126 - 150 of 1,107
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126 Couldwell, William T.Intraoperative aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage after rupture of a previously undiagnosed intracranial aneurysm during Chiari decompression: case report and literature reviewType 1 Chiari malformation occurs when caudal displacement of cerebellar tonsils below the level of foramen magnum obstructs the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) between the cranial and spinal spaces, a condition that often needs surgical decompression to restore normal CSF circulation. Abru...2014-01-01
127 Couldwell, William T.Management of meningiomas involving the transverse or sigmoid sinusMeningiomas that invade the transverse or sigmoid sinuses are uncommon tumors that are challenging to treat surgically. Although the risk of recurrence is associated with the extent of resection, complete removal of meningiomas in these locations must be balanced with avoidance of venous outflow obs...2013-01-01
128 Couldwell, William T.Efficacy of clip-wrapping in treatment of complex pediatric aneurysmsPurpose: Pediatric aneurysms (PAs) are distinct from their adult counterparts with respect to typical location, aneurysm type, and known predisposing risk factors. Many strategies have been employed to treat PAs, but, although it has been used frequently in adults, clip-wrapping in pediatric patient...2012-01-01
129 Moshirfar, MajidThe effect of preoperative keratometry on visual outcomes after moderate myopic LASIKThe relationship between preoperative keratometry (K) and visual outcomes in laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) has been studied in high myopia and hyperopia, but not in moderate myopia. Rao et al report increased undercorrection in eyes with preoperative spherical equivalent (SE) of −1...2012-01-01
130 Mitchell, Joyce A.Effect of physician reminders on preventive care: meta-analysis of randomized clinical trialsThe objective of this study was to assess the clinical value of the physician reminder, an information intervention, in increasing compliance for selected preventive health care measures. Meta-analysis was used to combine the quantitative evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials meeting t...1994-01-01
131 Fuhrmann, SabineExtraocular ectoderm triggers dorsal retinal fate during optic vesicle evagination in zebrafishDorsal retinal fate is established early in eye development, via expression of spatially restricted dorsal‐specific transcription factors in the optic vesicle; yet the events leading to initiation of dorsal fate are not clear. We hypothesized that induction of dorsal fate would require an extraocu...2012-01-01
132 Couldwell, William T.Giant pituitary tumor combined approachNishioka et al. have provided a review of 29 patients with large pituitary adenomas who underwent surgery through a simultaneous transsphenoidal and transcranial approach at their institution during a 7-year period. Large adenomas with hourglass constriction, complex lobulations, and asymmetric exte...2012-01-01
133 Planelles, VicenteKinase control of latent HIV-1 infection: PIM-1 kinase as a major contributor to HIV-1 reactivationDespite the clinical relevance of latent HIV-1 infection as a block to HIV-1 eradication, the molecular biology of HIV-1 latency remains incompletely understood. We recently demonstrated the presence of a gatekeeper kinase function that controls latent HIV-1 infection. Using kinase array analysis w...2014-01-01
134 Dailey, Andrew T.Lateral mass screw fixation in the cervical spineTo The Editor: We read with interest the article by Kawabata et al.15 (Kawabata S, Watanabe K, Hosogane N, et al: Surgical correction of severe cervical kyphosis in patients with neurofibromatosis Type 1. Report of 3 cases. J Neurosurg Spine 18:274-279, March 2013). Reconstructive spinal surgery has...2014-01-01
135 Patel, Bhupendra C.Lateral orbital wall approach to the cavernous sinus: laboratory investigationObject. Lesions of the cavernous sinus remain a technical challenge. The most common surgical approaches involve some variation of the standard frontotemporal craniotomy. Here, the authors describe a surgical approach to access the cavernous sinus that involves the removal of the lateral orbital wal...2012-01-01
136 Garber, SarahImage guidance for brain metastases resectionThe primary goal in removing a metastatic brain tumor is to maximize surgical resection while minimizing the risk of neurological injury. Intraoperative image guidance is frequently used in the resection of both primary and metastatic brain tumors. Stereotactic volumetric techniques allow for smalle...2012-01-01
137 Crockett, David K.Identification of histoplasma -specific peptides in human urineHistoplasmosis is a severe dimorphic fungus infection, which is often difficult to diagnose due to similarity in symptoms to other diseases and lack of specific diagnostic tests. Urine samples from histoplasma-antigen-positive patients and appropriate controls were prepared using various sample prep...2012-01-01
138 Foster, Norman L.Justifying reimbursement for Alzheimers diagnostics and treatments: Seeking alignment on evidenceThe increasing cost of health care combined with expensive new drugs and diagnostics is leading to more frequent gaps between regulatory and reimbursement approval decisions. As a result, persons with Alzheimer's disease may have difficulty accessing the benefits of medical advances. In contrast to ...2014-01-01
139 Schmidt, Meic H.Isolated intramedullary neurosarcoidosis of the thoracic spine: case report and review of the literatureSarcoidosis can involve the central nervous system in approximately 5-15% of cases. Any part of the nervous system can be involved, so presentation can be quite varied. Isolated disease of the spinal cord is even less common and reports are limited to single cases and small series. Although in the s...2012-01-01
140 Schmidt, Meic H.Is vertebral augmentation the right choice for cancer patients with painful vertebral compression fractures?Cancer-related fractures of the spine are different from osteoporotic ones, not only in pathogenesis but also in natural history and treatment. Higher class evidence now supports offering balloon kyphoplasty to a patient with cancer, provided that the pain is significant in intensity, has a position...2012-01-01
141 Agarwal, NiveditaMicrostructural thalamic changes in schizophrenia: a combined anatomic and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging studyObjective: Several magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and postmortem studies have supported the role of the thalamus in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Interestingly, a recent small diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) study showed abnormal thalamic microstructure in patients with schizophrenia. The...2008-01-01
142 Mitchell, Joyce A.The Missouri planning grant for the education and training of health sciences librariansThe planning grant at the School of Library and Informational Science (SLIS) at the University of Missouri has two aims: (a) developing a model curriculum for health sciences librarianship at the master's level and (b) developing materials that can be delivered by alternative instructional methods. ...1996-01-01
143 Warner, Homer R.Data Driven Interpretation of Laboratory Results in the Context of a Medical Decision Support SystemBiomedical Informatics1989
144 Warner, Homer R.The Control of Cardiac Output During ExerciseBiomedical Informatics1967
145 Warner, Homer R.Computer-Based Monitoring of Cardiovascular Functions in Postoperative PatientsBiomedical Informatics1968
146 Warner, Homer R.Development of a Computerized Infectious Disease Monitor (CIDM)Biomedical Informatics1985
147 Warner, Homer R.Development and Implementation of a Computer-Generated Reminder System for Diabetes Preventive CareBiomedical Informatics1994
148 Warner, Homer R.Computerized Medication Monitoring SystemBiomedical Informatics1976
149 Warner, Homer R.Database Capture of Natural Language Echocardiographic Reports: A Unified Medical Language System ApproachBiomedical Informatics1989
150 Warner, Homer R.Decision-Driven Acquisition of Qualitative DataBiomedical Informatics1984
126 - 150 of 1,107