151 - 175 of 831
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151 Diable à quatre, ou La double métamorphose opera-comique en trois actes1757Text
152 Peintre amoureux de son modele, piece en deux actes, parodiée dal Pittore Innamorato, intermede italien1757Text
153 Catecismo Mexicano1758
154 Promptuario Manual Mexicano1759
155 Lettres sur la danse, et sur les ballets1760Text
156 De sedibus, et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis libri quinque : dissectiones, et animadversiones, nunc primum editas, complectuntur propemodum innumeras, medicis, chirurgis, anatomicis profuturas.1761Text
157 Bucheron1763Text
158 Regulations lately made concerning the colonies, and the taxes imposed upon them, considered.1765Text
159 Gvilielmi Harveii opera omnia1766Text
160 Political debates.1766Text
161 Snare broken : A thanksgiving discourse, preached at the desire of the West church, in Boston, N.E., Friday, May 23, 1766, occasioned by the repeal of the stamp-act1766Text
162 Speech of Mr. P------- and others in a certain august assembly on a late important debate: with an introduction of the matters preceding it.1766Text
163 Considerations on the propriety of imposing taxes in the British colonies for the purpose of raising a revenue, by act of Parliament.1766Text
164 Examination of Doctor Benjamin Franklin relative to the repeal of the American Stamp Act in MDCCLXVI.1767Text
165 Dell'azione del cuore ne'vasi sanguigni : nuove osservazioni1768Text
166 Traité contre les danses et les mauvaises chansons, dans lequel le danger & le mal qui y sont renfermés sont démontrés par les témoignages multipliés des Saintes Ecritures, des SS. PP. des conciles, de plusieurs evêques du siécle passé & du nôtre, d'un nombre de théologiens moraux & de casuistes, de jurisconsultes, de plusieurs ministres protestans, & enfin des païens même.1769Text
167 Historia de Nueva-España, Escrita por su...1770Text
168 Speeches of His Excellency Governor Hutchinson, to the general assembly of the Massachusetts-bay, at a session begun and held on the sixth of January, 1773, With the answers of His Majesty's Council and the House of representatives respectively1773Text
169 De' fenomeni della circolazione osservata nel giro universale de' vasi: de' fenomeni della circolazione languente; de' moti del sangue independenti dall' azione del cuore; e del pulsar delle arterie1773Text
170 Observations on the act of Parliament commonly called the Boston port-bill, with thoughts on civil society and standing armies1774Text
171 Speech intended to have been spoken on the bill for altering the charters of the colony of Massachusetts Bay.1774Text
172 Considerations on the measures carrying on with respect to the British colonies in North America.1774Text
173 Declaration of the people's natural right to a share in the legislature, which is the fundamental principle of the British Constitution of State1774Text
174 Four tracts, together with two sermons, on political and commercial subjects1774Text
175 Travels through the middle settlements in North-America, in the years 1759 and 1760 : with observations upon the state of the colonies1775Text
151 - 175 of 831