126 - 150 of 323
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
126 Diagnostic Importance of Ocular Syndrome due to Disturbance of Sympathetic Innervation (Annotations)Includes patient complaints of migraine, Horner's syndrome should be looked for, cases of paratrigeminal sympathalgia where Horner is combined with N5 legion.Card Catalog Index Cards
127 Details of a Scheme for the Subjective Measurement of the Pupil (Illustrations and Annotations)Study demonstrates pupil size is variable factor in angle of field of vision, 'apparent pupil is larger than real pupil.'Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
128 Pupillary and Other Responses from Stimulation of the Frontal Cortex and Basal Telencephalon of the Cat (Illustrations and Annotations)"This study of the pupillary responses to excitations of the cat's cortex was undertaken because [...] work on the relationship of the cortex to pupillary activity was performed before the important role of the oculomotor nucleus in pupillary dilatation was recognized."Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
129 Pupillodilator Pathways in the Brain Stem of the Cat: Anatomical and Electrophysiological Identification of a Central Autonomic Pathway (Annotations)Hypothalamic origin and efferent path of pupillo-dilator tract to the cord.Card Catalog Index Cards
130 Prophylactic and Other Treatment for 'Histaminic,' 'Cluster,' or 'Limited' Variant of Migraine (Annotations)Comparative study, therapeutic recommendations, and discussion of the nature of the migraine.Card Catalog Index Cards
131 Pupillary Tyramine Test: Its Diagnostic Relevance in Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study utilizing pupillary tyramine test focusing on diagnostic relevance in cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
132 Pupillary Phenomena and Mechanical Changes in the Iris of the Living Rabbit (Annotations)Method described for producing distortions of pupil using magnetic forces.Card Catalog Index Cards
133 Raeder's Benign Paratrigeminal Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Raeder's syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
134 Periodic Migrainous Neuralgia (Annotations)Study of periodic migrainous neuralgia.Card Catalog Index Cards
135 Pericarotid Syndrome (Annotations)Study of pericarotid syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
136 Recherches Experimentales sur L'excitation du Cerveau par L'electricite and Influence de L'excitation sur la Secretion Salivaire (Annotations)Vascular effects (including vasodilation) upon brain stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
137 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome, neurological disorder characterized by unilateral oculosympathetic paralysis accompanied by ipsilateral sensory and/or motor abnormalities in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve fibers.Card Catalog Index Cards
138 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome. A Benign Disorder, Possibly a Complication of Migraine (Annotations)Study of Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
139 Recurrent Headache in 'Cluster' Pattern (Annotations)Study of cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
140 Relation of Experimental Histamine Headache to Migraine and Non-migraine Headache (Annotations)Study of experimental histamine headache to migraine and non-migraine headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
141 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome (Annotations)Critique of "benign Raeder's syndrome"; own cases had carotid artery fibromuscular dysplasia.Card Catalog Index Cards
142 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
143 Raeder's Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
144 The Anatomy of the Eye and Orbit. Including the Central Connections, Development, and Comparative Anatomy of the Visual Apparatus (Illustrations and Annotations)Book containing description of the eye, its appendages, most of the nervous structures concerned in vision, and their anatomical relations. Two chapters are devoted to the development of the eye and comparative anatomy.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
145 Studies on the Changes of Intraocular Pressure Induced by Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus (Illustrations and Annotations)Study using electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus to measure changes in intraocular pressure, pupillary dilation.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
146 Stimulation of the Hypothalamus with the Horsley-Clarke Stereotaxic Instrument (Annotations)Autonomic effects and snarling expression with hypothalmic stimuli in cat.Card Catalog Index Cards
147 Studies on the Conditions of Activity in Endocrine Glands. XV. Pseudoaffective Medulladrenal Secretion (Annotations)Studies on the conditions of activity in endocrine glands; "sham rage."Card Catalog Index Cards
148 Stimulation and Destruction of the Prelemniscal Radiation or its Adjacent Area in Various Extrapyrimidal Disorders (Annotations)Stimulation and lesions in the area of the pre-lemniscal radiation.Card Catalog Index Cards
149 The Arrangement of the Connective Tissue in the Stroma Iridis of Man and Monkey (Annotations)Study of the connective tissue of the iris of humans and primates.Card Catalog Index Cards
150 The Clinical Link Between Migraine and Cluster Headaches (Annotations)Study of the link between migraines and cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
126 - 150 of 323