126 - 150 of 1,978
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126 Mathews, V. JohnOn the inversion of certain nonlinear systemsIn this letter, we present some theorems for the exact inversion and the pth-order inversion of a wide class of causal, discrete-time, nonlinear systems. The nonlinear systems we consider are described by the input-output relationship y(n) = g[x(n)]h[x(n-1); (n-1)]+f[x(n-1); y(n-1)], here g[], h[; ]...1997-01-01
127 Khan, Faisal HabibOn the design of efficient magnetic coils for the stimulation of peripheral nervesNeural stimulators are the key building blocks of current neuroprosthetic systems, such as cochlear and retinal implants. Due to direct current injections and foreign body reactions, conventional current passing electrodes suffer from reduced performance and reduced lifetimes. However, magnetic fiel...2013-01-01
128 Furse, Cynthia M.Manufacturing considerations for implantable antennasDesign of implantable antennas poses a unique set of challenges since antennas need to be small, biocompatible, and operate in the highly lossy environment of the human body. A recent review identified miniaturization challenges and how they have been managed in a variety of designs. [1] It also not...2013-01-01
129 Furse, Cynthia M.A busy professors guide to sanely flipping your classroomThis paper describes the use of the flipped classroom approach for an Introduction to Electromagnetics course. Video lectures were created on a tablet PC, and uploaded to YouTube. Students watched the videos before coming to class. Class time was used for problem solving strategy (using homework as ...2013-01-01
130 Tiwari, AshutoshObservation of the inverse spin hall effect in ZnO thin films: an all-electrical approach to spin injection and detectionThe inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) is a newly discovered, quantum mechanical phenomenon where an applied spin current results in the generation of an electrical voltage in the transverse direction. It is anticipated that the ISHE can provide a more simple way of measuring spin currents in spintroni...2014-01-01
131 Simpson, Jamesina J.A stochastic FDTD model of electromagnetic wave propagation in magnetized ionospheric plasmaCommunications, surveillance, and navigation capabilities rely heavily on accurate knowledge of electromagnetic (EM) signal propagation characteristics through and reflected by the Earth's ionosphere. Satellite communications, over-the-horizon radar, and target direction finding are a few example ap...2013-01-01
132 Khan, Faisal HabibQuantifying device degradation in live power converters using SSTDR assisted impedance MatrixA noninterfering measurement technique designed around spread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR) has been proposed in this paper to identify the level of aging associated with power semiconductor switches inside a live converter circuit. Power MOSFETs are one of the most age-sensitive compon...2014-01-01
133 Khan, Faisal HabibEfficiency characterization and impedance modeling of a multilevel switched-capacitor converter using pulse dropping switching schemeApulse dropping switching technique (PDT) has been presented in this paper to accomplish variable conversion ratio (CR) in a multilevel modular capacitor-clamped dc-dc converter in the step-up conversion mode. The switching pattern is generated by comparing a triangular wave with a rectangular wave,...2014-01-01
134 Stevens, KennethInterfacing synchronous and asynchronous domains for open core protocolIntellectual property (IP) blocks are connected in a system on chip using a bus or network-on-chip (NoC). IP reuse is facilitated by the modularity that results when using common interfaces between the IP cores and the bus or NoC. This paper investigates and implements several versions of one of the...2014-01-01
135 Sutherland, James ClaytonA comparison of various models in predicting ignition delay in single-particle coal combustionIn this paper, individual coal particle combustion under laminar conditions is simulated using models with various levels of complexity for the particle and gas phase chemical kinetics. The mass, momentum and energy governing equations are fully coupled between the particle and the gas phase. In the...2014-01-01
136 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.Electrical characterization of 26 × 26 ground reaction sensor array interfaced with two parallel electronic detection channelsThis paper presents the electrical characterization results of a 26 x 26 high-density ground reaction sensor array (HD-GRSA) interfaced with two parallel electronic detection channels. The system was developed for improving inertial measurement unit (IMU) positioning accuracy. The HD-GRSA is compose...2013-01-01
137 Blair, StevenChannel routing for integrated opticsIncreasing scope and applications of integrated optics necessitates the development of automated techniques for physical design of optical systems. This paper presents an automated, planar channel routing technique for integrated optical waveguides. Integrated optics is a planar technology and lacks...2013-01-01
138 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.An exothermal energy release layer for microchip transienceA single layer nanothermite spin coated gel has been utilized as a solid-state exothermic energy release layer for triggered microchip transience. A proportional combination of self-assembled CuO/Al nanothermite and Napalm-B as gelling agent has been used to develop for the first time a spinable nan...2013-01-01
139 Stevens, KennethSymbolic verification of timed asynchronous hardware protocolsCorrect interaction of asynchronous protocols re- quires verification. Timed asynchronous protocols add another layer of complexity to the verification challenge. A methodology and automated tool flow have been developed for verifying systems of timed asynchronous circuits through compositional mode...2013-01-01
140 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.Microfluidic device for triggered chip transienceThis paper presents the fabrication and testing of a microfluidic device for the triggered destruction (transience) of microchips. The device consists of a thin film array of sealed reservoirs patterned on a polymer film. Each reservoir encloses a corrosive chemical agent which upon release dissolve...2013-01-01
141 Venkatasubramanian, SureshPower to the points: validating data memberships in clusteringsIn this paper, we present a method to attach affinity scores to the implicit labels of individual points in a clustering. The affinity scores capture the confidence level of the cluster that claims to "own" the point. We demonstrate that these scores accurately capture the quality of the label assig...2013-01-01
142 Gale, Bruce K.Platinum functionalized titania nanotube array sensor for detection of Trichloroethylene in waterA sensor using platinum functionalized titania nanotubes for the detection of Trichloroethylene (TCE) in water samples has been developed. The titania nanotubes were synthesized using an electrochemical anodization technique and platinum was photocatalytically deposited on the nanotubes. The sensor ...2013-01-01
143 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.A very high density floating electrode flexible sensor array for high-resolution measurements of contact forcesWe present the development, fabrication and testing results of a new high-density flexible sensor array (HDFA) suitable of recording three-axis stresses with high spatial resolution. The new HDFA consists of 676 (26×26) sensing cells fabricated on top of a high-density flex circuit substrate. Each ...2013-01-01
144 Regehr, JohnHelp, help, Im being suppressed the significance of suppressors in software testingAbstract-Test features are basic compositional units used to describe what a test does (and does not) involve. For example, in API-based testing, the most obvious features are function calls; in grammar-based testing, the obvious features are the elements of the grammar. The relationship between fea...2013-01-01
145 Stevens, KennethA low power UART design based on asynchronous techniquesAbstract-Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) implements serial communication between peripherals and remote embedded systems. The UART protocol is defined based on fixed frequencies with a sampling method to achieve robustness under reasonable frequency variations between systems. Suc...2013-01-01
146 Blair, StevenCrossing-aware channel routing for photonic waveguidesAbstract-Silicon photonics technology is progressing at a rapid pace. Despite greatly expanded manufacturing capability, physical design of integrated optical circuits currently lacks the level of automation found in VLSI design. A key component of integrated optic design is waveguide routing; howev...2013-01-01
147 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.Design and characterization of electronic sensing system for a 13 × 13 biomechanical ground reaction sensor arrayThis paper presents the design and characterization of an electronic sensing system interfaced with a high-density flexible biomechanical ground reaction sensor array (GRSA). The prototype system can be incorporated into a personal boot heel to measure real-time ground force, shear strain and sole d...2013-01-01
148 Liu, FengA three-layer-mesh bridging domain for coupled atomistic-continuum simulations at finite temperature: formulation and testingAlthough concurrent multiscale methods have been well developed for zero-temperature simulations, improvements are needed to meet challenges pertaining to finite-temperature simulations. Bridging domain method (BDM) is one of the most efficient and widely-used multiscale atomistic-continuum techniqu...2014-01-01
149 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshOvercoming extreme-scale reproducibility challenges through a unified, targeted, and multilevel toolsetReproducibility, the ability to repeat program executions with the same numerical result or code behavior, is crucial for computational science and engineering applications. However, non-determinism in concurrency scheduling often hampers achieving this ability on high performance computing (HPC) sy...2013-01-01
150 Balasubramonian, RajeevQuantifying the relationship between the power delivery network and architectural policies in a 3D-stacked memory deviceMany of the pins on a modern chip are used for power delivery. If fewer pins were used to supply the same current, the wires and pins used for power delivery would have to carry larger currents over longer distances. This results in an "IR-drop" problem, where some of the voltage is dropped across t...2013-01-01
126 - 150 of 1,978