101 - 125 of 487
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101 McDaniel, SusanOlder women: their quest for justice and peaceMyths, misconceptions and stereotypes about women and about older people combine in ways that prevent us from noticing some promising new developments in the quest for justice and peace. A popular stereotype sees the person working toward peace and justice as youthful, and significantly, often male....Women; Peace; Justice1988
102 Hartmann, Donald P.Considerations in the choice of interobserver reliability estimatesTwo types of interobserver reliability values may be needed in treatment studies in which observers constitute the primary data-acquisition system: trial reilability and the reliability of the composite unit or score which is subsequently analyzed, e.g., daily or weekly session totals. Two approache...Observational technology; Reliability; Validity; Statistics; Recording and measurement techniques; Cohen's kappa; Generalizability theory; Measurement theory; Spearman-Brown prophesy formula; Correlational measures1977
103 Wei, Y. H. DennisMulti-scale regional inequality in Guangdong, China2011
104 Sansone, CarolThe relationship between motivation & Engagement in online lessions: the role of performance goals
105 Kesner, Raymond P.The role of GABA-ergic interneurons in CA1 and dentate gyrus for sequence learningThe hippocampus (HPP) is widely accepted as a structure that supports spatial memory. Current interest is focused on temporal processing for sequences of events. It has been demonstrated that HPP lesions disrupt acquisition of a spatial temporal sequence in an 8-arm maze (DeCoteau & Kesner, 2000)....Hippocampus, learning, memory, interneuron, CA1, dentate gyrus, sequence2010
106 McDaniel, SusanPolitiques sociales, changements économiques et démographiques et vieillissement de la population canadienne : leurs interactionsNecessaire à la decision politique, la prévision des effets qu'aura le vieillissement demographique sur la société doit débrouiller un écheveau de changements économiques, démographiques, politiques et sociaux. Pour comprendre le jeu de ces facteurs, l'auteur analyse, à partir de faits conc...2003
107 Hall, Thad; Roberts, Brian F.Military voting and the law: procedural and technological solutions to the ballot transit problemDuring the 2000 presidential election controversy in Florida, the ballots submitted by individuals living overseas-especially military voters-were seen as crucial to the election outcome as the margin of potential victory was so small that these ballots could turn the election from one candidate ...Military, Voting; United States, elections; Absentee Ballot2007-01-12
108 Zimmer, ZacharyLiving arrangements of older adults in the developing world: an analysis of DHS household surveysUsing data from Demographic and Health Surveys, this study examines living arrangements of older adults in 43 developing countries and compares patterns by gender, world regions, and macro-level measures of socioeconomic development. Indicators include household size, headship, relationship to head...Demographic and Health Surveys; Living arrangements; Older adults2001
109 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Different voices of gender: social recognitionMany researchers have shown that men and women speak differently. In this paper we examine whether these differences extend to the interpretation of speech. Men and women were recorded as they described their participation in a common interpersonal dilemma.Gender differences1997
110 Hall, ThadInternet voting in comparative perspective: the case of EstoniaABSTRACT Several countries have conducted Internet voting trials in binding public elections over the past decade, including Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. However, Estonia-a former Soviet republic and now a full member of the European Union-has advanced the farthest in dep...2009-07
111 Drews, Frank; Westenskow, Dwayne R.; Bermudez, Julio Cesar; Syroid, Noah Daniel; Agutter, James A.; Strayer, David LeeEvaluation of a cardiovascular display in a high fidelity simulatorHuman error in anesthesia can be attributed to misleading information from patient monitors or to the physician's failure to recognize a pattern. A graphic representation of monitored data may provide better support for detection, diagnosis, and treatment. We designed a graphic display to show hemod...Patient monitors; Visual information; Graphic displays2003
112 McDaniel, SusanMedical culture and health politics: the Ontario debateThe 1986 doctors' strike in Ontario brought into stark relief many of the issues that have been latent in Canadian health politics for several decades. In this paper, an analysis from a sociological perspective is offered of the issues involved in the 1986 doctors' strike. Issues are discussed i...1988
113 Gelfand, Donna M.Characteristics of Venezuelan school refusers toward the development of a high-risk profileParent, teacher, and child reports were used to identify situational and personal factors associated with school refusal in 114 3- to 13-year-old Venezuelan children. The sample consisted of 57 school refusers and 57 nonrefusers matched on age, school, and sex. As compared with nonrefusers, the refu...1987
114 Diamond, LisaPhysiological measuresHistorically, psychophysiological measures have made an invaluable contribution to personality psychology. Questions regarding interindividual differences and intraindividual changes in emotion, cognition, motivation, arousal, and attention are core topics within personality psychology, and the...Personality; Psychology; Physiology2007
115 Hawkes, KristenWhy hunter-gatherers work: An ancient version of the problem of public goodsFrom the abstract: People who hunt and gather for a living share some resources more widely than others. A favored hypothesis to explain the differential sharing is that giving up portions of large, unpredictable resources obligates others to return shares of them later, reducing everyone's variance...Hunter-gatherer societies; Public goods2001-08
116 Hawkes, KristenFood sharing among Ache hunter-gatherers of Eastern ParaguayEmpirical research on food sharing among hunter-gatherers should provide critical data for evaluating both the possible role of food sharing in hominid evolution and the question of how such behavior could be selected.Hunter-gatherers; Ache; Paraguay; Anthropology1988-02
117 Zimmer, ZacharyChanges in functional limitations and survival among the elderly in Taiwan: 1993, 1996, and 1999This paper focuses on changes in the prevalence of functional limitations among nationally representative samples of adults aged 65 and older in Taiwan as measured in 1993, 1996, and 1999. Using data from the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, we investigate changes in diff...Functional limitation; Climbing stairs2002
118 McDaniel, SusanWomen's roles and reproduction: the changing picture in Canada in the 1980'sThe social roles of women have always been affected by their reproductive roles. Recently in Canada, as well as elsewhere, several challenges to traditional thinking about women's roles and reproduction have emerged. These challenges have called into question the models typically used to analyze wom...Childbearing; Motherhood; Childcare1988
119 Svedin, LinaSmall-State crisis management: the lcelandic wayThe editors would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to a number of people and institutions, which have made this volume on Icelandic crisis management possible. We would like to first of all thank all of the case writers for their pioneering research and for their Icelandic stubbornness and accep...2004
120 Yu, ZhouImmigrants and housing markets in mid-size metropolitan areasThe recent trend of immigrants arriving in mid-size metropolitan areas has received growing attention in the literature. This study examines the success of immigrants in the housing markets of a sample 60 metropolitan areas using Census microdata in both 2000 and 2005. The results suggest that immig...2009
121 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Alone in the ivory tower: how birth events vary among male and female fast-track professionalsWe use data from the 2000 Census Public Use Microsample to examine the likelihood of a birth event, defined as the household presence of a child under two years old, for male and female professionals. Physicians have the highest rate of birth events, followed in order by attorneys and academics. W...Fertility; Family; Occupation; Academic careers; Census2009-06-10
122 Werner, Carol M.Teaching the concept of precycling: a campaign and evaluationABSTRACT: Precycling, or purchasing wisely to reduce waste, is the EPA-preferred way to conserve resources and extend landfill life. A 3-month campaign of radio, television, and in-store advertising was effective at teaching the concept of precycling. After the campaign, telephone interviews indicat...Recycling; EPA; Waste management1996
123 Rogers, Alan R.Model of kin-structured migrationWhen individuals disperse from one local group to another, they often do so in the company of relatives. This is known as "kin-structured migration," and its effect on genetic population structure is investigated here. It is shown that when migration is kin-structured, the ratio of between- to with...Fission; Mobility; Population1987
124 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Spatial and temporal stability of mtDNA haplogroup frequencies in native North AmericaMitochondrial DNA lineage frequencies in prehistoric Aleut, eastern Utah Fremont, Southwestern Anasazi, Pyramid Lake, and Stillwater Marsh skeletal samples from northwest Nevada and the Oneota of western Illinois are compared with those in 41 contemporary aboriginal populations of North America. T...Mitochondrial DNA; Lineage variation; Haplogroup assignment2000
125 Fogel, Alan DaleMaternal speech to three-month-old infants in the United States and JapanAn American-Japanese comparison of maternal speech to 3-month-old infants is presented. Mother-infant dyads were videotaped in the laboratory, and the maternal speech was analysed by function and syntactic form. US mothers were more information-oriented than were Japanese mothers; they also used mor...Maternal speech; Information-oriented; Affect-oriented; Prelinguistic infants; Baby talk1990
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