101 - 125 of 7,233
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101 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryOn centipeds and millipeds from Mexican CavesThis paper is a report on centipeds and millipeds taken in the caves in the states of Vera Cruz, San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon and Guerrero by Drs. F. lionet and C. Bolivar and associates of the Escuela Xacional de Ciencias Naturales of Mexico. The material from these caves forms part of an extensive ...1942-11-20
102 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryOn Mexican centipedsThis paper presents the results of a taxonomic study of extensive collections of Mexican centipeds made by Dr. F. Bonet of the Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas, Instituto Polytecnico Nacional, and Ur. C. Bolivar of the Instituto Enfermadades Tropicales, and their associates. For their generos...1943-02-12
103 Rees, Don M.The Mosquitoes of UtahIn the preparation of this bulletin, an effort has been made to bring together what is known about the mosquito fauna of Utah. Prior to the initiation of the present investigation, very little work had been done in the state in connection with this important problem. The available information on the...1943-03-04
104 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryNew genera and species of North American linyphiid spidersThis paper is based upon a portion of the new Linyphiid spiders in the University of Utah Collection with the exception of two species from the American Museum Collection included through the courtesy of Dr. Willis J. Gertsch. Twenty-six species and two subspecies are here described for the first ti...1943-05-28
105 Behle, William H.Birds of pine valley mountain region, Southwestern UtahIt has long been a practice among ornithologists to study the distribution, variation, and ecological relationships of birds in areas characterized by diverse physiographic features. Such studies are motivated usually by the desire to aid in finding solutions for the many problems concerning the dis...1943-08-10
106 Mulaik, Stanley & DorotheaNew Texas terrestrial isopods with notes on other speciesIn a previous paper (1 ) the authors reported new records and gave descriptions and figures o f new species of terrestrial Isopods. Further studies of their collections reveal additional material of considerable interest, and some of the findings are recorded here. I t is believed that careful colle...1943-08-12
107 Chamberlin, Ralph V.On some genera and species of American MillipedsThe notes and diagnoses in this paper are based primarily upon a small but interesting collection of millipeds recently made in Georgia by Wilton Ivie, and upon specimens in the Field Museum collection chiefly from neighboring sections of the southern states.1943-10-15
108 Chamberlin, Ralph V.On Mexican MillipedsThis contribution toward knowledge of the diplopod fauna of Mexico is based primarily upon the extensive and important collections made during the last few years by Dr. F. Bonet of the Escuela Vacional de Ciencias Biologicas and Dr. 0. Bolivar of the Instituto Enfermadades Tropicales of the Institut...1943-10-28
109 Flowers, SevilleFerns of UtahThe distribution of many species of our ferns is not well known in Utah. Collectors have centered their work around certain localities and many blank spots appear on the distributional map. One might presume certain species to be present in some of these unexplored areas but specimens are still to b...1944-11-15
110 Jones, David T.Two protozoans from Great Salt LakeThe amoeba inhabiting the waters of Great Salt Lake, which has been previously referred to Amoeba Umax (Dujard in) . Named for mv colleague at the University of Utah, Dr. Seville Flowers. Type localtiv, Garfield Beach, Great Salt Lake, Utah. Type figures 1 to 3. Small amoebae, 18 to 40 micra in diam...1944-11-15
111 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Spiders of the Georgia region of North AmericaThis paper has developed from a study undertaken initially to determine, s far as possible from available evidence, the proper application of the _ames based by Walckenaer upon Abbot' s drawings of the spiders of Georgia. The validity of these names has not been seriously questioned since the redisc...1944-12-10
112 Woodbury, Angus M.Birds of the Navajo CountryThe Navajo country as covered in this paper lies in southeastern Utah and northeastern Arizona and is bounded on the north, west and south by the San Juan, Colorado, Little Colorado and Rio Puerco rivers and on the east by the Arizona-New Mexico state line. That part of the Navajo country lying in n...1945-03-01
113 Mulaik, StanleyNew mites in the family caeculidaeIn a collection of arachnids from the southwestern part of the United States made by the author and his wife, Dorothea, was a series of the little known mites of the family Caeculidae. These are fairly large mites measuring up to 1.6 mm. The common name of rake-legged mites is derived from the chara...1945-03-15
114 Chamberlin, Joseph C.The genera and species of the tridenchthoniidae (dithidae) a family of the Arachnid order chelonethidaIn 1931, J. C. Chamberlin published an extensive treatise on the comparative external morphology and higher classification of the Chelonethida (pseudoscorpions or false scorpions).2 At that time it was the purpose to follow this work with a second volume dealing with the generic classification of th...1945-06-20
115 Durrant, Stephen D.The distribution and taxonomy of Kangaroo rats (genus dipodomys) of UtahThe first comprehensive work on the mammals of Utah was published by Barnes in 1922. In this work (Barnes 1922:86-87) only two kangaroo rats were known from the confines of the state. They were known at that time as Perodipus montcmus utahensis and Perodipus longipes. In Barnes revised edition (1927...1945-06-30
116 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Some Erigonid Spiders of the Genera Eulaira and DiplocentriaThis paper deals with some species of Eulaira and Diplocentria found in the Ncarctic area, with the intent o f placing them in their proper genera and describing those species which are new. The types of the new speciejlsare in the University of Utah collection. Eulaira and Diplocentria appear to be...1945-10-20
117 Chamberlin, Ralph V.On several new American SpidersHerein are described a few species of spiders, from the United States, which were determined as new, while labeling up part of the collection. In the triton-sexpunctcitus complex of the Dolomedes, it was noted that at least four species are represented. Two of the sjjecies were assigned to triton an...1946-03-25
118 Woodbury, Angus M.; Behle, William H.; Sugden, John W.Color-banding California gulls at Great Salt Lake, UtahIn 1938, under the Pacific Color-Banding Project initiated by the Western Bird-Banding Association to study gull migration and life history, We stern Gulls and Glaucous-winged Gulls were banded along the coast and California Gulls at Mono Lake, California. The following year banding was undertaken i...1946-06-30
119 Douglas, A. E.Researches in dendrochronologyThe Labora I or v ol Tre e-Ring Research of the I 'mversi tv of Arizona lias developed a new source of climatic data in tile rings of properly located trees and a new method of cyclic analysis specially adapted to handling climatic changes. These two features seem to the writer to open a gateway thr...1946-07-12
120 Chamberlin, Joseph C.The Genera and Species of the Hyidae a family of the arachnid order chelonethidaThis is the second contribution toward a revision of the generic classification of the Chelonethida. The nature and scope of this proposed work has been discussed in the first paper of the series dealing with the Tridenchthoniidae (J. C. and R. V. Chamberlin, Utah Univ. Bui. Biol. Ser., V, Vol. 9, n...1946-08-18
121 Mulaik, Dorothea De MuthA comparative study of the urinogenital systems of an oviparous and two ovoviviparous species of the lizard genus sceloporusIn the comparative study of the urinogenital systems of the American lizards by Brooks (1906), all the species studied by him were oviparous. One of the genera, Sceloporus, is now known to contain ovoviviparous forms as well. The presence of both oviparity and ovoviviparity in the same genus suggest...1946-11-20
122 Bradford, NettieProperty rights of animalsThe problem here treated includes the property rights and spatial relationships o f animals, with special reference to the land vertebrates. With little work done in the way of collecting and compiling materials pertaining to this field, the references and literature were widely scattered. Sources o...1946-11-30
123 Chamberlin, Ralph V.The spiders of AlaskaThis paper is the result p rimarily of a study of the h igh ly important arachnid collections made by Dr. Joseph C. Chamberlin in Alaska during the summer seasons of 1943, 1944 and 1945 d urin g which he was engaged for the U. S. Department of A g riculture in entomological investigation, ch iefly i...1947-01-25
124 Chamberlin, Ralph V.The vachoniidae - A new family of false scorpions two new species from Caves in Yucatanexistence of a well-defined and previously unrecognized family of the false scorpions belonging to the superfamily Neobisioidea. The family characteristics are well marked, the most distinctive being the venom apparatus of the chela, which is functionally developed in the movable finger only. A vest...1947-08-26
125 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A summary of the known North American AmaurobiidaeA recent survey o f the spiders o f the family Amaurobiidae, sens, str., in the collection o f the University o f Utah made it evident that a number o f species and also generic groups occurring more especially in the western states had heretofore escaped detection and naming. It also seemed evident...1947-10-12
101 - 125 of 7,233