126 - 150 of 247
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126 David, MariaThe Effect of Physician Altruism on Patient Health Outcomes in a Signaline GameI construct a model for interactions between patients and physicians and use the model to explore which conditions are necessary for the patient to receive a certain quality of care. The model allows the patient, upon observing an illness, to choose between treatment or no treatment options while th...2017
127 Valle, Ciriac I. AlvarezUndocumented Undergraduates in the Utah System of Higher EducationThis thesis focuses on how undocumented students navigate institutions of higher education in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE), and considers the specific culture, legislation, and demographics of the state of Utah. Following my personal experience as an undocumented student, I interviewed...2017
128 Schofield, Zachary CThe Effects of State Level Energy Policy on Renewable Energy MarketsFor the past few decades, state governments have attempted to steer their energy portfolios toward sources that are environmentally responsible and come at a lower cost. The two primary policies that are analyzed in this work are Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and market deregulation. Because t...2017
129 Lebrecht, MarleyThe Effect of a Close Friendship on the Number of suicide Attempts Executed by Adolescent GirlsAdolescent suicide is the second leading cause of death in people ages 15-19, and the rates of adolescent suicide are rising. Research has focused on risk and protective factors for adolescent suicide, but the effects of friendship have received less attention. Existing research suggests that friend...2017
130 Whitfield, MitchValidating Visual-Manual Detection Response Take Measurements in Simulated Distracted DrivingThe advancement of technological devices (any electronic device affecting the driver) for vehicles has resulted in improved functionality and capability. However, this extreme progression has resulted in the increased likelihood of impaired driving. Because of the development of this technology, the...2017
131 Hendrickson, HannahImproving Outcomes for People Facing HomelessnessDespite extravagant health care spending in the United States today, a real and significant disparity still exists: The large homeless population is underrepresented in receiving good health care. Research shows the United States (U.S.) is missing its target of providing quality health care to all i...2017
132 Stephan, ChandlerFamily and Urban Structures as Determinants of Income Mobility Differences in Salt LakeIncome mobility is the measure of the difference between a child's income and their parent's income. A higher rate of mobility is indicative of a greater ability to positively change income over generations while a lower rate means there is less mobility. A higher rate of mobility can reduce the amo...2017
133 Stewart, PatrickA Real-World Investigation of the Attentional Capture ParadigmAttention directs awareness toward important objects, like food or predators, and filters out unimportant objects, like familiar scenery. Two modes of visual attention have been identified: goal-directed and stimulus-driven (Simons, 2000). Goal-directed attention refers to a deliberate search for ob...2017
134 Miller, MatthewThe Affordable Care Act and the Future of us Healthcare: Consumer Driven Care and Value Driven CareHealthcare in the United States has drastically changed over the last two hundred years. Today, the United States has the most technologically advanced medical care in the world. But, as a result, costs have soared and currently account for 17% of the GDP, which is significantly higher than in other...2017
135 McLean, HaileyHealthcare Encounters of Formerly Homeless Individuals Supported by the Housing first ProgramHomeless individuals often have high utilization of emergency healthcare services. With United States healthcare costs continuing to rise encouraging appropriate utilization as a way to lower costs and improve outcomes is becoming a priority. This study examined the healthcare encounters of formerly...2018
136 Arave, MariahLife elevated: investigating the association between altitude and depressionThe purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between altitude and depression. Evidence obtained from previous studies show that hypoxia can cause changes in the levels of mood-regulating neurotransmitters, potentially affecting mental health. There is also a region in the western Unit...University of Utah2018
137 Kaur, KimanThe Intersections of Gender, Race, and the Environment: How can Queer Ecology Shift Power and Place in Ecosystems?Colonization and colonialism in the United States (U.S.) create flawed social constructions of race and gender that perpetuate a hierarchical dominance of power based on one's identity. This hierarchy of power overwhelmingly marginalizes communities of color, especially womxn1 of color, while uplift...2018
138 Mallory, HalleyModeled after NatureThe Anthropocene is the current geological epoch marked by human dominance. Among other changes, human-caused climate change has increased natural disasters, altering the conditions of life for communities around the world. Our best response to these catastrophes is to become more resilient. Case st...2018
139 Jimenez, ValeriaThe Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Promoting Higher Education Among Latina/O Youth: The Case of Latinos in Action (LIA) of UtahNonprofit organizations have been at the forefront of helping newly-arrived immigrants and refugees integrate into society, advocating for marginalized communities, and ensuring that Latina/o youth are reaching for higher education. Nonprofit organizations have helped to fill in the gaps that the Un...2018
140 Richardson, John R.Religious Liberty, Equal Protection, and the Utah CompromiseThe conflict between religious freedom and civil rights for LGBT Americans is often seen as a zero-sum game. Legal battles over wedding cakes and floral arrangements have garnered national attention and result in a court-sanctioned winner and loser. States and local governments across the country ha...2018
141 Jabini, Mohammad EmadAn Examination of Switchover CostsThis thesis project focuses on firm strategies that target consumer switchover costs of three industries: pharmaceuticals, information technology, and food processing. The project explores those that involve increasing customer dependency, predatory marketing, and hidden fees, which improve firms' b...2018
142 Allen, Ashley K.Borderline Personality Disorder During Pregnancy, Physiology, and Correlations Between Borderline Symptoms and Newborn NeurobehaviorPrior research has shown prenatal stress and parental mental illness impair developmental well-being for infants. However, literature examining borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms during pregnancy and infant neurobehavioral outcomes for women with BPD are largely lacking. The purpose of t...2018
143 Venugopal, NikilaBaldwin in Conversation: Love and Black Lives MatterWith rising tensions surrounding racial inequality in the United States, and the national prominence of the Black Lives Matter Movement, it is hardly surprising that the works of James Baldwin have had a revival in popular culture and literature. Throughout his writings, Baldwin has advocated for Bl...2018
144 Kozlowski, ZoeAssessing the Contraceptive Needs of Homeless Women in Salt Lake City, UtahBackground: Homeless women across the US have reduced access to contraception and reproductive healthcare. They are at especially high risk for sexual trauma, contracting HIV or other sexually transmitted infections, and suffering from mental and physical conditions and substance use disorders. The ...2018
145 Salmi, Luciana P.Examining the Combined Effects of Social Support and Maternal Prenatal Mood on Newborn NeurobehaviorA large body of research shows that exposure to maternal prenatal anxiety may be linked to adverse birth outcomes and impaired psychophysiological functioning in infancy (Barker, Jaffee, Uher, & Maughan, 2011). The majority of research has been focused on birth outcomes leaving a gap in the literatu...2018
146 Li, DanikaUnderstanding State-Sponsored Violence: Tiananmen SquareThe Tiananmen Square Massacre presents an interesting puzzle to political scientists, as it contradicts traditional strategic theory that attacking one's own civilians erodes a government's base of power. The massacre defies these expectations through the ensuing decades of iron control the Communis...2018
147 Leibold, Katherine I.The Electability of Atheists in the United StatesAtheists are severely underrepresented in United States public offices. This underrepresentation is obvious when evaluating the religious affiliation of our elected officials in Congress in contrast to the religious affiliations of the general public. The underrepresentation of atheists in Congress ...2018
148 Seshan, ThulasiComparative Indigenous Water Law in the Western United States and AustraliaIn 2010 the United Nations declared that water was a human right. Yet indigenous peoples around the world still do not have full access to water- to their human right. This paper attempts to understand what water rights indigenous people do have, and how those can be expanded to meet international h...2018
149 Eric NhemComparing Educational Engagement and Extracurricular Activity Participation for First-Generation Versus Continuing-Generation College StudentsFirst-generation college students (FGCS) typically have difficulty adjusting to college compared to continuing-generation college students (CGCS). Previous research has found that FGCS are less engaged in their higher education classes. However, engagement in college should also include participatio...2018
150 Adams, TaylorChange in trait impressions of the self and othersThis study examined how trait judgments of the self and others change over time. The research question that was addressed was "Do the changes in trait impressions of the self parallel the changes in trait impressions of others?" One hundred and twenty-five college students rated the frequency of cha...2018
126 - 150 of 247