176 - 200 of 634
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176 Thomas, Kirk R.; Capecchi, Mario R.Maintenance of functional equivalence during paralogous Hox gene evolution.Biological diversity is driven mainly by gene duplication followed by mutation and selection. This divergence in either regulatory or protein-coding sequences can result in quite different biological functions for even closely related genes. This concept is exemplified by the mammalian Hox gene comp...Alleles; Animals; Cervical Vertebrae; Embryo; Genetic Complementation Test; Homeodomain Proteins; Homozygote; Mice2000-02-10
177 Bohs, Lynn A.Phylogeny and biogeography of the Canarian Solanum vespertilio and S. lidii (Solanaceae)The endemic and rare Solanum vespertilio and S. lidii from the Canary Islands are notable in being andromonoecious, self compatible, highly heterandrous (with short >reward= anthers and one very long >pollination= anther), and bearing strongly zygomorphic corollas. Solanum vespertilio flowers are a...Solanum vespertilio; Solanum lidii; Leptostemonum; tnT-F region; granule-bound starch synthase gene; GBSSI; Andromonoecy; Hererandry; Enantiostyly2006
178 Capecchi, Mario R.Personal view of gene targetingGene targeting provides the means for creating strains of mice with mutations in virtually any gene.1 First, the desired mutation is introduced into a cloned copy of the chosen gene by standard recombinant DNA technology. The mutation is then transferred to the genome of a pluripotent mouse embryo-d...1995
179 Capecchi, Mario R.Characterization of three proteins involved in polypeptide chain termination.At each stage of elongation, the growing polypeptide chain is bound to the ribosome-messenger RNA complex through the transfer RNA of the most recently incorporated amino acid residue. When the chain is complete, the last polypeptide-transfer RNA (tuna) ester linkage is cleaved, releasing the chain ...Anti-Bacterial Agents; Phenylalanine; Stimulation, Chemical1969
180 Thomas, Kirk R.; Capecchi, Mario R.High-fidelity gene targeting in embryonic stem cells by using sequence replacement vectors.Mutations were targeted to the Hprt locus in murine embryonic stem cells by using sequence replacement vectors. When the vector was designed such that the mutated sequences were flanked on both sides by several kilobases of DNA homologous to the target locus, replacement of chromosomal sequences wit...Drug Resistance; Gene Rearrangement; Gentamicins1992-07
181 Coley, Phyllis D.Benefits and costs of defense in a neotropical shrubBenefits and costs are central to optimality theories of plant defense. Benefit is the gain in fitness to reducing herbivory and cost is the loss in fitness to committing resources to defense. We evaluate the benefits and costs of defense in a neotropical shrub, Psychotria horizontalis. Plants were ...Cost of defense; Growth-defense trade-off; Exclosures; Field experiment; Herbivory; Panama; Psychotria horizontalis; Rubiaceae; Tannins; Toughness; Tropics1995
182 Beckerle, Mary C.Kindler syndrome protein is regulated by Transforming Growth Factor-β and involved in integrin-mediated adhesionTransforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) contributes to tumor invasion and cancer progression by increasing the motility of tumor cells. To identify genes involved in TGF-β-mediated cell migration, the transcriptional profiles of human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) treated with TGF-β were compar...Kindler syndrome; Kindlerin; Talin; Focal adhesions; FERM domain2004
183 Capecchi, Mario R.Mice lacking endothelial ACE: normal blood pressure with elevated angiotensin IIRecently, the concept of local renin-angiotensin systems (RAS) capable of generating angiotensin II apart from the circulation has received considerable attention. To investigate this, we generated ACE 1/3 mice in which one allele of ACE is null and the second allele was engineered to express ACE o...2003
184 Capecchi, Mario R.Expression of a microinjected porcine class I major histocompatibility complex gene in transgenic mice.A porcine class I major histocompatibility complex (SLA) gene has been introduced into the genome of a C57BL/10 mouse. This transgenic mouse expressed SLA antigen on its cell surfaces and transmitted the gene to offspring, in which the gene is also expressed. Skin grafts of such transgenic mice were...Genetic Engineering; Graft Rejection; Mice, Inbred C57BL1985-05-03
185 Coley, Phyllis D.Coibanoles, a new class of meroterpeniods produced by pycnoporus sanguineusThree new terpenoids of mixed biosynthetic origin were isolated from the culture filtrate of the endophytic fungus Pycnoporus sanguineus. Their structures were determined by extensive spectroscopic analyses. We have named these tricyclic and tetracyclic metabolites ?coibanoles A?C? in reference to...2012
186 Olivera, Baldomero M.Conodipine-M, a novel phospholipase A2 isolated from the venom of the marine snail Conus magusWe describe the purification and first biochemical characterization of an enzymatic activity in venom from the marine snail Conus magus. This enzyme, named conodipine-M, is a novel phospholipase A2 with a molecular mass of 13.6 ĸDa and is comprised of two polypeptide chains linked by one or more di...Conotoxins; Conodipine-M; Conus magus1994
187 Olivera, Baldomero M.Identification of Conus peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIases) and assessment of their role in the oxidative folding of conotoxinsPeptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIases) are ubiquitous proteins that catalyze the cis-trans isomerization of prolines. A number of proteins, such as Drosophila rhodopsin and the human immunodeficiency viral protein HIV-1 Gag, have been identified as endogenous substrates for PPIases. However, ...2010
188 Olivera, Baldomero M.Poly(ADP-ribosylation) of DNA topoisomerase I: a nuclear response to DNA-strand interruptionsDNA in eukaryotic chromosomes is organized differently from prokaryotic DNA. It seems highly probable that mechanistic adjustments have been made in macromolecular DNA metabolism as a consequence of the chromatin structure of the eukaryotic chromosome (Igo-Kemenes et al. 1982)). This paper deals ...Poly(ADP-ribosylation); Poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase; DNA strand interruption1984
189 Clayton, Dale H.Swiftlets on islands: genetics and phylogeny of the Seychelles and Mascarene swiftletsPopulations on islands are isolated from mainland populations and are thus expected to diverge and speciate from mainland relatives. We investigated die phylogenetic position and taxonomic rank of the Seychelles and Mascarene swiftlets using nuclear (fibrinogen intron 7) and mitochondrial (cytochr...Aerodramus Francicus; Aerodramus elaphrus; Collocalia; Apodidae; Cytochrome b; Fibrinogen intron 7; Echolocation; Seychelles; Mascarene Islands1999
190 Ehleringer, James R.Gas exchange, δ13C, and heterotrophy for Castilleja linariifolia and Orthocarpus tolmiei, facultative root hemiparasites on Artemisia tridentataGas exchange and carbon isotope ratios were measured on 2 facultative hemiparasites, Castilleja linarifolia Benth. (Indian paintbrush; Scrophulariaceae) and Orthocarpus tolmiei I-I. & A. (Tolmie owl clover; Scrophulariaceae), and their Artemisia tridentata L. (big sagebrush; Asteraceae) hosts. Photo...Heterotrophy; Hemiparasite; Carbon isotope ratios; Shrub ecology; Castilleja linarifolia; Orthocarpus tolmiei; Artemisia tridentata1996
191 Olivera, Baldomero M.Distinction among neuronal subtypes of voltage-activated sodium channels by μ-conotoxin PIIIAThe functional properties of most sodium channels are too similar to permit identification of specific sodium channel types underlying macroscopic current. Such discrimination would be particularly advantageous in the nervous system in which different sodium channel family isoforms are coexpressed i...Conotoxins; m-conotoxin2000
192 Bohs, Lynn A.Crossing studies in Cyphomandra (Solanaceae) and their systematic and evolutionary significanceA crossing program involving eight species of Cyphomandra was instituted to elucidate systematic relationships between the taxa and evolutionary mechanisms operating in the genus. The results show that gametophytic self-incompatibility is widespread in Cyphomandra. Pollen tubes were able to reach ...Solanum maternum; Crossing studies1991
193 Capecchi, Mario R.Patterns of integration of DNA microinjected into cultured mammalian cells: evidence for homologous recombination between injected plasmid DNA molecules.We examined the fate of DNA microinjected into nuclei of cultured mammalian cells. The sequence composition and the physical form of the vector carrying the selectable gene affected the efficiency of DNA-mediated transformation. Introduction of sequences near the simian virus 40 origin of DNA replic...Base Sequence; Cell Line; Genes, Viral; Genetic Vectors; Mice; Microinjections1982-11
194 Coley, Phyllis D.Red coloration of tropical young leaves: a possible antifungal defense?Many woody species in humid tropical forests synchronously flush entire canopies of young red leaves. Numerous unsuccessful attempts have been made to explain the adaptive value of this visually striking phenomenon. In the humid tropics, fungal attack is a potentially important source of mortality f...Herbivory; Anthocyanin; Antifungal defense; Atta columbica; Panama; Leaf-cutting ants; Tropics; Young leaves1989
195 Seger, JonModels of sex ratio evolutionOur understanding of sex ratio evolution depends strongly on models that identify: (1) constraints on the production of male and female offspring, and (2) fitness consequences entailed by the production of different attainable brood sex ratios. Verbal and mathematical arguments by, among others, D...Fitness; Species; Sex-allocation2002
196 Clayton, Dale H.; Bush, Sarah ElizabethComparative transmission dynamics of competing parasite speciesCompetition-colonization trade-off models explain the coexistence of competing species in terms of a trade-off between competitive ability and the ability to colonize competitor-free patches of habitat. A simple prediction of these models is that inferior competitors will be superior dispersers. Thi...Bird lice; Campanulotes compar; Coexistence; Colonization; Columba livia; Columbicola columbae; Competition; Dispersal; Parasite; Phoresis; Specificity; Pseudolynchia canariensis; Phthiraptera2008
197 Potts, Wayne K.Evolution of mating preferences and major histocompatibility complex genesHouse mice prefer mates genetically dissimilar at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The highly polymorphic MHC genes control immunological self/nonself recognition; therefore, this mating preference may function to provide "good genes" for an individual's offspring. However, the evidence ...Inbreeding; Parasites; Recognition1999
198 Olivera, Baldomero M.; ; McIntosh, J. Michaelα-Conotoxin AuIB selective blocks α3ß4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and nicotine-evoked norepinephrine releaseNeuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) with putative α3ß4-subunits have been implicated in the mediation of signaling in various systems, including ganglionic transmission peripherally and nicotine-evoked neurotransmitter release centrally. However, progress in the characterization of...Conotoxins; a-Conotoxin AuIB; Norepinephrine release1998
199 Capecchi, Mario R.Critical role of tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme as revealed by gene targeting in miceAngiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) generates the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II, which plays a critical role in maintenance of blood pressure in mammals. Although significant ACE activity is found in plasma, the majority of the enzyme is bound to tissues such as the vascular endothelium. We used ta...Blood pressure; ACE activity; Enzyme1997-03-06
200 Coley, Phyllis D.; Kursar, Thomas A.Colonization of tropical rain forest leaves by epiphylls: effects of site and host plant leaf lifetimeIn humid tropical regions, leaves are frequently colonized by epiphylls (Richards 1954, Pocs 1978, 1982). Lichens and liverworts usually dominate, although mosses, algae, and cyanobacteria can also occur (Winkler 1971, Smith 1982). The interactions between epiphylls and host leaves have not been wel...Tropical forest; Epiphylls; Panama; Hybanthus prunifolius; Light interception1993
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