101 - 125 of 10,887
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101 Gerig, GuidoGroup mean differences of voxel and surface objects via nonlinear averagingBuilding of atlases representing average and variability of a population of images or of segmented objects is a key topic in application areas like brain mapping, deformable object segmentation and object classification. Recent developments in image averaging, i.e. constructing an image which is cen...2006-01-01
102 Francis, LeslieGroup compromise: perfect cases make problematic generalizationsRothstein argues that groups may be harmed by research on deidentified data. He concludes that researchers are obligated to minimize group harms and demonstrate respect for a studied group through robust opt-out capacities, information about the possibility of group-based harms, and publications ref...2010-01-01
103 Armentrout, Peter B.Infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of protonated histidine and 4-phenyl imidazoleThe gas-phase structures of protonated histidine (His) and the side-chain model, protonated 4-phenyl imidazole (PhIm), are examined by infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) action spectroscopy utilizing light generated by the free electron laser FELIX. To identify the structures present in t...2012-01-01
104 Regehr, JohnInferring scheduling behavior with hourglassAlthough computer programs explicitly represent data values, time values are usually implicit. This makes it difficult to analyze and debug real-time programs whose correctness depends partially on the time at which results are computed. This paper shows how to use Hourglass, an instrumented, synthe...2002-01-01
105 Blumenthal, Donald K.In vivo evaluation of the delivery and efficacy of a sirolimus-laden polymer gel for inhibition of hyperplasia in a porcine model of arteriovenous hemodialysis graft stenosisSynthetic arteriovenous (AV) hemodialysis grafts are plagued by hyperplasia resulting in occlusion and graft failure yet there are no clinically available preventative treatments. Here the delivery and degradation of a sirolimus-laden polymer gel were monitored in vivo by magnetic resonance imaging ...2012-01-01
106 Frederick, Jeanne M.Inactivity of human β,β-carotene-9′, 10-′dioxygenase (BCO2) underlies retinal accumulation of the human macular carotenoid pigmentThe macula of the primate retina uniquely concentrates high amounts of the xanthophyll carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin, but the underlying biochemical mechanisms for this spatial- and species-specific localization have not been fully elucidated. For example, despite abundant reti...2014-01-01
107 Mitchell, Joyce A.Integrating historical clinical and financial data for pharmacological researchBackground: Retrospective research requires longitudinal data, and repositories derived from electronic health records (EHR) can be sources of such data. With Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act meaningful use provisions, many institutions are expected to adop...2011-01-01
108 Wittwer, Carl T.Influence of PCR reagents on DNA polymerase extension rates measured on real-time PCR instrumentsBACKGROUND: Radioactive DNA polymerase activity methods are cumbersome and do not provide initial extension rates. A simple extension rate assay would enable study of basic assumptions about PCR and define the limits of rapid PCR. METHODS: A continuous assay that monitors DNA polymerase extension us...2014-01-01
109 Forster, Richard R.Initial in situ measurements of perennial meltwater storage in the Greenland firn aquiferA perennial storage of water in a firn aquifer was discovered in southeast Greenland in 2011. We present the first in situ measurements of the aquifer, including densities and temperatures. Water was present at depths between ~12 and 37m and amounted to 18.7 ± 0.9 kg in the extracted core. The wate...2014-01-01
110 Minteer, Shelley D.In recognition of Adam Heller and his enduring contributions to electrochemistryRecent progress in diverse scientific fields ranging from bioelectrochemistry to battery technology to photoconversion has been deeply influenced by the contributions of Professor Adam Heller of the University of Texas at Austin to electrochemistry and materials science. This focus issue recognizes ...2014-01-01
111 Regehr, JohnMemory safety and untrusted extensions for TinyOSSensor network applications should be reliable. However, TinyOS, the dominant sensor net OS, lacks basic building blocks for reliable software systems: memory protection, isolation, and safe termination. These features are typically found in general-purpose operating systems but are believed to be t...2006-01-01
112 Balasubramonian, RajeevMemZip: exploring unconventional benefits from memory compressionMemory compression has been proposed and deployed in the past to grow the capacity of a memory system and reduce page fault rates. Compression also has secondary benefits: it can reduce energy and bandwidth demands. However, most prior mechanisms have been designed to focus on the capacity metric an...2014-01-01
113 Jameson, Kenneth P.Measuring the effect of Bi-directional migration remittances on poverty and inequality in NicaraguaThis paper examines the impact of migrants' remittances on poverty and income distribution in Nicaragua. Nicaraguan emigrants are fairly evenly distributed between the United States and Costa Rica. Poorer migrants overwhelmingly migrate to Costa Rica; richer migrants favor the United States. This bi...2011-01-01
114 Sekercioglu, CaganMeasuring the meltdown: drivers of global amphibian extinction and declineHabitat loss, climate change, over-exploitation, disease and other factors have been hypothesised in the global decline of amphibian biodiversity. However, the relative importance of and synergies among different drivers are still poorly understood. We present the largest global analysis of roughly ...2008-01-01
115 Lupton, John MarkMechanisms of spin-dependent dark conductivity in films of a soluble fullerene derivative under bipolar injectionWe report room-temperature pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance measurements of the dark conductivity of films of the fullerene derivative [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) under bipolar (electron-hole) and unipolar (electron-rich) injection conditions. Directly after mate...2014-01-01
116 Mitchell, Joyce A.Mendelian inheritance in man: diagnoses in the UMLSBecause they deal with many distinct but rare inheritance diseases, geneticists have difficulty translating from their codes to other biomedical coding schemes. The objective ofthis research was to investigate the potential uses and difficulties of using the UMLS Metathesaurus for genetic diagnoses ...1993-01-01
117 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.MEMS-based hemispherical resonator gyroscopesThis paper introduces a fabrication technique that uses planar MEMS micromachining processes to produce hemispherical resonating shells for gyroscopes. The hemispheres exhibit a quality factor in excess of 20,000 with resonant frequencies in the range of 20 kHz for the 4-node wineglass mode. The fab...2012-01-01
118 Roundy, Shadrach J.MEMS testing: transition from millions to billions to trillionsSensors, specifically MEMSbased, have created multiple market tornados over the past 40 years. Most recently there has been a market explosion driven by the widespread adoption of MEMS sensing devices in mobile consumer applications. In the past 5 years the worldwide market has grown from roughly 10...2012-01-01
119 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineMechanically stretchable and reversibly deformable liquid metal-based plasmonicsWe demonstrate that liquid metals are attractive materials for active plasmonic devices at terahertz frequencies. Using a liquid metal injected into an elastomeric mold, we measure the static and stretched transmission properties of aperture arrays.2012-01-01
120 Sudan, KshitijEfficient scrub mechanisms for error-prone emerging memoriesMany memory cell technologies are being considered as possible replacements for DRAM and Flash technologies, both of which are nearing their scaling limits. While these new cells (PCM, STT-RAM, FeRAM, etc.) promise high density, better scaling, and non-volatility, they introduce new challenges. Solu...2012-01-01
121 Steenburgh, William JamesEpisodic dust events of Utahs Wasatch Front and adjoining regionEpisodic dust events cause hazardous air quality along Utah's Wasatch Front and dust loading of the snowpack in the adjacentWasatch Mountains. This paper presents a climatology of episodic dust events of the Wasatch Front and adjoining region that is based on surface weather observations from the Sa...2012-01-01
122 Kasera, Sneha K.Energy efficient radio tomographic imagingIn this paper, our goal is to develop approaches to reduce the energy consumption in Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI)-based methods for device free localization without giving up localization accuracy. Our key idea is to only measure those links that are near the current location of the moving object...2014-01-01
123 Mishchenko, EugeneEquilibrium currents in chiral systems with nonzero Chern numberWe describe a simple quantum-mechanical approach to calculating equilibrium particle current along the edge of a system with nontrivial band spectrum topology. The approach does not require any a priori knowledge of the band topology and, as a matter of fact, treats topological and nontopological co...2014-01-01
124 Liu, FengEpitaxial growth of large-gap quantum spin Hall insulator on semiconductor surface : The substrate orbital filtering effectFormation of topological quantum phase on conventional semiconductor surface is of both scientific and technological interest. Here, we demonstrate epitaxial growth of 2D topological insulator, i.e. quantum spin Hall (QSH) state, on Si(111) surface with a large energy gap, based on first-principles ...2014-01-01
125 Scarpulla, MichaelEnhanced light absorption in thin-film silicon solar cells by scattering from Embedded Dielectric NanoparticlesWe investigate the light-trapping effects of dielectric nanoparticles embedded within the active semiconductor layer of a thin-film solar cell. The baseline model consists of a 1.0 μm slab of crystalline silicon on an aluminum back contact topped with a 75 nm Si3N4 anti-reflective coating. Using fi...2011-01-01
101 - 125 of 10,887