126 - 150 of 146
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126 Firmage, Edwin B.MX:democracy, religion and the rule of law--my journeyThis is my story of the defeat of the MX missile's proposed basing mode in the Great Basin of the West. Where to begin? I'm reflecting on cancer and MX at this moment. About journeys where we would not go but do. Beginnings are not easy, though the first verses of Genesis and John make them sound so...Missile Experimental; Great Basin; Cold War2004
127 Flynn, John J.Is and "ought" of vertical restraints after Monsanto Co. v. Spray-Rite Service Corp.Great hopes and great fears accompanied the Supreme Court's decision to review the Seventh Circuit's decision in Spray-Rite Service Corp. v. Monsanto Co. (2) Proponents of a neoclassical economic model of antitrust analysis, including the Reagan administration, saw Monsanto as a vehicle for bringing...1986
128 Flynn, John J.Old wine in new bottles: some observations about current monopolization litigationLawyers seldom have the luxury of speaking in generalities. The particulars of the cases and the client's problems we deal with usually limit our immediate concerns and thinking to the facts at hand. Facts, unlike the generalities law professors are allowed to dispense in the classroom or the unrea...Lawyers; Assumptions; Analysis1983
129 Flynn, John J.District of Columbia juvenile delinquency proceddings; apprehension to dispositionWhile all agencies connected with the dentention and treatment of juveniles in the District of Columbia issue annual reports which are available to the public, indications are that a widespread unawareness exists in both bar and judiciary as to the nature, purpose and efffectiveness of the socio-leg...District of Columbia; Juvenile detention (U.S)1960
130 Flynn, John J.Legal reasoning and the jurisprudence of vertical restraints: the limitations of neoclassical economic analysis in the resolution of antitrust disputesThe question of how antitrust policy "ought" to treat vertical distribution restraints in the 1980s under section 1 of the Sherman Act(1) embodies the difficulties entailed when any field of law becomes captive to a single paradigm. (2) Inherently political assumptions concerning the proper scope ...1987
131 Flynn, John J.Function and dysfunction of per se rules in vertical market restraintsIn 1963, the Supreme Court held it did not know enough about the "economic and business stuff" out of which nonprice vertical market restraints "emerge" to determine whether they should be measured by a "rule of reason" test or one of "per se illegality.'" Seventeen years later, after one flip2 and ...1980
132 Flynn, John J.Legal reasoning, antitrust policy and the social "science" of economicsThere is an area some eight to ten miles off Astoria, Oregon, called "The Bar," where the fresh water of the Columbia River meets the salt water of the Pacific Ocean. It is a place of turbulent, shifting currents and choppy waters where moving sand bars trap even the most experienced sailors. Like ...1988
133 Firmage, Edwin B.Knowledge and Politics by Roberto Mangabeira Unger (book review)Unger's Knowledge and Politics is a rare philosophical endeavor: it is an expression of hope articulated as a theory of human nature and politics. The hope expressed in Unger's work is that the empiricism of Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, and Hume, and the corollary thesis of the subjectivity of values an...Book review; Philosophy1972
134 Firmage, Edwin B.Ends and meansSince the advent of the atomic era, the United States has decided to wage war by covert means, intervening secretly in the election, selection and direction of governments in other countries. Our weapons are subversive propaganda, including "black" propaganda and disinformation; undermining the econ...Prados, John; Cockburn, Leslie; Treverton, Gregory; Covert wars; Central Intelligence Agency; CIA1988
135 Firmage, Edwin B.Book review: Luard, The International Regulation of Frontier DisputesThe international system, like its municipal counterparts, has developed procedures and techniques for dispute resolution. These include traditional political or diplomatic procedures such as inquiry or fact-finding, conciliation, negotiation, and mediation. Other procedures are of a juridical natur...Territorial conflicts; European boundaries; Political and diplomatic resolutions1972-09
136 Flynn, John J.Misuse and abuse of the Tunney Act: the adverse consequences of the microsoft fallaciesThere have been two Microsoft cases leading to final judgements. Throughout the Tunney Act processes in both cases, however, there was little discussion regarding the standards of judicial review that should apply in a Tunney Act consent decree proceeding where no litigation has taken place. There ...Tunney Act; Microsoft; Microsoft fallacy2003
137 Francis, LeslieLegal truth and moral realismThis January, the United States Supreme Court heard oral argument in appeals from two controversial "right to die" cases; decisions in the cases are expected by the end of the term.1 The Ninth Circuit case held that Washington's ban on assisted suicide, including physician-assisted suicide, violate...Suicide; Dying; Ethics1997
138 Francis, LesliePoverty, age discrimination, and health careIn Euripides' play Alcestis, Alcestis' middle-aged husband, Admetus, is told by the gods that it is his turn to die next. Admetus bargains a reprieve, promising in exchange to find another soul to take his place. His friends all turn him down. So do his father and mother. Admetus rebukes his father...Alcesti, Section, Objective1985
139 Firmage, Edwin B.Reflections on Mormon history: Zion and the anti-legal traditionSIR HENRY MAINE, OUR FIRST GREAT MODERN legal historian of the English language and law, in describing the paradigmatic shift from early feudal European society to a world of secular, territorial nation-states and market economy, observed that we had moved "from status to contract." "Status" assume...Heaven; Christians; Revelations1998
140 Flynn, John J.ResponseSpeculation proceeding upon no set path and minimizing a logical thread of analysis may often be far more productive of insights into our never-ending search for knowledge than the most logical and analytical pursuit of "truth." The latter process is often premised upon unchallenged and unchallenge...Truth; Society ; Values1975
141 Adler, Robert W.Changing the Law-Science Paradigm for Colorado River RestorationLegal mandates and scientific realities conflict when existing legal principles do not match the realities and limits of current science. Those conflicts can be addressed if scientists communicate the limits of existing scientific capabilities and if the legal system responds accordingly2008
142 Mallat, ChibliAppels d'Europe à l'est de la MéditerranéeNombreux sont les obstacles dressés devant tous les démocrates du Moyen-Orient ! Les difficultés internes sont évidentes : il suffit de regarder la panoplie de dictateurs, rois ou autres potentats arabes dont la préoccupation principale est de se maintenir au pouvoir sans que les citoyens ne...2007
143 Mallat, ChibliAventures à BeyrouthThis little book, published in limited edition in 1997, was written in 1995 by Chibli Mallat and illustrated by Tamer Mallat, then age 5.1995
144 Mallat, ChibliDes Relations Privilégiées Entre L'Union Européenne Et Les Pays Voisins: Les Promesses De L'Article 8 Tue, À La Suite Du Traité De LisbonneTitre Réalisations et défis de l'Union européenne Sous-titre Droit-Politique-Économie. Mélanges en hommage au Professeur Panayotis Soldatos Mnémo MELSOLDATOS Auteur(s) Préface de Christian Philip Edition 1re Edition Langue Fr Format Livre ISBN-10 2802735756 ISBN-13...2012
145 Mallat, ChibliIntroduction a la pensee de Robert FossaertCette introduction est surtout un appel, pour paraphraser Althusser sur Marx (<< II faut lire Le Capital, et se mettre au travail) a un bon usage de Fossaert : II faut lire La Societe, et se mettre au travail . Le lecteur trouvera une lucarne de l'universalisme de Fossaert dans la section du b...2009
146 Mallat, ChibliRenforcer la Société Civile contre l'Etat: Horizons du travail international au Proche et Moyen OrientVoici donc la conclusion extrêmement critique qui semble s'imposer sur la recherche d'une meilleure gouvernance dans une perspective SC. Il faut passer au-dessus de l'Etat pour renforcer la SC, et si nécessaire, la renforcer contre l'Etat. Vaste programme, qui commence par un apprentissage dém...2003-11
126 - 150 of 146