151 - 175 of 275
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151 Brown, Francis HaroldChronologyThe boundaries of the Lower Omo Basin have been mapped by Fuchs (1939) and by Butzer (1970, 1971) in a general way. The structural features and physiography of the eastern and central part of the Lower Omo Basin are best expressed on the maps of Davidson et al. (1973). Walsh and Dodson (1969) have m...1983
152 Miller, Jan D.Direct three-dimensional liberation analysis by cone beam x-ray microtomographyLiberation of valuable minerals during size reduction is an important aspect of mineral processing technology. In practice, most quantitative information on liberation is based on the application of stereological theorems for the analysis of image data from two-dimensional polished sections. On th...Mineral processing; Cone beam x-ray; Microtomography1997
153 Miller, Jan D.;Yu, QiangSolvent refining of coal resin concentratesCertain bituminous coals of the western United States are known to contain appreciable quantities of macroscopic resinite (fossil resin). Such resinous coals are found in the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, etc. Among these, the Wasatch Plateau coal field in ce...1994
154 Fernandez, Diego P.Deep-sea scleractinian coral age and depth distributions in the Northwest Atlantic over the last 225,000 yearsDeep-sea corals have grown for over 200,000 yrs on the New England Seamounts in the northwest Atlantic, and this paper describes their distribution both with respect to depth and time. Many thousands of fossil scleractinian corals were collected on a series o f cruises from 2003- 2005; by contrast,...Desmophyllum dianthus; Scleractinian coral; Seamounts; Northwest Atlantic2007
155 Miller, Jan D.Microscopic observations of bitumen spreading at gas bubble surfacesBitumen spreading at gas bubble surfaces was observed through a stereoscopic microscope for Whiterocks oil sand samples submerged in alkaline solutions. This phenomenon was also observed for model systems where air bubbles were placed al the surface of bitumen-coated quartz slide. Finally, the film ...Hydrophobic minerals; Oil sand; Gas bubbles1995
156 Jarrard, Richard D.Electrical properties of basalts from Sites 768 and 770Conductivity of 54 basalt samples from ODP Sites 768 and 770 was measured as a function of temperature and fluid salinity. Porosity was also measured for all samples, and cation exchange capacity was measured for 46 of the samples. Porosity measurements indicated that porosity is underestimated fo...1991
157 Chandran, RaviMicrostructure and thermal conductivity of thermal barrier coatings processed by plasma spray and physical vapor deposition techniquesThe temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of multilayer coatings made by a plasma spray technique as well as some coatings made by physical vapor deposition (PVD) was investigated. The multilayer coatings consisted of a varying number of layers of AI2O3 and Zr02 stabilized by 8%Y203. Pl...Thermal barrier coatings; Multilayer coatings; Plasma spray technique1996
158 Miller, Jan D.; Wan, Rong YuSignificance of carbon properties in the enhanced ferric sulfate leaching of CuFeS2/C aggregatesAcid ferric sulfate solution has been used for heap and dump leaching of low-grade chalcopyrite ores and is being considered as a possible lixiviant for the hydrometallurgical processing of copper sulfide concentrates. For many years, researchers have attempted to explain the leaching behavior of ch...Ferric sulfate; CuFeS2; Particulate carbon1984
159 Zhdanov, MichaelCross-well electromagnetic imaging in three dimensionsIn this paper, we develop a new technique for 3D cross-well electromagnetic tomography, based on an EM borehole survey consisting of a moving vertical magnetic dipole transmitter, located in one or several boreholes, and a tri-axial induction receiver, located in the other boreholes. The method is b...2003
160 Chandran, RaviEvolution of microstructure and phases in in-situ processed Ti-TiB composites containing high volume fractions of TiB whiskersA series of titanium composites, with varying volume fractions of titanium monoboride (TiB) whiskers, were made by mixing various proportions of titanium (Ti) and titanium diboride (TiB2) powders followed by hot pressing. The phases present were identified by x-ray diffraction.Morphology; diffraction; relative intensity1999
161 Miller, Jan D.Study of particle-bubble interaction using atomic force microscopy: current possibilities and challengesStudy of interaction forces between mineral particles and air bubbles is a key to understanding flotation processes. Measurement of such interaction forces has only recently been made possible with the introduction of the atomic force microscope (AFM) and the colloidal probe technique. Using AFM, in...Particle-bubble interaction; Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM); Hydrophobic force; Contact angle; Hydrodynamic force2002
162 Miller, Jan D.Minerals beneficiation in '69 steps up tonnage, engineering, environmental control and automation: size analysis and flotation chemistry highlighted by basic science researchersThe application of computers to the control and study of mineral processing operations such as grinding, classification and notation has created an interest in simulation studies of these operations with mathematical models. Evidence of this interest is confirmed by papers presented at the 1969 Int...Mineral processing; Computer simulations; Mathematical models1970
163 Brown, Francis HaroldDatingThere are basically three lines of investigation that are involved in geochronology ? the dating of rocks and other earth materials. First, there are the physical and chemical dating methods which give us numerical estimates of age. Second, there is the reconstruction of the order of events in sec...1984
164 Miller, Jan D.; Nalaskowski, JakubInteraction forces between silica surfaces in aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene oxide)sAn understanding of forces responsible for the stability of dispersions of colloidal particles when interacting with each other in aqueous solutions is of great interest academically and industrially. When water-soluble polymers are adsorbed onto colloidal particles, various effects on the stabil...Water-soluble polymers; Colloidal particles; Interaction forces2003
165 Miller, Jan D.Determination of Madelung constants for infinite and semi-infinite lattices by direct summationLattice sums for the electrostatic interactions in ionic crystals, first evaluated by Madelung, are now known to high degrees of accuracy. The problem of conditional convergence has been solved either by manipulations of a mathematical model of the lattice, or by directly summing over neutral group...Lattices; Madelung constants1976
166 Brown, Francis HaroldThe evolution of neogene terrestrial ecosystems in EuropeThe Pliocene-Pleistocene chronology of hominid and other vertebrate evolution in East Africa is largely constrained by isotopic dating and regional intercorrelation of volcanic ash layers. Some eruptions were of sufficient magnitude or duration that their widespread tephra dispersal defines a serie...1999
167 Miller, Jan D.Reaction kinetics of bismuth dissolution from lead cake by sulfuric acid leachingLead cake, a zinc smelter flue dust residue, consists primarily of lead sulfate. Characteristic properties of lead cake were determined in order to aid the understanding of reaction mechanisms involved in bismuth removal from lead cake by sulfuric acid digestion. Sp gr (specific gravity) measuremen...Lead cake; Smelter flue; Lead sulphate; Bismuth; Sulfuric acid1978
168 Jewell, PaulCirculation, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the Cretaceous North American seawayCritical paleoceanographic problems regarding the maximum transgressive phase of the Cretaceous North American seaway have been studied with a three-dimensional ocean circulation model. Four simulations employing minimum and maximum solar insolation winds from the Cretaceous and a wide range of pre...Cretaceous North American Seaway1996
169 Miller, Jan D.Zinc-dust cementation of silver from alkaline cyanide solutions - analysis of plant dataThe direct recovery of precious metals from alkaline cyanide solution is frequently accomplished by the well-established Merrill-Crowe process involving zinc-dust cementation. This is particularly true for silver. Plant data from two operations are presented and analyzed in terms of intrinsic reacti...Zinc-dust; Silver; Alkaline cyanide; Merrill-Crowe1988
170 Miller, Jan D.Separation of bitumen from Utah tar sands by a hot water digestion-flotation techniqueTar sand deposits in the state of Utah contain more than 25 billion bbl of in-place bitumen. Although 30 times smaller than the well-known Athabasca tar sands, Utah tar sands do represent a significant domestic energy resource comparable to the national crude oil reserves (31.3 billion bbl). Based ...Tar sand; Utah; Bitumen; Hot water separation; Froth flotation1978
171 Chapman, David S.; Picard, M. DaneHeat flow in the Uinta Basin determined from bottom hole temperature (BHT) dataThe thermal resistance (or Bullard) method is used to judge the utility of petroleum well bottom-hole temperature data in determining surface heat flow and subsurface temperature patterns in a sedimentary basin. Thermal resistance, defined as the quotient of a depth parameter AZ and thermal con...Thermal analysis; Bottom hole temperature1984-04
172 Reichler, Thomas J.Determining the tropopause height from gridded dataA method is presented to determine tropopause height from gridded temperature data with coarse vertical resolution. The algorithm uses a thermal definition of the tropopause, which is based on the concept of a threshold lapse-rate. Interpolation is performed to identify the pressure at which this th...Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Stratosphere/troposphere interactions; Numerical modeling and data assimilation; Meteorology; Atmospheric Dynamics: General circulation2003
173 Jarrard, Richard D.Milankovitch paleoceanographic cycles in geophysical logs from ODP Leg 105, Labrador Sea and Baffin BayOcean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 645 and 646, in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea, respectively, were logged following drilling during Leg 105. Geophysical logs in ODP drill sites yield long, continuous records of sedimentary sequences and thus provide the opportunity for examining evidence of peri...1990
174 Miller, Jan D.Axial flow reversal and its significance in air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotationIn recent years the potential of air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation for fine coal cleaning has been demonstrated both in pilot plant testing and in a plant-site demonstration program. Further improvements in the ASH technology will depend, to some extent, on improved understanding of the co...Flotation; zero axial velocity; computational fluid dynamics1995
175 Miller, Jan D.Infrared spectroscopy for in-situ characterization of surface reactionsInfrared spectroscopy has been one of the most useful experimental techniques for the analysis of surface reactions in flotation systems, including surface alteration and surfactant adsorption reactions. With the advent of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers, many low-energy throughpu...Reflection; Flotation; Measurements1989
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