151 - 175 of 185
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151 Utah heavy oil program repository update2008-03-12DSpace was developed by MIT and Hewlett Packard -Intended to serve as the framework for diverse institutional repositories and is used by numerous universities, research centers and museums around the world -DSpace is suited to any digital format (data sets, images, audio files, documents etc.) -As ...
152 Earth Energy Resources Inc.2006-09-21Uinta Basin; Oil sands; Athabasca; Tailings ponds; Water usage and supply; Emulsion treating; Concurrent Reclamation; Natural Gas; Process heating fuel; Infrastructure; Product transportation; Production issues; Ophus Process; Bitumen; Tar sand; UtahIssues facing oil sand production: -Issues facing Athabasca producers -Likely issues facing Uinta Basin producers -Technology advancements will provide the keys to unlock the oil sands in the USA
153 Oil sands production technologies2008-02-22oil sands; oil sands production; production technologies; Utah oil sandsAn overview of oil sands production technologies for Utah reserves.
154 Process-industry CAPE-OPEN software standard overview2009-10CAPE-OPEN; unit operation interface; APECS co-simulation.Outline of Presentation: 1) Introduction--What is CAPE-OPEN?, Brief History; 2) CAPE-OPEN Interfaces; Unit Operations-Use in APECS, Thermodynamics/Properties-Use in APECS; 3) CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network (CO-LaN), Missions; 4) Concluding Remarks
155 Modeling in situ extraction of heavy oil deposits2008-03-12in situ extraction; heavy oil deposits; in-situ conversion; ShellA presentation given at the D.O.E. Project Review Meeting, on March 12, 2008 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
156 Conference theme - October 1980 International Symposium Industrial Process Combustion Technology1980
157 Local issues for Utah oil sands2008-02-22Utah oil sands; tar sand history; Western U.S. oil sandsTar sand history in Uintah County.
158 High efficiency electrical generation2008-05-23efficiency of electrical generation; electrical generation; fossil fuel energy resources; mitigatint GHG emissions; CO2 capture and sequestrationOutline: 1-Electricity outlook and fossil fuel energy resources. 2-Technology options for mitigating GHG emissions. 3-CO2 cpature and sequestration. 4-Costs. 5-Concluding remarks.
159 Depositional heterogeneity and fluid flow modeling of the oil shale interval of the Upper Green River Formation, Eastern Uinta Basin, Utah2008-03-12Green River Formation; Eastern Uinta Basin; Utah; Oil shale; Sedimentology; Sequence stratigraphy; Mahogany zone; Depositional heterogeneity; Fluid flow modelingDiscussion of depositional and sequence stratigraphic characterization of the upper Green River Formation based on core and well log correlation and production modeling of the richest zone (Mahogany) based on sedimentological and other information.
160 Earth Energy Resources, Inc. oil sands production in Utah: Continued development2009-02-27Oil Sand; Utah; Hydrocarbon Energy Environmental Gap; HEEG; Earth Energy; Oil sand production; Ophus Process; Oil sand deposits; Bitumen extraction; Oil sand mining; EER Spring Mine Site; Vernal, UtahOverview of Earth Energy Resources, Inc.'s continuing oil sands development activities in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by D. Glen Snarr, President & Chief Financial Officer, Earth Energy Resources, Inc.
161 Sustainable development of oil sands: Challenges in recovery and use2006-09-21oil sands development; oil sands; bitumen; GHG.Outline: 1-Oil Sands in Context, 2-Production Technology, 3-Implications for GHG production, 4-Nature and scale of GHG challenges, 5-Opportunities and technologies for mitigating impacts, 6-ARC R&D initiatives, 7-Conclusions
162 Oil shale social and economic factors2008-03-12oil shale; social factors; economic fractors; oil shale developmentAnalysis of social and economic factors relevant to oil shale development, including industrial infrastructure, population numbers, personal income figures, and labor force statistics.
163 Environmental technologies applicable to shale development: Integrating simulation and experiment2008-11-13oil shale technologies; oil shale; environmental technologies; shale developmentPresentation given at the Utah Oil Shale Resources and Technology Update, November 13, 2008, The Leonardo, Salt Lake City, Utah.
164 When should you start thinking about wildlife?2006-09-21wildlife; wildlife resources; USFWS; habitat conservationUtah Division of Wildlife Resources: -The Wildlife Resources Code of Utah; Title 23, Utah State Code -Utah Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy http:// www.wildlife.utah.gov/cwcs cwcs/ -Conservation Agreements -Utah Partners in Flight Avian Conservation Strategy http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/...
165 Climate change--current understanding and implications2008-05-23Global warming; Climate change; Coal; CO2; Carbon dioxide; Temperature; Radiative Forcing; Emissions; Greenhouse gases; Arctic warming; Sea level rise; Fossil fuel; RenewableFour Primary Questions: 1-Is global warming (climate change) occurring? 2-What is the cause? 3-What will be the consequences? 4-What can/should we do?
166 CO2 capture from fossil energy power plants2008-05-23CO2 capture; Fossil energy power plants; Clean Coal Technologies; CCT; CO2 Capture and Storage; CCS; Coal power plants; PC plants; Post combustion CO2 removal; Chilled ammonia; Retrofit of CCS to existing coal plants; Climate Legislation; Global climate concernsClean Coal Technologies (CCT) and CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) - Presentation Outline: 1-Overview--Options for Response to Global Climate concerns. 2-CCS crucial to meet Goals of proposed Climate Legislation. 3-CCS Options for Coal Power Plants. 4-PC Post Combustion CO2 Removal-Status, Chilled Ammo...
167 Utah Science, Technology, and Research (USTAR) initiative2009-02-27USTAR; Utah Science, Technology, and Research; innovation program; oil sands.Overview of USTAR's Technology Outreach and Innovation Program and its relevance to oil sands and other energy development activities in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Kevin Shurtleff, Associate Director, Eastern Region, USTAR Technology Outreach and Innovation Prog...
168 From oil sand to fuel pump: The challenges of upgrading oil sand bitumen2006-09-21oil sand; upgrading oil sand bitumen; oil sand bitumen; oil sands development; crude; bitumenOil sands development--develop a resource that has market value.
169 Balancing energy resources2008-05-23Utah; Rocky Mountain Power; Wyoming; Utah Energy; Energy deficit; Greenhouse gas; Energy resources; CoalFulfilling our obligation: 1-Investing in the system to satisfy growing demand 2-Meeting increasing customer expectations with respect to the quality of our service 3-Addressing increasing concerns regarding the environment
170 Utah Science, Technology, and Research (USTAR): Turning innovations into industry2008-11-13innovation into industry; fossil energy; USTAR.Utah Science Technology and Research (USTAR) -- A bold and far-reaching initiative supported by Utah industry and business leaders, sponsored by the Governor and the State legislature, that aims to ensure that Utah remains a leader in the Knowledge Economy!
171 Commercial oil shale leasing under the energy policy act: An analysis of when, where, and how2008-03-12Oil shale; Oil sands; PEIS; EPA; BLM; FLPMA; RD&D; Research, Demonstration, & Development; Tar sands; Utah; Colorado; WyomingDiscussion of the alternatives for oil shale development outlined in the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement issued by the Bureau of Land Management.
172 Progress and plans on AMSO's RD&D lease tract2010-04-28AMSO is one of three RD&D leaseholders in Colorado's Piceance Basin: 1) The 160-acre BLM lease was established in January 2007 under EGL Resources and transferred shortly thereafter to EGL Oil Shale 2) IDT acquired EGL Oil Shale in 2008 and renamed it AMSO 3) In March 2009, Total acquired a 50% inte...
173 Basin-wide evaluation of the uppermost Green River Formation's oil-shale resource, Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado2008-11-13Presentaion; Green River formation; Oil shale; Uinta Basin; Utah; Colorado; Oil-shale resource evaluation; UGS; Isopach mapsScope--Oil Shale Resource Evaluation: 1) Focus - Entire Uinta Basin - Data from 293 wells spread throughout the Uinta Basin 2) Determined thickness of continuous intervals averaging 50, 35, 25, and 15 gallons per ton (GPT) 3) Created GIS-based maps - Isopachs for each richness zone - Overburden thic...
174 High-pressure, entrained flow gasification hierarchy2009-11-04gasification hierarchy; entrained flow; high-pressure gasificationHierarchical chart for the high-pressure, entrained flow gasification research area showing connectivity between subtasks. This chart helps illustrate gasification integration and focus and also serves as a management tool for the various subtasks. Subtasks in brown and orange are currently funded t...
175 Planning for oil sands development in a changing regulatory, economic, and social environment2009-02-27oil sands development; oil sands; energy.Analysis of the regulatory, economic and social issues relevant to oil sands development in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Ron Daniels, Energy Policy Coordinator, Office of Governor's Energy Advisor, State of Utah.
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