126 - 150 of 1,938
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126 Capecchi, Mario R.Hox genes and mammalian developmentWe have examined the interactions of Hox genes in forming a cervical vertebrae, hindbrain, and limbs. In each case, it is apparent that individual Hox genes are performing individual functions but that more profound roles are apparent when they act in combination with others Hox genes. The observed ...Drosophila; Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental; Homozygote1997
127 Gondolo, PaoloDark matter axions revisitedWe study for what specific values of the theoretical parameters the axion can form the totality of cold dark matter. We examine the allowed axion parameter region in the light of recent data collected by the WMAP5 mission plus baryon acoustic oscillations and supernovae, and assume an inflationary...WMAP5 mission; PQ symmetry; Anharmonicity; Misalignment angle2009-08
128 Armentrout, Peter B.Infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of cationized cysteine: effects of metal cation size on gas-phase conformationAbstract The gas-phase structures of cationized cysteine (Cys) including complexes with Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+, as well as protonated Cys, are examined by infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) action spectroscopy utilizing light generated by a free electron laser, in conjunction with q...2010
129 Morse, Michael DavidResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of BNBTriatomic BNB has been produced by laser ablation of a boron nitride rod in a supersonic expansion of helium carrier gas and has been investigated using resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy in the visible region. The B? 2IIg?X? 2?u + band system has been recorded near 514 nm and is dominated ...2006
130 Symko, Orest GeorgeMagnetic anisotropy of Zn-Cr alloys at very low temperaturesThe temperature dependent magnetization of Zn-Cr single crystals was measured from 2K down to 10 mK using a SQUID magnetometer. A large anisotropy is observed for the magnetization along the parallel and perpendicular axes of the crystal. For low concentrations impurity-impurity reactions do not do...Magnetic anisotropy; Zn-Cr alloys; Temperature dependent magnetization1978
131 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Hillyard, David R.; Gray, William Robertĸ-Conotoxin PVIIA is a peptide inhibiting the Shaker K+ channelĸ-Conotoxin PVIIA (k-PVIIA), a 27-amino acid toxin from Conus purpurascens venom that inhibits the Shaker potassium channel, was chemically synthesized in a biologically active form. The disulfide connectivity of the peptide was determined. ĸ-Conotoxin PVIIA has the following structure.Conotoxins; k-Conotoxin PVIIA; Conus purpurascens1998
132 Frederick, Jeanne M.; Baehr, WolfgangReceptor for advanced glycation end products and age-related macular degeneration.Advanced glycation end products (AGE) exacerbate disease progression through two general mechanisms: modifying molecules and forming nondegradable aggregates, thus impairing normal cellular/tissue functions, and altering cellular function directly through receptor-mediated activation. In the present...Optic Atrophies, Hereditary; Apoptosis; Pigment Epithelium of Eye2004
133 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineOptically-detected magnetic-resonance study of triplet state dynamics in C70We present studies of fluorescence, phosphorescence, photoinduced absorption, and their respective optically detected magnetic resonance of C70 molecules dispersed in polystyrene glasses. Two distinct triplet excitons are identified with principle zero-field splitting parameters (D≈0.0089 and 0.0...Ttriplet state dynamics; C70; Polystyrene glasses1996-03
134 Gondolo, PaoloCan WIMP spin dependent couplings explain DAMA data, in light of null results from other experiments?We examine whether the annual modulation found by the DAMA dark matter experiment can be explained by Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), in light of new null results from other experiments. CDMS II has already ruled out most WIMP-nucleus spin-independent couplings as an explanation for DA...WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles; DAMA; CDMS II; Parameter space2004-12
135 Mishchenko, Eugene; Raikh, Mikhail E.Zero-bias tunneling anomaly in a clean 2D electron gas caused by smooth density variationsWe show that smooth variations, δn(r), of the local electron concentration in a clean 2D electron gas give rise to a zero-bias anomaly in the tunnel density of states, v(ω), even in the absence of scatterers, and thus, without the Friedel oscillations. The energy width, ω0, of the anomaly scale...Tunnel density of states; Disordered metals2007-11
136 Miller, Joel StevenCollinear ferromagnetism and spin orientation in the molecule-based magnets M[N(CN)2]2 (M=Co,Ni)Zero-field unpolarized neutron powder diffraction has been used to study the low-T magnetic structure and T-dependent crystal structure of M[N(CN)2]2 (M=Co,Ni). Both compounds show collinear ferromagnetism with spin orientation along the c axis. The results provide the determination of a complete ma...Magnetic; Diffraction; Structure1999
137 Mattis, Daniel C.Anomaly in spin-wave spectrum of magnetic metalsIt is pointed out that in the band theory of magnetism the magnons have frequencies comparable to the Fermi energy. Therefore, in the calculation of the magnon spectrum of iron, nickel, cobalt, etc., it is the time- or frequency-dependent response function of the electrons which is used, and this ...Magnetic metals1966-11
138 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Quest for molecule-based magnetsIn the past decade a new class of magnets possessing spins on organic species have been discovered and studied. These magnets can be fabricated at room temperature and may enable useful devices and/or processes. Herein we discuss several of the mechanisms that can enable the stabilization of magn...Mechanisms; Ferromagnetic; Spin coupling1996
139 Adler, Frederick R.Effect of 1918 PB1-F2 expression on influenza A virus infection kineticsRelatively little is known about the viral factors contributing to the lethality of the 1918 pandemic, although its unparalleled virulence was likely due in part to the newly discovered PB1-F2 protein. This protein, while unnecessary for replication, increases apoptosis in monocytes, alters viral po...2011
140 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineTransient spectroscopy of Frenkel and charge transfer excitons in α-sexithienyl filmsPhotoexcitations dynamics are investigated in a-sexithienyl nanocrystalline films using transient photomodulation in a spectral range from 0.4 to 2.5 eV and time domain from 200 fs to 50 ms. We identify intrachain and interchain excitations. The former are even parity excitons with ultrafast dynami...Transient spectroscopy; Excitons; Frenkel exciton; Charge transfer exciton; Transient photomodulation1997-10
141 Sperry, John S.Relationship between xylem conduit diameter and cavitation caused by freezingThe centrifuge method for measuring the resistance of xylem to cavitation by water stress was modified to also account for any additional cavitation that might occur from a freeze-thaw cycle. A strong correlation was found between cavitation by freezing and mean conduit diameter.Embolism; freezing stress; hydraulic conductivity1999
142 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Photomodulation spectroscopy of iodine-doped polyacetylene; phase transition from soliton lattice to metalUsing the photomodulation technique for iodine I3-)-doped polyacetylene, we have found spectroscopic evidence for an abrupt phase transition at 5% I3-. The transition is from the lightly doped phase best described as soliton lattice to the heavily doped metallic phase. The phase transition is chara...Photomodulation spectroscopy; Iodine-doped polyacetylene1986-10
143 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePlastic microring lasers on fibers and wiresPhotopumped, pulsed, narrow line laser emission is demonstrated using cylindrical microcavities formed by p-conjugated polymer thin films wrapped around thin glass optical fibers and metal wires with various diameters D. A variety of cavity-dependent resonant laser mode structures were observed, whi...Microring lasers; pi-conjugated polymers; pi-conjugated polymer thin films; Microcavities1998
144 Bastiani, MichaelPathfinding by growth cones in the central nervous system of the grasshopper embryoIn the grasshopper embryo the morphological development of individually identified neurons can be traced prior to the onset of axonogenesis on through maturity (eg., Goodman and Spitzer, 1979). The behavior of individual growth cones can be characterized in their natural environment as they extend t...1982-06-03
145 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineOptical bias control of dispersive relaxations in α-Si:HRelaxation of the photoinduced ir absorption band in α-Si:H was studied in the microsecond time domain as a function of cw bias illumination. The decays follow a power law t-α where the dispersion parameter a increases with bias illumination. At low temperatures, a increases linearly with the st...Optical bias control; Dispersive relaxations; a-Si:H; Amorphous silicon1984-01
146 Mattis, Daniel C.New mapping for particles on lattices with hard-core interactionsA novel mapping between Hilbert spaces of unequal dimensionalities yields many-body states which exactly satisfy the no-double-occupancy constraints for particles on lattices in arbitrary spatial dimensions. After proving the states are complete, we apply them to Nagaoka's theorem and the t-J model...Ferromagnetism; Spin; Dimensions1996
147 Poulter, Charles Dale; Jiang, YunfengBTS1 encodes a geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeProtein prenylation utilizes different types of isoprenoids groups, namely farnesyl and geranylgeranyl, to modify proteins. These lipophilic moieties attach to carboxyl-terminal cysteine residues to promote the association of soluble proteins to membranes. Most prenylated proteins are geranylgeranyl...Amino Acid Sequence; Cloning, Molecular; Gene Expression1995-09-15
148 Symko, Orest GeorgeMicrowave absorption in the superconducting and normal phases of Y-Ba-Cu-OMicrowave absorption in a dc magnetic field up to 12 kG, attributed to nonequilibrium contributions to the ac susceptibility, appears at Tc as the sample is cooled. ESR measurements of YBa-Cu-O show that Cu2+ exists only in the fraction of the sample which is not superconducting in a distorted octa...Microwave absorption; Superconducting phase; YBCO; High Tc1987-08
149 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Local structural order in the disordered vanadium tetracyanoethylene room-temperature molecule-based magnetWe determined the vanadium oxidation state and local coordination environment in disordered samples of magnetic V[TCNE]x(x=2) prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Systematic studies of the x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) in this material and reference compounds show that V ions ...Magnetic; Solvent; Structure2004
150 Morse, Michael DavidSpectroscopy and electronic structure of jet-cooled NiCuDiatomic nickel-copper, NiCu, has been investigated by resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy in a jet-cooled molecular beam. Six band systems have been identified over the range 11 500-16 500 cm-1. The ground state of NiCu has been determined to be X 2?5/2, with ?"e = 273.01 ? 1.15 cm-1, ?"exe...1988
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