126 - 150 of 856
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126 Resolution of Papilledema Following Optic Nerve Sheath Decompression (ONSD)Left eye. 17 year old boy. Cryptococcal meningitis. Resolution of papilledema following optic nerve sheath decompression (ONSD) on November 1, 1974. Same eye as P_53a in January 1975. Atrophic, resolved disc. Note "high-water" marks. Visual acuity was 20/40. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Papilled...Image
127 Resolution of Papilledema Following Optic Nerve Sheath Decompression (ONSD)Left eye. 17 year old boy. Cryptococcal meningitis. Resolution of papilledema following optic nerve sheath decompression (ONSD) in November 1, 1974. Same eye as P_53a on December 1974. Atrophic. Note "high-water" marks. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Resolving papill...Image
128 Bilateral PapilledemaChronic Bilateral Papilledema. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chronic bilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Pseudotumor long standing. Clinical notes: Chronic headache; Obesity.Image
129 IC103a Central Retinal Artery Occlusion with Choroidal Arteriolar OcclusionCentral retinal artery occlusion and choroidal vascular occlusion due to pressure on the eyeball during craniotomy. Note total loss of vascularity of the optic disc and surrounding choroid. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Combined central retinal and choroidal arteriolar occlusion. Disease/ Diagnos...Image
130 IC103d Central Retinal Artery Occlusion with Choroidal Arteriole Occlusion1969, Complete loss of blood supply to retina and choroid. Cause unknown. Boy. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Toxic ischemic retinal damage 22a. Clinical: Blindness.Image
131 ID04b Post Papilledema Atrophy with Marked GliosisPost papilledema atrophy with marked gliosis in a patient with pseudotumor. Nasal ovoid absence of the retinal pigment epithelium. Presumably a defect from the long standing papilledema. 1985,. Right eye, pair with ID_4a. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Post papilledema atrophy and gliosis from long...Image
132 Ocular Hypertension1972. Right eye. Ocular hypertension. No field defect recognized. Pair with IIB1b & c. Anatomy: Peripapillary nerve fiber layer. Pathology: Slit-like defects in the arcuate nerve fiber bundles. Disease/Diagnosis: Elevated intraocular pressure. Clinical: Elevated intraocular pressure.Image
133 IB109 Post Ischemic (AION) Cupless AtrophyRight eye, 1983 Top half of disc is pale. Striking focal arteriole narrowing. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Post ischemic (AION) cupless atrophy. Disease/ Diagnosis: Post ischemic (AION) cupless atrophy. Clinical: Visual loss.Image
134 Retinocerebral Arteriovenous Malformation (Wyburn Mason Syndrome)Florid arteriovenous malformation of the optic disc and surrounding retina, Caput medusa (Cross reference with V12-28 this section). Anatomy: Retina. Pathology: Arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Wyburn Mason Syndrome.Image
135 Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis)Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis); Color of the retina is deep red (sometimes called tomato catsup) due to a four fold thickening of the choroidal vascular bed. Optic disc is cupped due to elevated intraocular pressure. (Secondary glaucoma) Patient had a major ""port wine"" m...Image
136 Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis)Left eye is normal, without the deep red from thickened Choroid. Pair with R1_B1a. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Diffuse choroidal hemangioma; Glaucoma. Disease/Diagnosis: Sturge Weber Syndrome. Clinical: Port wine hemangioma of the face.Image
137 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. No corresponding malformation of brain. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
138 Venous Anomalies - Congenital Venous TortuosityCongenital venous tortuosity. Left eye. 9 year old boy. Same patient as V_51. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital venous tortuosity. Disease/Diagnosis: Congenital venous tortuosity. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
139 Venous Anomalies - Congenital Venous TortuosityCongenital venous tortuosity. Right eye. 9 year old boy. Same patient as V_52. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital venous tortuosity. Disease/Diagnosis: Congenital venous tortuosity. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
140 IC103c Central Retinal Artery Occlusion with Choroidal Arteriole Occlusion1988, Central retinal artery occlusion and choroidal vascular occlusion, 70 year old woman with history of central retinal artery occlusion 30 years prior. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Combined central retinal and choroidal arteriolar occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Combined central retinal and ch...Image
141 B106 Disc Swelling, Ischemic Papillopathies, AIONRed ischemic swelling. 49 year old man. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: AION. Clinical: Visual loss.Image
142 H36 Segmental Hypoplasia, Retinal, Congenital ToxoLeft eye. Optic disc hypoplasia from congenital nasal retinal toxoplasma lesion. Chorioretinal scar. Anatomy: Optic disc, retina. Pathology: Hypoplasia secondary to retinal lesion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Segmental optic disc hypoplasia.Image
143 G206 Purtchers Traumatic RetinopathyLeft eye. After auto accident in which the patient's chest was squeezed. Same eye as G2_07. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Varied peripapillary ischemic retinopathy. Disease/ Diagnosis: Purtchers traumatic retinopathy.Image
144 G207 Purtchers Traumatic RetinopathyLeft eye. Large pre-retinal hemorrhage. Same eye as G2_06. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Varied peripapillary ischemic retinopathy. Disease/ Diagnosis: Purtchers traumatic retinopathy.Image
145 H31 Dysplasia with Hypoplasia (Elevated Hysplasia with Anomalous Vessels)Left eye. 26 year old man. Dysplasia with hypoplasia. Father of patient in H_32. Same patient as H_10. Son of patient in H_11 an H_12. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Dysplasia of the optic disc. Disease/ Diagnosis: Elevated dysplasia with hypoplasia.Image
146 H33 Dysplasia with Hypoplasia (Elevated Dysplasia with Anomalous Vessels)Left eye. Elevated dysplasia, hypoplasia. Pseudo papilledema. Woman. Congenital optociliary bypass at 7:00. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Dysplasia of the optic disc. Disease/ Diagnosis: Elevated dysplasia with hypoplasia.Image
147 H25 Dysplasia with Hypoplasia (Elevated Dysplasia with Anomalous Vessels)Right eye. Elevated dysplasia with anomalous blood vessel pattern and peri-papillary choroidal malformation. Same patient as H_26. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Dysplasia of the optic disc. Disease/ Diagnosis: Elevated dysplasia with hypoplasia.Image
148 H24 Dysplasia with Hypoplasia (Elevated Dysplasia with Anomalous Hessels)Elevated dysplasia with anomalous vessels. Right eye. Hypoplastic with dysplasia. Japanese girl. Same patient as H_23. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Dysplasia of the optic disc. Disease/ Diagnosis: Elevated dysplasia with hypoplasia.Image
149 H26 Dysplasia with Hypoplasia (Elevated Dysplasia with Anomalous Vessels)Left eye. Dysplasia with grossly anomalous vascular pattern. Elevated dysplasia. Same patient as H_25. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Dysplasia of the optic disc. Disease/ Diagnosis: Elevated dysplasia with hypoplasia.Image
150 Medullated Nerve Fibers with PapilledemaLeft eye. papilledema only. Man with metastatic gastric carcinoma. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Papilledema plus medullated nerve fibers.Image
126 - 150 of 856