151 - 175 of 487
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151 McDaniel, SusanAdoption policy in Great Britain and North AmericaThis paper has two purposes. First, to explore what existing adoption legislation may indicate about the meaning and function of adoption practices in North America and Great Britain. Second, to consider some possible policy implications revealed by clearer understanding of the social meaning of exi...Adoption law; Family; North America1984
152 Smith, Ken R.Fertility and post-reproductive longevityWe examine the effects of reproduction on longevity among mothers and fathers after age 60. This study is motivated by evolutionary theories of aging and theories predicting social benefits and costs of children to older parents. We use the Utah Population Database, that includes a large genealogic...Fertility; Post-reproductiivity; Longevity2002
153 White, Paul H.Validation, persuasion and recycling: capitalizing on the social ecology of newspaper use.Two experiments used clinical validation to increase scrutiny of messages posted in public settings. The first experiment used a 2 (validation: no/yes) × 2 (persuasion: none/"it is important") factorial design to develop messages about newspaper recycling. The prompt (no validation/no persuasion) h...Recycling; Social Ecology; Newspapers; Social psychology2004-09
154 Harpending, Henry C.; Jorde, Lynn B.Culture creates genetic structure in the Caucasus: autosomal, mitochondrial, and Y-chromosomal variation in DaghestanNear the junction of three major continents, the Caucasus region has been an important thoroughfare for human migration. While the Caucasus Mountains have diverted human traffic to the few lowland regions that provide a gateway from north to south between the Caspian and Black Seas, highland populat...Caucasus; Haplogroups; Autosomal variation; Mitochondrial variation; Y-chromosomal variation; Endogamy; Avar; Dargin; Kubachi; Culture2008
155 Mineau, Geraldine PageSpecification of marital fertility by parents' age, age at marriage and marital durationThe positive association between wife's age at marriage and fertility experienced at the older reproductive ages, cited in recent natural fertility literature, is explored using Mormon birth cohorts from 1840 to 1879. When this relationship is specified by husband's age at marriage and marriage dur...Marital fertility; Marital duration; Paternal age; Father's age; Mother's age1982
156 Fogel, Alan DaleDeveloping through relationships origins of communication, self, and cultureI began to consider the study of relationships as an intellectual vocation in 1970, the result of two years of college teaching that was part of my work as a United States Peace Corps volunteer in Bogota, Colombia. After another year I began my doctoral training in the Department of Education at th...1993
157 McDaniel, SusanGenerational consciousness of and for womenRelying and building on an analytical framework of gendered generation, the question is posed of whether there is a greater or lesser interconnected consciousness among generations of women. Generational consciousness for women may be both thicker and more britte than it is for men. Both patriarchy...Gendered generations; Feminism; Generational consciousness2002
158 Francis, John G.; Francis, Leslie P.Rationing of health care in Britain: an ethical critique of public policy-makingIN BRITAIN, as in the United States, rationing of health care is a fact of life and death. Some rationing is overt, such as the Stanford heart transplant program's decision not to accept very young or older patients.1 Some is disguised, such as day-to-day decisions in hospitals about "do not resusci...Rationing; National Health Service1986
159 Nicoll, KathleenSurvey of earthquake preparedness actionsSurvey on earthquake preparedness.Earthquake preparedness2016-01
160 Zimmer, ZacharyHIV/AIDS and the living arrangements of older persons across the Sub-Saharan African regionABSTRACT: Older adults in sub-Saharan Africa face harsh living conditions including severe poverty and an HIV/AIDS epidemic that results in unprecedented rates of mortality. Yet, because of a lack of available data and only a trickle of past studies, the impact of these conditions on living circum...HIV/AIDS; Sub-Saharan Africa; Poverty2007-11-08
161 McElreath, RichardIn search of homo economicus: behavioral experiments in 15 small scale societiesRecent investigations have uncovered large, consistent deviations from the predictions of the textbook representation of Homo economicus One problem appears to lie in economists' canonical assumption that individuals are entirely self-interested: in addition to their own material payoffs, many exper...Economic behavior; Self-interest; Fairness; Reciprocity2001
162 Malloy, Thomas E.; Jensen, Gary C.Mapping Bateson's Epistemology to Boolean Dynamic System: 1. The Emergence of Dynamic Form & 2. Hierarchies Form.Gregory Bateson (e.g., 2002, p. 85ff; 2000, p. 457-460) construed knowledge to be the propogation of "difference" in a complex network, noting (2000 p. 460) that "the transform of difference travelling in a circuit is an elementary idea." The idea of difference is coded as 0 and 1 in Boolean system...Network; Complex; Psychology; Mind; Nature2006-07-10
163 Hartmann, Donald P.Cautionary note on the use of omega squared to evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral treatmentsEstimating the magnitude of treatment effects has been recommended as a solution to the problems associated with conventional hypothesis testing. In comparison to tradition statistical tests of treatment effectiveness, omega squared (ω2) and related magnitude of effect statistics provide a graduat...Magnitude of effects; Omega squared1981
164 McDaniel, SusanSexual harassment in Canadian academe: explorations of power and privilegeSexual harassment is one of the ways in which women in academe experience inequities. Knowledge about and understanding of sexual harassment is increasing, perhaps even dramatically. Empirical research on sexual harassment in Canada, and particularly in the universities, is an important contributor...Intimidation; Authority; Powerlessness1991
165 McDaniel, SusanEstimates of the rate of illegal abortion and the effects of eliminating therapeutic abortion, Alberta 1973-74*In the current controversy surrounding abortion, rates of illegal abortion, being difficult to ascertain, seldom inform the debate. We utilize a relatively new survey tool, the randomized response technique (RRT), to estimate rates of illegal abortion in Edmonton, Alberta. A comparison of results o...Birth; Health; RRT; Fertility1979
166 Maloney, Thomas N.Living standards in black and white: evidence from the heights of Ohio prison inmates, 1829-1913The use of height data to measure living standards is now a well-established method in the economic history literature. Moreover, a number of core findings are widely agreed upon. There are still some populations, places, and times, however, for which anthropometric evidence remains limited. One su...Stature, Inequality, Nineteenth century US race relations2008-07
167 Yu, ZhouMisleading comparisons of homeownership rates between groups and over time: the effects of variable household formationDespite ominous signs of housing market stress, the homeownership rate reached an all time high in 2006. We seek to understand whether the conventional definition of homeownership, which is based on the share of households and ignores the effects of variable household formation, has confounded the a...2009
168 Zimmer, ZacharyHow indicators of socioeconomic status relate to physical functioning of older adults in three Asian societiesIn developed countries, socioeconomic status has been identified as one of the most important demographic and social determinants of older adult health. The relationship has not been well studied or contrasted across much of the developing world. Yet, with population aging occurring rapidly in much ...Physical functioning; Older adult health2003
169 Diener, Marissa L.; Wright, CherylAttachment security among mothers and their young children living in poverty: associations with maternal, child, and contextual characteristicsIn order to extend previous research and inform intervention programs, the goal of the present study was to further understand variability in mother-child attachment security among high-risk families living in poverty. Mothers (65% Hispanic) and their young children who were in a home visitor progr...Attachment security2003
170 Werner, Carol M.Service-learning "rules" that encourage or discourage long-term service: implications for practice and researchWe use research and theory on intrinsic motivation to suggest that some service-learning practices may be counter-productive. Although these practices may encourage student involvement in the short-term, they may reduce interest over the long-term. We pose seven questions about service requirements ...Community; Choice; Opportunities2000
171 Holzner, Claudio A.; Jameson, Kenneth P.; Maloney, Thomas N.; Abebe, Berhanie; Lund, Matthew; Schaub, KristenEconomic impact of the Mexico-Utah relationshipThis study began during the Summer of 2005 and set out to examine the complexity of the globalized relation between Utah and Mexico, concentrating on broadly defined "economic linkages." It was designed to build upon earlier similar studies done in Arizona and in Texas on those states' relations wit...Economics, Utah; Migration; Immigration; Mexico; Undocumented immigrants2006-03-10
172 McDaniel, SusanSocial cohesion and gender: reflections on tendencies and tensionsSocial cohesion, in various guises, has become a topic of great interest in recent years -- to policy, to sociologists and other social scientists, and to the public. The knit of social fabric is dependent on relationality, on social caring and connectedness, on a sense of social cohesion. Questio...Social cohesion; Gender; Diversity; Inequality2003
173 Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Wen, MingDisparities in healthcare utilization in China: do gender and migration status matter?Using a multi-stage cluster sampling approach, we collected healthcare and demographic data from 531migrants and 529 local urban residents aged 16-64 in Shanghai, China. Logistic regressions were used to analyze the relationship between gender-migration status and healthcare utilization while contr...2012
174 Mineau, Geraldine PageFamilial predisposition to developmental dysplasia of the hipDevelopmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a common birth defect and is thought to have genetic contributions to the phenotype. It is likely that DDH is genetically heterogeneous with environmental modifiers. The Utah Population Database (UPDB) is a computerized integration of pedigrees, vital stat...Developmental dysplasia of the hip; DDH; Utah Population Database; UPDB2009
175 Smith, Ken R.Perceived marital quality and stability of intermarried couples: a study of Asian-white, Black-white, and Mexican-white couplesThe purpose of this study is to compare intermarried and intramarried couples with respect to their marital happiness and perceived marital stability White, black, Mexican, or Asian spouses in black-white, Mexican-white or Asian-white unions were compared to intramarried couples based on data from ...Interracial couples; Marital quality; Marital stability2000
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