151 - 175 of 7,167
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151 Scarpulla, MichaelThe importance of Se partial pressure in the laser annealing of CuInSe2 electrodeposited precursorsOne method for producing CuInSe2 (CISe) absorber layers is electrodeposition followed by annealing. Replacing the commonly used furnace annealing step with a laser can reduce annealing times by 2-3 orders of magnitude: from 30 minutes to 1 s. However, laser processing has, to date, not resulted in a...2014-01-01
152 Minteer, Shelley D.Improved performance of a thylakoid bio-solar cell by incorporation of carbon quantum dotsCarbon quantum dots (CQDs) were incorporated into thylakoid bioanodes capable of direct photobioelectrocatalysis in order to increase the photocurrent generation. More thylakoids are in contact with the increased surface area which allows for greater direct electron transfer (DET). Additionally, the...2014-01-01
153 Blair, StevenImplantable glass optrodes for deep-tissue light delivery3D needle-type glass waveguide arrays were developed as potentially compact neural interfaces for light delivery in deep-tissue. As much as 90% of input light is transmitted via a single optrode to depths >1mm in tissue. Light emission profiles from the optrode tips into tissue can exhibit beam widt...2014-01-01
154 Hawkes, KristenLife history theory and human evolution : a chronicle of ideas and findingsFertility ends at similar ages in women and female chimpanzees, but humans usually live longer and mature later. We also differ from our closest living relatives in weaning infants before they can feed themselves. The comparisons pose questions about when and why the distinctively human life history...2006-01-01
155 Adler, Frederick R.Long-term models of oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in insulin resistance progressionInsulin resistance, characterized by a reduced cellular response to insulin, is a major factor in type 2 diabetes pathogenesis, with a complex etiology consisting of a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Oxidative stress, which develops through an accumulation of toxic reactive oxygen ...2014-01-01
156 Balasubramonian, RajeevLeveraging heterogeneity in DRAM main memories to accelerate critical word accessThe DRAM main memory system in modern servers is largely homogeneous. In recent years, DRAM manufacturers have produced chips with vastly differing latency and energy characteristics. This provides the opportunity to build a heterogeneous main memory system where different parts of the address space...2012-01-01
157 Beckerle, Mary C.LIM proteins in actin cytoskeleton mechanoresponseThe actin cytoskeleton assembles into branched networks or bundles to generate mechanical force for critical cellular processes such as establishment of polarity, adhesion, and migration. Stress fibers are contractile, actomyosin structures that physically couple to the extracellular matrix through ...2014-01-01
158 Regehr, JohnLock inference for systems softwareWe have developed task scheduler logic (TSL) to automate reasoning about scheduling and concurrency in systems software. TSL can detect race conditions and other errors as well as supporting lock inference: the derivation of an appropriate lock implementation for each critical section in a system. L...2003-01-01
159 Gondolo, PaoloLight dark matter in leptophobic Z' modelsRecent experimental results in direct dark matter detection may be interpreted in terms of a dark matter particle of mass around 10 GeV=c2. We show that the required scenario can be realized with a new dark matter particle charged under an extra Abelian gauge boson Z0 that couples to quarks but not ...2012-01-01
160 Myers, Chris J.LEMA: A tool for the formal verification of digitally-intensive analog/mixed-signal circuitsThe increasing integration of analog/mixed-signal (AMS) circuits into system designs has further complicated an already difficult verification problem. Recently, formal verification, which has been successful in the purely digital domain, has made some in-roads in the AMS domain. This paper describe...2014-01-01
161 Miller, Jan D.Leaching of gold in acid thiourea-thiocyanate solutions using ferric sulfate as oxidantThe leaching of gold in ferric-thiourea-thiocyanate solutions has been studied by the rotating-disk technique. The effects of initial concentrations of ferric, thiourea (Tu), thiocyanate, temperature and pH value on gold leaching rate were studied. Determinations of apparent activation energy indica...2011-01-01
162 Furse, Cynthia M.Learning to teach in the flipped classroomThe flipped classroom has gained tremendous recent popularity. This paper reports on a new faculty training program for helping and mentoring faculty to learn to teach with the flipped classroom. Several modules were piloted in 2013-2014, including active teaching, how to create video lectures, cont...2014-01-01
163 Sekercioglu, CaganThe effects of climate change on tropical birdsBirds are among the most widely studied organisms on earth and represent an important indicator group for learning about the effects of climate change - particularly in regard to the effects of climate change on tropical ecosystems. In this review, we assess the potential impacts of climate change o...2010-01-01
164 Couldwell, William T.Expanding neurosurgeryThe history of medicine is replete with innovations in neurosurgery that have spurred further developments across the medical spectrum. Surgeons treating pathologies in the head and spine have broken ground with new approaches, techniques, and technologies since ancient times. Neurosurgeons occupy a...2014-01-01
165 Regehr, JohnEvolving real-time systems using hierarchical scheduling and concurrency analysisWe have developed a new way to look at real-time and embedded software: as a collection of execution environments created by a hierarchy of schedulers. Common schedulers include those that run interrupts, bottom-half handlers, threads, and events. We have created algorithms for deriving response tim...2003-01-01
166 Liu, FengExotic electronic states in the world of flat bands: from theory to materialIt has long been noticed that special lattices contain single-electron at bands (FB) without any dispersion. Since the kinetic energy of electrons is quenched in the FB, this highly degenerate energy level becomes an ideal platform to achieve strongly correlated electronic states, such as magnetism,...2014-01-01
167 Liu, FengExceptional optoelectronic properties of hydrogenated bilayer siliceneSilicon is arguably the best electronic material, but it is not a good optoelectronic material. By employing first-principles calculations and the cluster-expansion approach, we discover that hydrogenated bilayer silicene (BS) shows promising potential as a new kind of optoelectronic material. Most ...2014-01-01
168 Rieth, Loren WExcimer-laser deinsulation of Parylene-C coated Utah electrode array tipsUtah electrode arrays (UEAs) are highly effective to measure or stimulate neural action potentials from the central or peripheral nervous system. The measured signals can be used for applications including control of prosthetics (recording) and stimulation of proprioceptive percepts. The UEAs are co...2012-01-01
169 Brillon, Alicia ; Craigle, ValeriAutomated Library Services: One Law Library's ExperienceArticle describing implementation of shelf-ready services in the S.J. Quinney Law Library.2013-09
170 Chodosh, HiramAnti-Corruption Editorial Series From the Daily Star, Lebanon, News PageCorruption op-ed.2010-01-27
171 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryAgelenid spiders of the Genus CicurinaThe genus Cicurina was erected by Menge in 18(59 for the species jlranea cicurea Fabricius (1793). Since then, various species from North America have been added to this genus. Petrunkevitch, in his catalog of 1911, listed 11 species from this continent. Exline, in a review of the Cicurinas in 1936,...1940-06-29
172 Mallat, ChibliAfter Kosovo: Secession in the Middle EastA federal state is better than the division of the land. This is also true for Kosovo and the other countries in the Balkans, as it is for Sudan and Yemen. The ICJ Kosovo ruling is good for secessionists, bad for democrats, and devastating for order in the planet.2010-09-02
173 Neatrour, AnnaRegional Aggregation and Discovery of Digital Collections: The Mountain West Digital LibraryThe Mountain West Digital Library (MWDL) is a digital collaborative of over 180 partners from five states in the U.S. West, sharing free access to over 775 digital collections with over 950,000 resources. Partners of the MWDL work together on providing regional discovery via an online portal at m...Mountain West Digital Library; Discovery; Metadata aggregation; Digital libraries; Regional digital libraries2016
174 Hayes-Harb, RachelThe influence of the Pinyin and Zhuyin writing systems on the acquisition of Mandarin word forms by native English speakersThe role of written input in second language (L2) phonological and lexical acquisition has received increased attention in recent years. Here we investigated the influence of two factors that may moderate the influence of orthography on L2 word form learning: (i) whether the writing system is shared...Second language acquisition(SLA); Mandarin; Pinyin; Zhuyin; Orthographic input; Second language phonology; Second language word learning2016-03-06
175 Chodosh, Hiram E.Mapping corruption: Why Words Make a DifferenceAs I observed two weeks ago in this column, the vernacular for corruption is rich, awareness increasingly acute and legal strategies increasingly aggressive; yet, accepted conceptions and definitions of corruption are far from universal. Why is this so? And why does it matter?2009-10-08
151 - 175 of 7,167