126 - 150 of 494
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126 Wen, MingPersonal, social, and ecological influences on loneliness and satisfaction among rural-to-urban migrants in Shanghai, ChinaThis study examined personal, social, and ecological influences on loneliness and satisfaction among rural-urban migrants in Shanghai, China. Data used in this study were from the Shanghai Rural-to-Urban Migrant Worker Survey conducted by the Institute of Demographic Research, Fudan University, C...Lonliness; Rural-to-urban migration; Internal migration; Shanghai, China2008-02-02
127 Yu, ZhouHeterogeneity and dynamics in China's emerging housing marketChina's emerging housing market, as a critical element of ongoing economic reforms, has drawn increasing attention. The complete abandonment of the socialist housing allocation system in the late 1990s has led to profound changes in housing distribution and consumption in urban China. This article, ...Housing distribution; Housing reform; Chinese Census; Beijing; Shanghai; Tianjin; Chongqing
128 Francis, LeslieRecent developments in genetic diagnosis: some ethical and legal implicationsThis essay outlines some of the ethical complexities genetic technology poses in two areas of decision-making: when to perform genetic testing and what to do with the information gained from genetic testing.Genetic Technology; Genetic Testing; Ethics1986
129 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Reexamining the economic costs of marital disruption for womenChanges in labor force participation and returns may have lessened divorce's traditionally severe economic consequences for women. Method. We use recent data from the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH) to analyze the economic well-being of women whose marriages ended between the firs...2001
130 Brown, Barbara B.Residential territories: cues to burglary vulnerabilityNewman's work on defensible space and Altman's work on territoriality were used to formulate a hypothesis that certain design elements enhance or reflect residential territoriality and thereby influence burglars' target selections. Specifically, evidence on the links from real and symbolic barriers...Burglary; Residences; Territoriality; Homes1985
131 Hawkes, KristenHadza children's foraging: juvenile dependency, social arrangement and mobility among hunter-gatherersPresents a study on the foraging activities of Hadza children in Tanzania, Africa. Success of children's foraging; Determinants of children's foraging; Monitoring of the activities of children; Near-camp foraging return rates; Variables underlying the patterns of foraging.Children; Foraging; Hazda; Hunter-gatherers1995
132 Zimmer, ZacharyDeterminants of old-age mortality in TaiwanRelationships among socio-demographic characteristics, general assessments of health, and old-age mortality are well established in developed countries. There is also an increasing focus on the connection between early-life experiences and late-life health. This paper tests these and other associat...Mortality determinants; Gompertz regression2003
133 Utz, Rebecca L.Procedure to correct proxy-reported weight in the National Health Interview Survey, 1976-2002Background: Data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) show a larger-than-expected increase in mean BMI between 1996 and 1997. Proxy-reports of height and weight were discontinued as part of the 1997 NHIS redesign, suggesting that the sharp increase between 1996 and 1997 may be artifactua...National Health Interview Survey; NHIS; Proxy-reported weight2009
134 Nicoll, Kathleen; Chan, Marjorie A.Utah's geologic and geomorphic terrestrial analogs to Mars: a training ground for future robotic and human missions to MarsUtah offers spectacular geologic features and valuable analogue environments and processes for Mars studies. Relatively intact, horizontal strata of the Colorado Plateau are analogous to Mars, where the effects of strong ground motion from earthquakes or impacts are preserved. Within Utah, easily ac...2010
135 Loeb, Laurence D.Prestige and piety in the Iranian synagogueAmong Iranian Jews, long deprived of meaningful political power and afraid to conspicuously display material wealth, relative prestige became more valued that authority of opulence. The synagogue provides the traditional public forum where meaningful interaction among its members reinforces rand dif...Shirazi Jewish Socieity1978
136 Maloney, Thomas N.Personnel policy, costs of experimentation, and racial inequality in the Pre-World War II NorthBetween 1910 and 1940, the black population of the northern United States nearly tripled, rising from just over I million to more than 2.7 million, signaling the start of the "Great Migration" of African-Americans out of the South. As black workers entered the North, they sought positions in new sec...Race bias; Personnel policies; African Americans; Employment opportunities1999
137 Smith, Ken R.Ovarian cancer mortality among immigrants in Australia and CanadaThis study examined the impact of changing environments on ovarian cancer by comparing age standardized mortality rates of numerous immigrant groups in Australia and Canada to those in the origin countries for the period 1984-1988. Mortality rates by length of residence in Australia (0-29 and 30+ y...Ovarian cancer; Immigrants; Australia; Canada; Mortality1995
138 Malloy, Thomas E.; Regan, Alison Elizabeth; Jensen, Gary C.Open courseware and shared knowledge in higher educationMost college and university campuses in the United States and much of the developed world today maintain one, two, or several learning management systems (LMSs), which are courseware products that provide students and faculty with Web-based tools to manage course-related applications. Since the mid-...Learning management systems; Courseware2002
139 McElreath, RichardCan females gain additional paternal investment by mating with multiple males? a game theoretic approachAlthough females may require only one mating to become inseminated, many female animals engage in costly mating with multiple males. One potential benefit of polyandrous mating is gaining parental investment from multiple males. We developed two game theoretic models to explore this possibility. Our...Female multiple mating; Polyandry; Nonprocreative mating; Paternal investment; Mating benefits; Mating strategy2001-11
140 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.Competition between foragers and food producers on the Botletli River, BotswanaThe immigration of food-producing groups into areas occupied by hunters and gatherers must have been a common occurrence in prehistory. How were the hunter-gatherers affected by this? I describe here two groups of Kalahari Basarwa ('Bushmen'), one living along the flood plain of the lower Botletli ...Kalahari Basarwa; Bushmen; Foraging; Cattle1986
141 Zimmer, ZacharyLiving arrangements of older adults in sub-Saharan Africa in a time of HIV/AIDSThe detrimental consequences of the AIDS epidemic for older adults in sub-Saharan Africa suggest the need to investigate their characteristics, living situations, and well-being. In this study, we examine the living arrangements of persons aged 60 and older in 16 countries. Data come from the house...Living arrangements; Older adults; Sub-Saharan Africa; HIV/AIDS2003
142 Malloy, Thomas E.; Hansen, K. GeneReductions in criminality subsequent to group, individual, and family therapy in adolescent residential and day treatment settingsThe complete population of adolescents in a residential and day-treatment program over a 4-year period, 532youths, served in two studies. Along with residential and day-treatment settings, predictive variables of interest were the number of hours spent in group, individual, and family therapy. A tot...Group therapy; Individual therapy; Family therapy1999
143 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.Territoriality among human foragers: ecological models and an application to four Bushman GroupsDiscussions of human territoriality have become more sophisticated in recent years; we see fewer arguments for or against the adaptiveness of territoriality for mankind in general and more attempts to probe the ecological factors that make territoriality adaptive in particular circumstances.Foraging; Ecological Models; Bushman1983-02
144 Mineau, Geraldine Page; Bean, Lee LawrenceMacrosimulation approach to the investigation of natural fertilityThis paper is part of a long-term investigation known as the Mormon Historical Demography Project. It examines the capability of a simulation model, originally proposed by John Bongaarts (1976), to fit the natural fertility pattern which characterized the mid-nineteenth century Mormon population. Ap...Mormon Historical Demography Project; Macrosimulation; Natural fertility1982
145 Maloney, Thomas N.Wage compression and wage inequality between black and white males in the United States, 1940-1960The gap between the mean wages of black men and white men in the United States narrowed substantially between 1940 and 1950. There was, however, almost no change in this wage gap between 1950 and 1960. Some of this discontinuity in the path of black progress can be explained by general changes in th...Salaries; Race; Compensation1994-06
146 Hall, ThadAre Americans confident their ballots are counted?Expanding the large literature which investigates the characteristics of citizen and voter trust in government we analyze the heretofore neglected topic of voter trust in the electoral process. In this paper, we present results from three national surveys in which we asked voters the confidence they...Election reform; Public management; Principal-Agent Theory2006-07-20
147 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Unangan past and present: the contrasts between observed and inferred historiesAbstract Academic research focusing on the population and culture history of the Aleut (Unangan) people began in the late 19th century and continues to the present. The papers in this special issue of Human Biology summarize the latest results from archaeological, linguistic, genetic, and morphometr...2010
148 Hawkes, KristenHunting and nuclear families: some lessons from the Hadza about men's workHadza hunter-gatherers display economic and social features usually assumed to indicate the dependence of wives and children on provisioning husbands and fathers. The wives and children of better Hadza hunters have been found to be better-nourished, consistent with the assumption that men hunt to pr...Subsistence economy; Tindiga, African people; Subsistence hunting2001-10-24
149 Nicoll, Kathleen; Chan, Marjorie A.Geomorphic evolution of pleistocene Lake Bonneville: temporal implications for surface processes on MarsPleistocene Lake Bonneville of the Great Basin offers unparalleled insight into temporal constraints for understanding the development of similar analog environments and processes on Mars. The extensive and well preserved lake system exhibits many intact features that include: prominent shorelines, ...2010
150 Wei, Y. H. DennisBeyond new regionalism, beyond global production networks: remaking the Sunan model, ChinaThis paper attempts to advance the research on globalization and regional development in China through a study of Kunshan City. We investigate the restructuring process, the structure of FDI, and the nature of global-local networks to understand trajectories and models of regional development in the...2010
126 - 150 of 494