151 - 175 of 176
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
151 Zur Frage der Differenzierung Melaninhaltiger Pigmentzellen im Wirbeltierorganismus. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Feinstruktur Einiger Melanozytenformen des Sehorgans (Annotations)Differentiation of melanin-containing pigment cells in the vertebrate organism. Forms of melanocytes of the eye.Card Catalog Index Cards
152 Wie Beeninflusst die Pupillenweite die Innen und Aussenzonen der Iris (Annotations)Study of the effects of the width of the pupil on the inner and outer zones of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
153 Zur Feinstruktur der Melanocyten in der Menschlichen Iris (Annotations)Study of the structure of melanocytes in the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
154 Morphologische und Funktionelle Studien am Iriskreslauf der Ratte Vitalmikroskopische Beobachtungen (Annotations)Morphological and functional studies on the iris, "vital microscopic observations."Card Catalog Index Cards
155 Der Feinbau der Iris bei verschiedener Pupillenweite (Annotations)Study of the structure of the iris at different pupil widths.Card Catalog Index Cards
156 Pupillary Phenomena and Mechanical Changes in the Iris of the Living Rabbit (Annotations)Method described for producing distortions of pupil using magnetic forces.Card Catalog Index Cards
157 The Vascular System of the Albino Rat Iris, and its Suitability for Vital Microscopy and Experimental Studies on Microcirculation (Annotations)In vital microscopy of the iris, 2 methods are available, quartz rod trans-illumination and illumination using the principle of the ophthalmoscope, making possible visualization of vascular and other structures even at high levels of optical magnification; studies reveal a characteristic angio-archi...Card Catalog Index Cards
158 Vitalmikroskopische Untersuchungen am Vorderen Bulbusabschnitt Kleiner Albinotischer Nager. Grundlagen der Methode und Beschreibung der Apparativen Anordnung (Annotations)Microscopic examinations of the anterior of eyeball. Fundamentals of the method and description of the apparatus arrangement.Card Catalog Index Cards
159 Zur Beurteilung der Iriskrypten Beim Menschen und bei Anderen Primaten (Annotations)Study of iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
160 Ultrastructure of the Iris: Intercellular Stromal Components (Annotations)Study of the intercellular stromal components of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
161 Electron Microscopy of the Uveal Tract (Annotations)Study of the uveal tract and iris epithelium.Card Catalog Index Cards
162 Investigation on the Porosity of the Iris (Annotations)Study of the porosity of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
163 Ueber den Alterswandel der Menschlichen Iris (Annotations)Study of the change over time of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
164 Iris. Das Auge und Seine Hilfsorgane (Annotations)Study of the iris, the eye and its auxiliary organs.Card Catalog Index Cards
165 Der Bau der Regenbogenhaut Beim Menschen und Einigen Säugern (Annotations)Study of iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
166 An Electron Microscopic Study of the Iris Stroma in Monkey and Rabbit with Particular Reference to Intercellular Contacts and Sympathetic Innervation of Anterior Layer Cells (Annotations)Study of iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
167 Ultrastructure of the Extracellular Components of the Human Iris (Annotations)Study of iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
168 Bemerkungen zum Bau der Gefasse und der Gefassscheiden in der Iris (Annotations)Study of the construction of the vessels and vascular sheaths in the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
169 Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur Unterscheidung der Gefassadventitia von der Gefassscheide in der Menschlichen Iris (Annotations)Electronmicroscopic investigations of the vascular sheath in the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
170 Ueber Verschiedene Arten von Iriskrypyten und ihr Verhaltnis zum 'Physiologischen Oedem' des Irisstromas. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Irisstrukturen (Annotations)Study of iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
171 Mechanical Responses of the Pigeon Iris Muscle Fibers (Annotations)Study of the responses of the iris muscle fibers.Card Catalog Index Cards
172 Electron Microscopic Studies on the Iris and Ciliary Body (Annotations)Study of the iris and ciliary body by electron microscope.Card Catalog Index Cards
173 The Structural Changes in Miosis and Mydriasis of the Monkey Eye (Annotations)Study of the structural changes in miosis and mydriasis of the monkey eye.Card Catalog Index Cards
174 The Functions of the Brain (Chapter VIII)Study of the functions of the optic lobes or corpora quadrigemina.Print References
175 The Functions of the Brain (Chapter V)Study of the functions of the optic lobes or corpora quadrigemina.Print References
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