126 - 150 of 155
Number of results to display per page
126 Precise three-dimensional manipulation of microtubule filaments to probe mechanisms of cargo transport2017Textir_etd
127 Using constellation pharmacology to assess molecular determinants of cellular phenotypes2017Textir_etd
128 Microtubule geometry and thermal modulation of molecular motors Tug-Of-War2017Textir_etd
129 The influence of host diversity, transmission and microbiome on virulence evolution2017Textir_etd
130 The length control mechanisms of Type-III secretion systems in salmonella enterica2017Textir_etd
131 Ecological and social influences on orangutan long call behavior and acoustic variation2017Textir_etd
132 The ecological basis of genetic variation in parasite populations2017Textir_etd
133 Ecological factors influencing community structure of parasites and their hosts2017Textir_etd
134 Ecology and conservation of large carnivores in a human-dominated landscape in Eastern Anatolia2017Textir_etd
135 Speech-related gene foxp2 expression in the central vocal pathways of the African clawed frogs2018Textir_uspace
136 Predicting tree gas exchange and mortality risk of forests during drought2018Textir_etd
137 Insights into generalist and specialist life histories: how they shape the genomic architecture of chelicerate herbivores and impact the transcriptomic responses of two economically important grass species2018Textir_etd
138 Carotenoid pigments and pesticide resistance: genomic perspecitves fro a small but prolific mite herbivore2018Textir_etd
139 The interplay of morphological adaptations and neuromuscular control2018Textir_etd
140 The ecology of host tolerance: responses of galápagos mockingbirds to philornis downsi2018Textir_etd
141 Membrance tension, calcium, and Eisosomes2019Textir_etd
142 The molecular basis of hybrid incompartibility and detecting recurrent positive selection in genomic data2019Textir_etd
143 Combining long-term field research and community science to measure the impacts of global change on bird populations2019Textir_etd
144 The influence of wastewater treatment on the resistome of an Urban watershed2019Textir_etd
145 The Effect of Inorganic VS Organic Fertilizer on an Urban Lawn in Salt Lake City, Utah2019Textir_htoa
146 Feather samples as a source of DNA for species identification of banded empidonaxflycatchers2019Textir_etd
147 Genes involved in the stabilization of the mature nervous system2019Textir_etd
148 Understanding and communicating the effects of isolation on community ecology and population genetics of tropical canopy plants2019Textir_etd
149 Molecular profiling of cells in the Vocal center of African Clawed Frog2019Textir_etd
150 The Mechanism of Lysosome Movement During ER Stress2019Textir_htoa
126 - 150 of 155