151 - 175 of 200
Number of results to display per page
151 Use of timeout procedures: a national survey of educators' utilization and perceptions of the effectiveness of timeout2015-08Textir_etd
152 An evaluative study - teaching three and four-year olds in a structured education program : by Barbara Erickson Andersen.1971Textir_etd
153 Effects on school work productivity among emotionally disturbed boys : with the removal of a level system from a token economy1976Textir_etd
154 Understanding the utilization and effectiveness of combined (individual plus group) mental health treatment in everyday practice2017Textir_etd
155 Effectiveness and acceptability of a bully prevention program with and without video supplements2009-05Textir_etd
156 Effectiveness of behavioral treatments for the reduction of noncompliance: a meta-analysis2011-05Textir_etd
157 The phenomenological experience of cross-cultural differences in the therapeutic relationship2012-05Textir_etd
158 A longitudinal assessment of therapist multicultural competence process and outcome2018Textir_etd
159 Using coaching as a professional development tool to train staff in behavior management techniques at a therapeutic summer camp setting2018Textir_etd
160 An evaluation of various admissions procedures and the 1970 Ford Foundation Program in relation to the Mexican American and the American Indian student at the University of Utah1971Textir_etd
161 Exploring the roles of modality and crystallized knowledge in older adults' information processing2018Textir_etd
162 The influence of an intensive pre-school 3educational experience on the intellectual functioning of UTE Indian children1967Textir_etd
163 Predictors of ambivalent sexist attitudes toward women in a Latter-Day Saint (LDS) adult sample: a test of Glick and Fiske's ambivalent sexism theory2014-08Textir_etd
164 Active versus passive inhibition of activated information in long-term and working memory2014-05Textir_etd
165 Predictors of treatment success for parents of abused children2008-12Textir_etd
166 Counselor recall of specific details: implications for counseling and counselor training1988Textir_uspace
167 The relationship of professors' personality characteristics to grading behaviors1970Textir_etd
168 The impact of representation format and task instruction on student understanding in science2015-08Textir_etd
169 An investigation of the effects of opportunities to respond and intelligence on sight word retention using incremental rehearsal2012-08Textir_etd
170 An investigation of types and awareness of psychological problems of male adolescents with autism spectrum disorders who have been treated for psychiatric disorders2012-08Textir_etd
171 Increasing functional communication skills in childen with autism: a meta-analysis2009-05Textir_etd
172 Parent reported concerns for toddlers with autism spectrum disorder symptoms2010-08Textir_etd
173 Evaluation of imagine learning English, a computer-assisted instruction of language and literacy for kindergarten students2012-12Textir_etd
174 The healing processes of childhood sexual abuse survivors within the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: a qualitative analysis2019Textir_etd
175 Development and validation of the concept-oriented reading instruction fidelity of implementation instrument2010Textir_etd
151 - 175 of 200