126 - 150 of 247
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126 Dean, CourtneyFood Aid or Industry Subsidy? the Power Dynamics of How the U.S. Feeds the WorldIn the 1950s the United States passed Public Law 480 and officially took up the cause of international food aid. Today, the United States is the largest provider of food assistance in the world accounting for over 50% of all aid. While other counties have stepped back or shifted their commitments t...Public law - United States - History2016-08
127 Velarde, ValerieThe exchange of sexually explicit cell phone pictures (sexting) among high school studentsThe sending, receiving, and forwarding of sexually explicit pictures via cell phone, a relatively recent phenomenon known as sexting, has recently received substantial media attention, including reports of serious consequences for some of those engaged in sexting (e.g., suicidal ideations, sex offen...Sexting; Adolescents; Social media2014-05
128 Chuaqui, Anna MagdalenaWhy the left loses in MexicoThis paper explores the question: Why has the largest left-of-center party in Mexico, the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), failed to win a presidential election since democratization? Through an analysis of the presidential campaigns of 200,2006, and 2012, this paper seeks to explain the fa...Partido de la Revolución Democrática (Mexico); Mexico -- Politics and government -- 2000-2016
129 Melvin, Kendahl L.Why women don't run: Addressing the gender disparity in political representation in the United StatesA record number of women were elected to Congress in the November 2014 elections, making the 114th Congress the first to boast over 100 females (McGregor, 2014). With 104 women, it seemed that the current Congress was a positive step for American political parity (Warner, 2015). However, this achiev...Women -- Political activity -- United States; Women legislators -- United States2015-08
130 Kirkegaard, MatthewTransboundary water conflict, cooperation, and regional integration: Mercosur and the La Plata BasinWater politics become diplomatic concerns when watersheds cross international borders. But how do these relationships between states change when the nature of these international borders themselves change through economic and political integration? The purpose of this study is to consider the relati...MERCOSUR (Organization); Water-supply - South America; Water-supply - Political aspects2016-05
131 Woolf, KatieThere's Something About Syria: Using Foreign Military Intervention in the Syrian Civil War to Assess Predictabilityin International RelationsThis paper utilizes three strands of International Relations (IR) theory: realism, constructivism, and leadership theory to inform the actions of the United States and Russia in their intervention in the Syrian Civil War. First, a brief overview of the case is presented along with a review of the th...2020
132 Li, DanikaUnderstanding State-Sponsored Violence: Tiananmen SquareThe Tiananmen Square Massacre presents an interesting puzzle to political scientists, as it contradicts traditional strategic theory that attacking one's own civilians erodes a government's base of power. The massacre defies these expectations through the ensuing decades of iron control the Communis...2018
133 Valle, Ciriac I. AlvarezUndocumented Undergraduates in the Utah System of Higher EducationThis thesis focuses on how undocumented students navigate institutions of higher education in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE), and considers the specific culture, legislation, and demographics of the state of Utah. Following my personal experience as an undocumented student, I interviewed...2017
134 Aryaeinejad, KateiraInternational organizations, intrastate conflict, and humanitarian intervention: Determinants of successThe objective of this research project is to determine which specific organizational structures and characteristics increase the likelihood that a humanitarian intervention will occur and result in success. With that goal in mind, I develop two main hypotheses which I then test against carefully cho...Humanitarian intervention; Security, International2013-05
135 Tu, Christianna L.Closing the health development gap: An analysis of health spending in Southeast AsiaFinancing health development through increased domestic resource allocation is a topic of substantial discussion for the post-2015 development agenda. Past development strategies, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), have relied on wealthy country aid commitments in order to fund inter...Medical care - Southeast Asia - Finance2015-08
136 Burton, KaitlynThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Views on Homosexuality and How it Relates to Labeling TheoryThis piece serves as an investigation and critique into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and their views of same-sex marriage, as well as the treatment of those experiencing same-sex attraction within the church. This will be done in part by using official church doctrine that has bee...2019
137 Geskes, Kelli KristinaCircumplex Based Interpersonal Processes Contribute to Link Between Self-Regulation and Social OutcomesA variety of individual differences in aspects of self-regulation (e.g., grit, self-control, conscientiousness) predict important life outcomes, such as wellbeing, vocational success, and physical health. Most conceptual models of these associations emphasize intrapersonal processes (e.g., inhibitio...2020
138 Iacono, AlyssaContext affects undergraduates' goals and engagement behaviors when learning onlineThe Self-regulation of motivation (SRM) model (Sansone & Thoman, 2005) suggests that two types of motivation are crucial while learning a task: Goals-defined (e.g., value and expectancy of learning), and experience-defined (e.g., if the task is interesting). Using an online HTML lesson, initial resu...Web-based instruction -- Psychological aspects; Online learning2015-04
139 Comstock, MackenzieThe Dilemma of Global Justice: Assessing Why the United States Has Not Joined the International Criminal CourtThe United States has long been called the policeman of the world, intervening in international conflicts in order to promote peace and security on a global scale. With such a history, why then, has the United States not joined the International Criminal Court? A key actor in the establishment of...International criminal courts - United States2016
140 Sibbernsen, ColinDigital activism: Addressing social movements in the digital ageTechnological progression in the area of information and communication technology allows for expansion of prior social movement theorizing. The ways in which social movements are organized and carried out today need to be carefully analyzed and discussed to identify new methods of organization and m...Technology - Sociological aspects2012-05
141 Gills, LyraLiving while alive: a brief proposal for Puerto Piramides, Argentina, to attain Blue Zone Project Community (BZPC) statusIn 2004, Blue Zones, or places where men and women live well past 90 or 100 years of age, were discovered by Dan Buettner and his team from National Geographic. Today, there are five well known Blue Zones, as well as four Blue Zone Project Communities that can be found.Blue Zones; centenarians2021-05
142 Fronberg, ErikContextualizing emergency powers and climate crisis in liberal democraciesThis thesis develops a theoretical framework for and responds to concerns regarding the use of emergency powers to combat climate change in liberal democracies. Consensus in the scientific community maintains that the window for acting to mitigate the worst effects of climate change is rapidly narro...2022
143 Nilson, Jens C.An examination of the bioethical and legal dilemmas surrounding genetic editing through narrative and story tellingExamining complex topics and issues through narrative and storytelling is a staple of the fiction genre. By presenting abstract problems and ethical dilemmas in a relatable context, and giving examples attached to real characters, the reader becomes emotionally and mentally invested in the issues fa...2022
144 Gordon, MatthewHysteresis and the learning-By-doing mechanism in the monetary policy context: a bayesian vector autoregression appoachStandard macroeconomic theory typically assumes that output in the long-run is independent of the short-run business cycle. The hysteresis hypothesis assumes the contrary and supposes that short-run economic shocks can have a permanent effect on the level of output. This paper empirically tests the ...2022
145 Chatard, KendalOrangutan genetic load and the effects of population sizeGenetic load is a relative measure of the quantity of harmful mutations within a genome, and a population's demographic history can affect this measure. Small populations that have undergone a severe bottleneck have increased inbreeding. These factors can decrease genetic diversity and fix deleterio...2022
146 Bashir, Mahreen HamidWhere there are still animals: A poetic study on the earth as womanThey would like to feel they might be something better than animals. That's understandable: other animals might feel they are something different than "just animals" too. But we must contemplate the shared ground of our common biological being before emphasizing the difference"American poetry - 21st century2015-12
147 Jarvis, ThomasWelfare in the United States: its current State and future directionsPublic policy experts have proposed numerous combinations of liberal and conservative welfare policies in an attempt to capture the positive aspects of each and create a more efficient and equitable approach to welfare. In these times of economic turbulence it is paramount to understand where welfar...Political Science2012-05
148 Memmott, Magdalen GraceDRM & driving: Creation of false memories under cognitive workloadNot only are humans unable to recall things that actually occur, they may also recall information that did not occur. Such findings contribute to the pervasive hypothesis that people are not more productive by combining tasks, instead such productivity is an illusion. It was hypothesized that when m...False memory syndrome2015-04
149 Dean, EmmaThe Effects of maternal resilience on newborn neurobehavioral outcomesThere is growing evidence that exposure to prenatal maternal stress may adversely affect fetal neurodevelopment by altering the fetal environment. In this study, we investigated whether maternal resilience can act as a moderator of the negative effects of maternal stress on newborn neurobehavioral o...2020
150 Schofield, Zachary CThe Effects of State Level Energy Policy on Renewable Energy MarketsFor the past few decades, state governments have attempted to steer their energy portfolios toward sources that are environmentally responsible and come at a lower cost. The two primary policies that are analyzed in this work are Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and market deregulation. Because t...2017
126 - 150 of 247