural Changes in Miosis and Mydriasis of the Monkey Eye (Annotations)Study of the structural changes in miosis and mydriasis of the monkey eye.Card Catalog Index Cards
176 - 200 of 255