101 - 125 of 390
Number of results to display per page
101 Dialectical behavioral therapy, mindfulness, emotion regulation, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia: A preliminary investigation into the effects of mindfulness practice in a transdiagnostic clinical population2015-03Textir_htoa
102 Difference to Inference: teaching logical and statistical reasoning through on-line interactivity2001Textir_uspace
103 Differences Between Mother and Peer Listeners in the Encouragement Of Perspective-Taking2020Textir_htoa
104 Differential outcomes among adolescent fathers: understanding fatherhood as a transformative process2003-10-18Textir_uspace
105 Direct and indirect minority stress experiences of parents with gay, lesbian, or bisexual children2017Textir_etd
106 Disaggregating the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder on academic performance in a Veteran sample2018Textir_etd
107 Dispositional mindfulness and stress resilience: self-regulatory capacity, affective stability, and presleep arousal in daily life2016Textir_etd
108 Distraction-based coping and emotion regulation difficulties as predictors of high-risk behaviorTextir_htoa
109 Do different types of negative events lead to distinct adaptive functioning threats?2015Textir_etd
110 Does choice moderate the effects of received social support on cardiovascular reactivity?2013-12Textir_etd
111 Does language guide behavior in children with autism?2013Textir_etd
112 Does the shoe fit? Applying lessons learned in aviation to healthcare2012-01-01Textir_uspace
113 Dyadic examination of posttraumatic stress symptoms, relationship satisfaction, and potential mediators in military couples2014-08Textir_etd
114 Dynamic systems approach to the life sciences2008Textir_uspace
115 Dynamic systems theory places the scientist in the system2002Textir_uspace
116 Dynamical systems analysis of gender-related interest development in online coursework2017Textir_etd
117 EEG and cognitive correlates of elementary task performance2015-05Textir_htoa
118 Educational and demographic variables and their relation to teachers' knowledge of literacy2010Textir_etd
119 Eeg time-Frequency Dynamics Associated with eye Blink Suppession2017Textir_htoa
120 Effect of prolonged nature exposure on mindfulness and P300 Amplitude2020Textir_htoa
121 Effect of stress on empathic accuracy in romantic couples2016Textir_etd
122 Effects of Punishment on Behavior in Concurrent VI schedules as a function of relative reinforcement density1972Textir_etd
123 Effects of a brief parent intervention to increase attendance, positive outcomes, and satisfaction with their child's therapy treatment2010-08Textir_etd
124 Effects of a prebirth coparenting intervention on the parenting behaviors of young fathers2010-04-26Textir_etd
125 Effects of competition in games and exposure to a model on children's aggressive and high-active behavior1970Textir_etd
101 - 125 of 390