126 - 150 of 195
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126 Integrated treatment of produced water by electrolytic and biological methods2008-03-12integrated treatment; produced water by electrolytic and biological methods; produced waterWhat we got from full scale analysis: 1-Composition of synthetic produced water. 2-Idea to develop an integrated scheme. 3-In other words, we just cannot just use any technique (oxidation or biological) to treat produced water.
127 Earth Energy Resources corporate presentation2008-02-22Oil sands; Earth Energy; Ophus Process; PR Spring, Utah; Bitumen; Oil sand mining; Tailings ponds; Extraction processes; Utah; Water consumption; Athabasca, Canada; Vernal, Utah; Simplot Phosphate MineForward looking statements--Earth Energy Resources, Inc.: This presentation and the Company's website referenced in this presentation contain forward-looking statements including expectations of future production and components of cash flow and earnings. Investors are cautioned that assumptions used...
128 Availability of tar sands on public land: An overview2006-09-21Tar sands; public lands; Utah; Leasing on federal lands; Hydrocarbonaceous material; Oil shale; Tar sand developmentPresentation summary: 1-Provide an overview of Utah Tar Sand Resources 2-Provide historical summary Tar Sand Leasing on Federal Lands; -Early leasing efforts-1960, -Combined Hydrocarbon Leasing-1981, -Energy Policy Act of 2005 3-Outline current leasing process
129 In-situ production of Utah oil sands bitumen2007-11in situ production; Utah oil sands; Utah reservoirs; in situ bitumen production; SAGD; case studiesIn-situ production of oil-sand bitumen offers an excellent alternative to the ex situ processes that are based on strip-mining and surface extraction. In addition to leaving the landscape relatively undisturbed, in situ processes allow for partial upgrading of oil sands, leaving heavier, less profit...
130 Technical challenges to geological carbon sequestration2008-05-23carbon sequestration; reduce CO2 emissions; geological carbon sequestration; CO2; CCS economics; CCS.Conclusions: 1-Current knowledge strongly supports carbon sequestration as a successful technology to dramatically reduce CO2emissions. 2-Current science and technology gaps appear resolvable at scale Deployment issues, including regulatory, legal, and operational concerns can be advised by science ...
131 Oil shale: An introduction2008-11-13oil shale; oil shale resources; mahogany shale; oil shale productionPresentation given in the Utah Oil Shale Resources and Technology Update, on November 13, 2008, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
132 Technology Commercialization Office at the University of Utah2009-02-27Deep Coal Energy; Technology Development Office; QEMSCAN; Energence.Overview of the activities and resources of the Technology Commercialization Office at the University of Utah and the relationship between the Technology Commercialization Office and emerging energy research and technologies in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Jack Ha...
133 The energy industry faces a carbon-constrained world2009-02-27carbon regulation; energy industry; carbon control; CO2 sequestration; GHG.Analysis of the impacts of potential frameworks for carbon regulation on the energy industry, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Arnold W. Reitze, Jr., Professor, S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah.
134 Government supported finance2008-11-13finance; government supported finance; DOE loan guarantee program
135 Federal control of greenhouse gas emissions2010-04-28greenhouse gas emissions; federal control efforts; domestic legislationFederal Control Efforts: 1) International 2) New Domestic Legislation 3) Using Existing Domestic Legislation
136 Resource potential of Utah oil sands2008-02-22Utah tar sand resources; tar sand resources; tar sandOverview of Utah tar sand resources given by John Baza, Director of Utah Division of Oil, Gas & Mining.
137 The Utah Heavy Oil Center2006-09-21Utah Heavy Oil Center; oil shale; heavy oil production.The mission of the Utah Heavy Oil Center is to provide interdisciplinary research support to federal and state constituents for addressing the wide ranging issues surrounding the potential of oil shale, oil sands and heavy oil production in the United States.
138 Environmental concerns for oil sands development in Utah--serious unanswered questions2008-02-22tar sands development; tar sand; Southern Utah Wilderness Association; BLM; PEIS; EIA; tar sand recoveryOverview of environmental issues and concerns associated with potential tar sands development in Utah presented by Stephen Bloch, Conservation Director of the Southern Utah Wilderness Association.
139 Environmental management of Alberta's oil sands2009-02-27environmental management; oil sands; Canadian oil sands development; crude bitumen; mineable resources; in situ resorces; oil sands depositsAnalysis of the challenges and successes of environmental management of Canadian oil sands development, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Preston McEachern, Head of Science, Research & Innovation, Oil Sands Environmental Management Division, Alberta Environmental, Canada.
140 Utah oil sands: Social and economic factors2008-02-22oil sands development; economic and social impacts; bitumen.Analysis of social and economic factors relevant to oil sands development in Utah.
141 Water treatment and reuse in oil sands development2008-03-12ozonization; heightened ozonation treatment; heightened oil sand extraction; water treatment; bitumen extraction fro oil sands; naphthenic contaminants removal; UHOP.Discussion of heightened ozonation treatment and heightened oil sand extraction technologies.
142 OSEC's White River project2008-11-13OSEC; White River project; Utah oil shale resources and technologyA presentation given at the Utah Oil Shale Resources and Technology Update on November 13, 2008, Salt Lake City, Utah.
143 P.R. Spring and Hill Creek Tar Sand Areas: A resource assessment (in progress)2008-02-22P. R. Spring; Hill Creek Tar Sand Areas; Uinta Basin; Green River; resource assessmentThe P.R. Spring-Hill Creek Tar Sand Area is located at the southern flank of the Uinta Basin. The area is generally bounded by T. 12 S. in Uintah County, extending southward to T. 17 S. and the Roan Cliffs in Grand County. It is further bounded by the Green River on the west and the Utah-Colorado st...
144 Temple Mountain Energy's asphalt ridge oil sands project2006-09-21Temple Mountain Energy; oil sand; oil sands project; Asphalt Ridge.An overview of Temple Mountain Energy's asphalt ridge oil sands project.
145 Production of oil shale from the Green River Formation in Utah2007-11oil shale; oil shale production; Green River formation.The largest deposits of oil shale in the world are documented to be in the Green River Formation of western United States. If this oil resource (conservative estimate of 800 billion barrels recoverable) could be used to meet a quarter of the present U.S. demand for petroleum products, the resource w...
146 In situ production of Utah oil sands2008-03-12in situ; Utah oil sands; oil sands production; tar sand deposits; Whiterocks eolian sandstone
147 Millennium synfuels project: Retort process characterization2008-03-12synefuels; retort process; retort process characterization; energy security; retorting technology; oil shale processing; hybrid energy system; HES-Energy security issue has led to interest in coal-to-liquids technologies, -One approach use retorting technology commonly associated with oil shale processing, -Hybrid Energy System (HES) technology developed by: Millennium Synfuels, LLC - joint venture of Ambre Energy Pty, Ltd (Australia) and Oil...
148 Status of the OSEC White River oil shale project2010-04-28OSEC; shale; status report.Major milestones in 2008: 1) Formed joint venture with Petrobras and Mitsui 2) Acquired Cliffs Synfuel Corporation 3) Initiated feasibility study
149 Enhanced in-situ production through fracturing2010-04-28in-situ production; fracturing; fracturing methodsRationale For Fracturing: 1) Ultra-Low Matrix Permeability 2) Poorly Interconnected Fracture Network 3) Desire to Maximize Surface Area, Minimize Transport Distance In Matrix and Increase Conductivity of Flow Paths For Production 4) Increase Surface Area, Increase Fracture Frequency
150 Water management for oil sand and oil shale development in Utah: Challenges and solutions2009-02-27water management; oil sands; oil shale; integrated water managementAnalysis of the water management and impact issues relevant to oil sands and oil shale development in Utah, presented at the 2009 Western U.S. Oil Sands Conference by Steve Burian, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Utah
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